Backup? What Backup, your Honour?

Lying to judges is bad form and likely to get you spanked.

“The Obama IRS obstructed and lied to a federal judge and Judicial Watch in an effort to hide the truth about Lois Lerner’s emails,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The IRS is out of control and Judicial Watch is happy that Judge Sullivan has taken this key step to remind the agency that it is accountable to the rule of law and the American people.”

14 Replies to “Backup? What Backup, your Honour?”

  1. As I said at the time, failure to keep adequate backups of government records is at least as big a scandal as the targeting, and since they openly admitted to that under oath it should have been an easier target. Al Capone and tax evasion, etc.

  2. This is known as a criminal offence called OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.
    Somebody ought to be GOING TO GAOL!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  3. Finding out why Obama would be interested in stomping on people
    who were trying to give RINO errand boys in congress a hard time
    could prove to be enlightening.
    Using normal logic, the “Tea Party” GOP faction would be secretly
    supported or at least had their way smoothed by the DemocRats rather
    than get harassed by their thugs.
    Very odd.

  4. And Nixon was apparently disgraced by learning about a crime after the fact and not ratting out his friends. This is considerably more disturbing than Watergate.

  5. “This is considerably more disturbing than Watergate.”
    One of several scandals that is.
    The fact that this administration is not paralyzed by constant press hounding & several ongoing investigations and such is a testament to how much in the tank the MSM & the usual suspects are for it.

  6. It is very possible that Nixon had to step down so that an inquiry would not find out that what the plumbers stole was evidence as to what went down on the Kennedy assassinations. Hunt, a confessed participant in the JFK deal was also one of the Watergate plumbers. Nixon bailed J Rubenstein’s sorry ass out in 1947, so that he would not have to testify before a house commission, J Rubenstein = Jack Ruby, HLO’s shooter

  7. “”…happy that Judge Sullivan has taken this key step to remind the agency that it is accountable to the rule of law and the American people.””
    Should be pretty clear at this point that this, as well as many previous administrations, don’t give a flying fork about the rule of LAW, the Constitution or ANY accountability to the American sheeple.

  8. It is apparent that they did obstruct justice. In order for them to be charged, the US DOJ must make the charges at the federal level. The individual state’s attorneys general cannot do so.
    So it comes down to, how long does the Statute of Limitations run for the obstruction of justice, and any other crimes that were committed? How far past January 21, 2017 do the next federal prosecutors have to lay charges?
    And when did the US become a banana republic, with the laws ignored by those in power?

  9. No, they’ll string it out until the end of 2016, then Obomber will grant a pardon.

  10. So Obomber’s DOJ is going to seriously investigate Obomber’s IRS? I don’t think so, that’s not the way it’s done in Venezuela.

  11. Ideology and electoral politics. The T Party folks were the guys who did the leg work in Republican campaigns; they were cowed by this IRS treatment.
