10 Replies to “Tim Hortons”

  1. No surprise here. Has Timmies backed down yet in the face of the counter-boycott?

  2. I boycotted Tim’s yesterday because the lineup was so long that it spilled out into the street.

  3. Tim Hortons is a very successful bad habit for many. I’m surprised they don’t have a TsarBucks tucked into a corner for hipster aspirants among the great unwashed white north.

  4. Unfortunately a boycott hurts the innocent franchisees far more than it hurts Tim Hortons. We can only hope that whoever was responsible for the incredibly stupid Enbridge decision is severely punished for his or her idiocy. Any responsible, successful corporation simply would not want someone that simple-minded on its payroll. Immediate termination, or at the very least, demotion to drive-thru attendant is certainly in order.

  5. It’s never a good thing for any business to get involved with politics and this is political, Left vs Right.
    Too bad about the little guys who operate the franchises but we need to bring them down to timbits if necessary or we all lose.

  6. And that will impact the share price, by declining sales, and fewer franchises.
    That’s where you have to hit the suits and ties, and the shareholders, right in the pocketbook, to make them understand their stupidity of their policies.
    No sympathy for them, already told the wife, NO MORE TIMMIES. I’m done, especially since now it is a Buffett holding.

  7. No need to sympathize with the franchise owners. Most are multi unit owners and millionaires by now. They will punish the company for their stupidity more severely than the public ever could.
    I don’t recall seeing any sympathy for Target employees when it went under.
    Tim does not hesitate to remove an ineffective owner and shed no tears when an owner loses his life savings. They just find another sap to take over.

  8. I’m sure Enbridge would re-configure their pipelines to transport unicorn farts, pixie dust and rainbows if there was a ready supply and demand for such stuff..,..
    But, unfortunately for the enviro-wackos, neither exist.
    Try boycotting Bell, Rogers or Telus because some people use their “pipelines” to transmit bad TV programs, make obscene phone calls and promote Nigerian e-mail scams.
