Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

The NY Times has outdone themselves in the last few days.
First there was ticket-gate where in order to peg Marco Rubio as a derelict driver, 17 citations! (if you add his wife’s to his four)
Now the NY Times has a whole new line of attack.
The paper of record, indeed.

13 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I wonder if he is going to be criticized like Ted Cruz for not being a proper caricature of a Cuban American.

  2. I am not sure if there is any substance to Rubio. He looks like a prettyboy nobody to me. But the more the Times attacks him,the more they inflate his persona.
    Perhaps that’s intentional. Maybe they want him running against Hillary. Who knows…

  3. The New York Slimes is just your avrage liberal news rag it has,nt endorsed a single republican since einenhoer ALL THE SLUDGE THAT,S FIT TO PRINT

  4. The left attacked Ronald Reagan throughout his career as being less intelligent than whichever Democrat he was pitted against, and with him as President, they did better, for a longer period of time than any other recent President, as well as putting a rather long running “cold war” to rest by winning it.
    Something the current crop of imbeciles in the Democrat Party will never understand.
    So to state that “Rubio is a moron” or that “He looks like a pretty boy nobody to me” is not what certain commentors of right leaning political stripe would call him, notably Mark Levin & Rush Limbaugh, they’ve both had conversations with him that have been eyeopening in his grasp of foreign policy, as well as a knack for embracing liberty and TEA Party wing Conservative values, something many of the other candidates could learn from.
    Marco Rubio graduated from the University of Florida (BA) and then from the University of Miami (Law) with $100,000. of student loan debt, and the note, “cum laude” with his JD. He paid the loans off in full, and his 4 driving infractions in 18 years are likely less than average among Floridians.
    If I could vote for him, I would.

  5. A BRICK driveway… not just any piece of pavement.
    also, Rubio’s wife Jeanette is of Colombian heritage, so mentioning Pablo of the hippo farm fame may be racist.
    or not.

  6. Of course they’re after Rubio. Hillary’s endless scandals are leaving scorched earth for any other Dem competing for 2016. And the NYT knows damn well that Rubio has the best chance of any Republican thus far to cut into the Obama-Billary voting base. If things keep going the way they have the last four months or so, it’s going to be a laugher next year. What this is a testament to is that Rubio is squeaky clean if that’s all the Times has got.

  7. Yeah i can still remember all the nasty things liberals in hollywood and the news media said about reagan and especialy Gry Truedua in his wretched Doonsbury strip Thats the leftists media scum suckers they always support the demaccraps in every election they even supported that bumbling little welp Jimmy Carter and his veep creep Wall-eye Mondale
