29 Replies to “Knock Knock. Who’s there? Ezra”

  1. Good for Ezra! Can’t wait to see the full thing.
    Oil and gas businesses, and those who in general believe in freedom, must start fighting back against the rising tide of socialist, progressive, commies. Everyone has been too polite when dealing with these lying, socialist bastards and their dirty games.

  2. Yes, we’re hitting the local franchise owner. Who in turn will raise unholy hell on corporate head office. Much better than we ever could.

  3. Well djb, I would surmise that boycotting your local outlet is the only method available to the common man on the street especially when many other coffee shops are available.
    How much impact do you think picketing Tim’s head office would have? And who has the time to do it?

  4. Why did people suggest they would punish Tim Horton’s for airing the Enbridge advertisement? Fascists. What do they think Tim Horton’s is? A university?
    If the franchise owners feel the head office is idiotic, they should take it up with them.

  5. Why would Tim Horton’s be against cleaning up the so called “Tar Sands”.
    It’s among the greatest natural oil spills in a geological formation.
    Various oil companies are removing the oil and replacing it with CLEAN SAND.
    After the oil companies are done it should be the world’s CLEANEST BEACH; as it was underwater in pre Cambrian times…!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  6. “Don’t turn the camera on”…=)
    This is not the CBC calling, this is a real life ‘investigative reporter’ in Canada,
    who has survived the ‘cultural genocide'( to coin a phrase) of Canadian journalism.

  7. I look forward to watching this tonight!
    Since the Boycott began, I have driven past several Timmies in my normal course of my daily activities. I distinctly remember the drive thru’s being solidly packed all the time (Especially during the morning and lunch time) – Lately all I have seen is a car or two in the drive thru’s at a time (as opposed to 20+)
    While I feel for the local franchisee owners who are being affected by this – I am certain this drastic drop in sales has to be noticed @ Tim’s corporate, and that these owners are raising holy heck! Depending on their Agreement, they could have a legitimate shot at a Legal Suit against corporate…

  8. Hans, you are absolutely correct. It is an oil spill of monstrous proportions. One would think that the eco-freaks would support the clean-up and be tickled pink that the oil is not being dumped elsewhere.

  9. The jobs of Tim Hortons employees are no more sacrosanct than those of Enbridge employees.
    Indeed, there’s no doubt in my mind that there is a direct correlation between the numbers of oil sands workers and the demand for Tim Hortons outlets in Alberta.
    If you’re intent on alienating your own customer base you probably shouldn’t be surprised if your company fails.

  10. The only way a franchise owner would ever get back to the head office about this is if they begin to “feel the pinch”.
    Keep buying if you wish but I prefer to stand firm with the oil workers.
    In the meantime I have discovered Coffee Time.
    And it’s great, by the way.

  11. Folks.
    Stop worrying about the franchise owner. He’s not your friend. He imports most of his labour because he doesn’t want to pay Canadian wages. He makes a fortune selling crappy coffee to stupid people too lazy to brew it at home. Most of those are obese and he sells them unhealthy donuts too. I have seen Tim Horton wrappers and garbage in pristine environments that his slovenly customers leave behind. Who are these morons to lecture me on environmental issues?
    It’s just fine for morons like Tooker Gomberg to chain himself to a coker going up to the oilsands and cause costly delays. It’s just fine for envirotards to trespass and sabotage and threaten working men and their families. It’s okay for the lefties to play dirty at the drop of a hat. THEY made those rules, not us. Now they are trying to use Tim’s as a weapon against us.
    I am just peachy with taking that gun away from them and turning it around on them – and using it if need be. Oil and gas is our bread and butter out here. If Tims is going to screw with my livelihood, I am going to screw with theirs. Shove your coffee up your corporate arse, Tim! I can drink whatever’s in the thermos or jerry can, and I am not going to finance your attacks on me or my fellow Albertans.

  12. Most of those are obese and he sells them unhealthy donuts too.
    I only eat healthy donuts, the ones that can pound out 50 push-ups before breakfast.

  13. I would be very interested in knowing exactly who was responsible for this gem of monumentally stupid decision-making. I hope someday that the person’s name and job title is announced to the world so that he or she may be subjected to a veritable shitstorm of well-deserved public humiliation and mocking. I rather suspect that it is a low-level executive whose biggest decision up to this point was choosing the right tie in the morning. I also suspect that the punishment will consist of being quietly moved down the corporate ladder to a point where no decision-making is required and the job requirements consist of showing up for work on time and keeping the mouth firmly closed.

  14. Who cares about the franchise owners. They have been making billions collectively for 2 decades. politicians have taken selfies and been seen with tims in their hands to make them seem more Canadian, more common regular guy like. All the while tims and it’s over lords have been working hand in hand to hire foreigners, and de-fame our energy sector. I will no longer (not that i ever did) Associate tim hortons with being a symbol of Canadian culture.Or our values.

  15. My boycott of local TH’s here in the US starts in the morning. Plenty of other places to buy coffee.

  16. Maybe I missed it in all the yelling, but did anyone ask Enbridge what they thought?

  17. Look at it this way:
    1. Enbridge got their ads played for 3 out of 4 weeks in the contract.
    2. They probably got some or all of their money back for Tim’s terminating early.
    3. A lot more people went to watch the ads just to see what the fuss was about.
    Win-win situation for them if they’re congenial about it.

  18. This man is an idiot. Have a friend who has always been a Timmy’s addict (as in, place a cup in my hands in my coffin addict). Said friend really, really blew a gasket over this one, much to my surprise, and is boycotting.
    Me, I liked some offerings but was never that devoted. Now I’ll just go elsewhere.

  19. There is a Tims and Mac ds right next to my shop. I work in the oil and gas industry in western Canada. I usually spend 10$ a day grabbing coffee and what nots from Tims. The drive thru was always busy so I usually walk into their store. They all know me since I am in there at least twice a day. Since this started I have not bought a single item at Tims, nor has any of my employees. We all go to Mac ds and I can’t believe how better their coffee is. I drink 2-3 large DD a day. I have told everyone around me about the controversy and have told them how their livelihood s are under attack both from the ndp govt and foreign funded environmental groups here in Canada and that “not showing up to riot” is a failed policy for anyone working in the oil and gas industry. People are starting to notice and connecting the dots because the work has slowed considerably and people are just now coming around to the realization that the things I have been preaching for the past 3-4 months have some validity. This boycott has legs, don’t stop.
    I like that phrase “taking the gun away from them and pointing it back at them.” Perfect analogy.


  21. Well said. They are exactly as you describe them.
    Keep up the good work Ezra.

  22. Truth is, the serviice has gone downward too – while the employees are friendly and polite, there never seems to be an adult (meaning, over 30) anywhere. One particular Tims at Abbot and Pender (a rough area in Vancouver) seldom has a manager visible and druggies are constantly using their washrooms without buying product. These young boys and girls can’t handle that crowd, but they have no security or manager about. Of course, if they raise the minimum wage to $15/hr. as threatened by the local poverty pimps, no one will be able to afford a coffee there.

  23. Who needs those libtards anyway? Contact Winchell’s here in
    here in America about setting up some franchises in the
    great North woods. Never had any Tim Horton’s dog-nuts
    but I am sure they cannot beat the goods at Winchell’s.
    Corporate entities are like the liberal media and entertainers.
    Sooner or later, they will come to learn that it is simply bad
    business to piss off half your potential customers! Have they
    learned noting from the Dixie Chicks or the train wreck that
    is the Los Angeles Times?

  24. There is a Tim’s beside my son’s school with a Help Wanted sign up, he applied, no call, no interview, they should have added to the bottom of the sign, “Whites need not apply!”

  25. Well it looks like we all know who was responsible for the Enbridge fiasco. I don’t think that the franchisees will be overly vocal with their outrage. This guy gives the impression that, if confronted, he would run and hide but would later react in a vindictive and petty fashion and any uppity franchisees would be punished accordingly.
    Times sure have changed. Back in the day, such a cowardly little turd displaying such a lack of character and intelligence would advance no further than the mail room. Nowadays being the head honcho of the Canadian operation of a large corporation isn’t out of the question.

  26. Brilliant marketing.
    Attempt to please customers whose tastes tend towards the expensive latte from Starbucks while alienating your base.
    It shows why ‘corporate responsibility’ is a mugs game.
    You end up pleasing no one.
