22 Replies to “Rest in Peace”

  1. POS W. Kinsella opines about factions of the Ontario PC party then links them to the murder of Constable Woodall.
    How much are the Wynne Liberals paying him to spew such utter nonsense?
    Do the Wynne Liberals know he’s using the murder of a police officer to score disgusting political points.
    Maybe Kinsella is somehow trying to justify mobilizing his citizen army CAP-
    run out of his office?
    (CAP’s pic looks like a stock photo taken from the “Up with People” folks)
    Either way, it’s one of the most moronic posts he’s ever posted on his blog.

  2. The Mayor of Edmonton said if the LGR was still around this wouldn’t have happened,then backtracked when called on his remark, by Peter McKay.

  3. “The shooter, Shawn Maxwell Rehn, was out on bail facing 15 charges, including escaping lawful custody, possession of a prohibited firearm and failure to show up to a previous bail hearing on the charges.”
    Rather than immediately blame the demise of the LGR, perhaps the good mayor should have asked why this guy was on the loose.

  4. Kinsella also labels a group who are trying to educate the populace about their property rights as an “anti-government group of loons”.
    He provides a link to a report they created. They are not an anti-government group of loons. They are only concerned about the fact that we, as Canadians, do not have true property rights in this country.

  5. Rest in peace Constable Woodall. Thank you for your service.
    It is not surprising the the gun grabbers are trying to use this tragedy to further their cause of ultimately confiscating all firearms. That is what all leftists of Lenin’s, Stalin’s and Hitler’s ilk and so-called moderates do.

  6. The mayor just said something idiotic and the mayor is a socialist but I repeat myself.

  7. These men and women have got guts, and they are aware that their next call could be their last. Let’s just hope that we don’t get into the same mindset as what’s going on in Baltimore, Ferguson and etc., where, had they shot him first, they would be accused of overreacting. Why was the bastard free in the first place? Oh, he had mental health problems – yeah well, don’t we all. I can act crazier than a shithouse mouse at times, but when I start threatening violence and hurting others, it is time to ACT.

  8. “but when I start threatening violence and hurting others”
    The charge was harassment, not uttering threats, not assault, harassment.
    He could have been charged with harassment just for trying to see his kids or he could have been charged with saying things to Muslim protestors that they found to be offensive and hateful.
    Constable Woodall worked for the “hate crimes” unit. They go after political offenders.

  9. Yeah, right Oz, and then he shot two cops, killing one. I don’t know it it was “political” or not, but it’s likely they get calls to step in when they are available, for other reasons – and I certainly haven’t heard the full story – maybe it was “political”. At any rate, it is political now because you want to make it so!

  10. Oooz, what the charge was and what actually happened could be completely unrelated. Seen that happen a few times in other situations. So don’t do your usual and jump the shark

  11. “The shooter, Shawn Maxwell Rehn,…”
    Oz, this quote refers to the casino shooting in January.
    More details about Woodall shooting here:http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/06/09/police-identify-edmonton-officer-killed-in-line-of-duty-as-const-daniel-woodall.html
    “Officers had gone to the man’s home in west Edmonton on Monday night to arrest him on an outstanding warrant for a bylaw offence. There were also going to serve him with documents ordering him to appear in court for criminal harassment.

    Knecht said eight officers approached the door of the home but did not expect violence. They knocked and announced themselves as police and, when no one answered, they started to break in.

    Officers found 53 bullets in the house and garage across the street, said Knecht, who added the officers didn’t fire any rounds.

    Investigators believe Raddatz used a large-bore rifle, a powerful gun that carries big bullets and is often used to hunt big game animals.”
    Next report will probably refer to the gun as a big scary boomstick.

  12. Fine. Scrub my post. Just ban me for pointing out huge inconsistencies with the propaganda/cover up. Did you even read what I wrote and compare it with info in the linked story?
    One day the Hate Crimes unit is going to come and get most of us commenters at SDA.
    Maybe you’ll be saving me some trouble.

  13. “perhaps the good mayor should have asked why this guy was on the loose”
    He was adjudged to not be a danger to the general public.
    A hate crimes unit had to send 6 armed men to “breach”(batter in) the front door of his home in order for him to act in a dangerous manner.
    My bulldog isn’t a danger to the general public but he might naturally defend his home if the front door was battered in by strangers.
    There is a lot of B.S. in this story. Most of it reads as just a smear on Sean Rehn making him deserving of being killed if people would but read it with a little skepticism.
    There is a lot of talk of 15 charges but the information about how many criminal convictions he had is notably absent.
    Charges, do not a criminal make.

  14. I think any genuine conservative should be chilled by the CBC’s headline “Const. Woodall died in fight against hate”, if only because the definition of “hate” is so elastic that it encompasses most speech which does not fit the prevailing left-liberal consensus in this country, including a good many expressions of simple truth. Before entirely condemning Raddatz out of hand, we should be very interested in finding out what his actual crime was, or if he was merely being persecuted for his sincerely-held political opinions. I am generally pro-police and am quite sure that Constable Woodall was a good man whose death ought to be regretted, and I do not believe that violent acts of any kind improve our society, but I also cannot help but remember the famous quotation by Solzhenitsyn beginning “and how we burned in the camps later…” Let us hope that Raddatz’s ultimate fate was merited.

  15. Officer’s go to folks homes all the time to arrest them for outstanding warrants for a bylaw offence. Happens everyday.
    No. What they actually do is cut off their water and other services provided by the city to make the accused come to them.
    That is how it really works.
    They don’t send 6 officers who then morph into 8 to someone’s home.
    “There were also going to serve him with documents ordering him to appear in court for criminal harassment.”
    Lie. What’s the point? The were there to arrest him and have him in custody. That’s why they broke down his door, yes?
    They were going to let him possess papers they were supposedly going to serve him with in remand so he could use them to start a fire? No, that’s not how it’s done. They would have given those to his lawyer after he was in custody which was why they sent 8 officers to his door.
    No. What they do is send a document server, not cops, to serve a notice to appear or they nail it to the front door.
    Remember, “Knecht said eight officers approached the door of the home but did not expect violence.”(which is why they sent 8 officers, yeah)
    Breaking into someone’s house is not SOP and doesn’t jibe with the earlier narrative.
    “Officers found 53 bullets in the house and garage across the street, said Knecht, who added the officers didn’t fire any rounds.”
    Yeah, if true, the guy must have had a semiauto/auto with at least 2 large mags to do that.
    I’m surprised he only killed one and wounded one, then went into his own burning basement to die alone in peace.
    Yeah, makes complete sense./

  16. I see lots of holes in the story as well. Only brought the linked article to show how the story was changing. My best guess the guy had a 12-gauge first loaded with slugs then with buckshot, a 45-70 lever gun is another option, maybe a 44mag lever action? As to the rest of the story I see plenty of contradictions as well. How in a world is a guy on his back deck a witness to what happened in front of his house?
    Re number of cops, six plain clothes (some at least) went in initially when none answered there appears to be a pause, two more uniformed come in and then they try to break in.

  17. From your link at 1:31AM
    Woodall, 35, was killed in a shooting while attempting to execute a search warrant at a home in the Ormsby neighbourhood on Monday night.
    The whole intent was to enter his home in the first place.
    They lied all day long about coming to “arrest him on an outstanding warrant for a bylaw offence” but now they say they were there to “execute a search warrant”.
    That’s why they broke down the door. To search the home.
    Must have been a doozy of a bylaw infraction./

  18. Oz – It’s not as bad as you make it seem. I’m sure your bulldog loves ou to pieces!
