Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Part II except this one you’re actually paying for.

The Star found Solomon has been brokering the sale of paintings and masks owned by a flamboyant Toronto-area art collector to rich and famous buyers. Solomon, in at least one case, took commissions in excess of $300,000 for several pieces of art and did not disclose to the buyer that he was being paid fees for introducing buyer and seller.
The CBC took Solomon off the air Monday pending an investigation. The move came after the Star presented the results of its probe of Solomon to the CBC.

I say we do to the CBC what the NDP is advocating we do to the Senate, abolish it.

41 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. So Evan does the CBC financial version of a Jian, pockets big coin, uses his taxpayer funded position to line his pockets.
    Mike Duffy should use some Evan interview clips in his trial to show how a real fraudster covers his tracks, runs the scam.
    Senators are rank amateurs compared to fraudsters like CBC staffers.

  2. Yeah, sure this guys’ objective in his ‘reporting’.
    Did he volunteer his handsome commission income to Revenue Canada?
    Self dealing his own retirement plan, ain’t this guy just swell?
    Now that he’s been reportedly sacked, he can at least afford a box of “Timbits”.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  3. Why should we be surprised that another “pig” in the CBC barn is found to be lining his pockets. A multi-year six figure salary isn’t enough for these grafters, they have to gorge under the table while preaching that the people that are paying their salaries have no right to know what they are being paid. It is past time that the CBC have a financial audit done before they get another red cent from Canadian taxpayers.

  4. An audit of the CBC and the cockroaches that inhabit that slimy bunker would make the Senate audit look like a Birthday party.Soloman, what a sleazy sniveling little shit… when is he going to jail?

  5. Does this now make two CBC darlings that the Toronto Star has taken down? What’s going on here??

  6. Yup. Showed himself to have an interest in assisting private enterprise and acquiring his own private capital and failed to share and share alike with all of his coworkers according to his means.
    Next we’ll hear that he’s not in favor of an 85%+ tax rate on his commission earnings.
    But worst of all, he got caught. And that’s just not cool.
    Bad Marxist! Bad!!

  7. Don’t think of it as the TorStar taking down the CBC, think of it as the CBC trying to find a bearer of tidings who won’t crucify them. Remember, this happened Monday and they fired him as soon as the story broke.
    This was planned PR.

  8. Who the hell is Evan Soloman? I never watch CBC so I guess I’m out of the loop.

  9. Next it will be peter pansbridge
    Pseudo communications officer at the liberal party
    Today I picked up the phone around dinner time, the liberal party of canaduh
    Asked me if it was a bad time it call me
    I said it is always a bad time for me to talk to a liberal

  10. It’s about time to extend the new/expected oversight of the Senate to all government functionaries including Crown Corporations, aboriginal leadership, provincial agencies, universities – all of them.
    Let’s get to the bottom of all dishonourable behaviour.
    BTW good luck abolishing or even reforming the Senate. We already have the chattering class crying, after their demands for investigations & gotcha moments, the juice of corruption isn’t worth the squeeze of investigation costs.

  11. Oh, c’mon, folks. This is hysterically funny. Solomon who’s been leading the charge against Duffy and Wallin for the last two years turns out to be a complete shyster. In one deal alone he made off with more bucks by far than the total of what Duffy has been accused of. He’s just another socialist gank following in the well-trod footsteps of Avi Lewis, Jian Ghomeshi and Amanda Lang. Rex Murphy must be laughing all over the place as the young sprats go crashing down like nine-pins.

  12. I’m sure it will come to light he was merely brokering art deals, say, “for the children”, or perhaps to support “the environment”, and most certainly not for the same reasons those dirty capitalists selfishly hoard their ill-gotten wealth. Our mocking of him today and into the foreseeable future will look quite foolish, then.

  13. The Holier than thou Grand Inquisitor of the CBC turns out to be a greasy, greedy weasel-just like everyone thought

  14. Just another piece of Ottawa tower trash giving inbred hillbillies a good name.

  15. hmm common factor —Journalist. sounds like they need an ethics course in university, taught by an old RSM

  16. Hey come one everyone, give the guy a break. He (and Bill Clinton) just gotta pay his bills.

  17. Why does Mothercorpse “regret” ending its relationship with the scam artist? If it were me I would regret entering into a relationship with the grifter and celebrate ending it, but then again, I’m not the CBC.
    Defund them NOW.

  18. I’m hoping that Evan gets very upset that his place at the trough was pulled because of a minor ethical breach and he vows revenge. Only 5 months to the most important election in our (mine anyways) lifetime and Evan got fired.
    That is almost always demoralizing and sometimes traumatic, but when you are a ‘national celebrity’, thats gotta really hurt, sting, leave a mark etc., much moreso than being told you cannot make pictures in a latte for a dollar above minimum and tips.
    His ‘journalism’ career is pretty well over, unless he considers an occasional opinion piece for Huffpo or Rabble a career.
    There may be a few unwritten editorial policies that would be very embarrassing to the CBC if made public.
    Don’t get mad, get even Mr. Solomon, cut the CBC baby in half.
    I’ve got my fingers crossed.
    Who will be his replacement?
    There are a few that are gleefully considering the possibility tonight.
    Chris Hall, Rosemary Barton, Terry Milewski, Amanda Lang ???
    Will they go to the past for Don Newman, or maybe even George Strombolopoulous ?
    Will they go outside their stable?
    They need someone who can feign impartiality while being partisan.
    Hannah Thibodeau does that very well, but so does Otto’s daughter, Amanda. They are both white and not lesbian(IMHO), but with only 5 months to go the CBC may overlook those deficiencies.
    It is all extremely interesting.

  19. What code of ethics? As far as I can figure, it’s one short statement: “Thou shalt not be caught.”

  20. I think the CBC has rushed to pass judgment here — probably an overreaction to Ghomeshi. I actually think Solomon’s transgressions are pretty minor and that this will backfire on the CBC. I don’t like Solomon, but CBC holier-than-thou honchos are even worse and I can’t see any good replacement for Solomon.

  21. Ahhh….yeah he is a CBC wonk and thus an enemy of the people but…..has he broken any law? Is taking a commission illegal?
    Yeah I dislike the guy but…REALLY? Get a grip!
    It is satisfying to see the left eat one of it’s children…..

  22. Maybe he didn’t kick back enough to said honchos? Only the Shadow knows. They’re socialists, they’re supposed to share the wealth, aren’t they?

  23. There may be more to the story.
    Perhaps Solomon has a conscience and would rather blow a whistle than the Liberal party ?
    I’ve seen David Leslie and the rich tree planter girl (forget her name) say completely inane things about the Middle East crisis on PnP.
    Solomon was shocked at both of them and did not hide it. He actually challenged them.
    The CBC can see the writing on the wall. They are desperate, akin to a cornered rat.
    The corp tossed a Jew into the volcano, maybe it will work for them, maybe not.

  24. heh, I get a kick out of it. it is verboten to make a profit while employed with the CBC.

  25. I see the glue coming apart in Mothercorpse -it takes broad-based moral degeneration to hold a lefty agitprop venue together – a collection of GTA gropers, mopers, dopers and grifters all in the comfy womb of mothercorpse – and then exposure!

  26. If the honchos at CBC are taking a page out of Trudeau’s book and casting aside those that create problems, like JT did with Liberal senators, then we can expect to see other personalities going under the bus. Any bets on who’s next?

  27. Yes, get Ezra to run the show with Kate and Vivian Krause as semi permanent guests.

  28. I am relieved to see the end of Solomon on CBC for whatever reason, as I have long considered him the worst possible personality to host a program that calls for the appearance of objectivity. That being said, I can think of no one in the current CBC lineup of mostly female commentators that would be a marked improvement.
    Certainly not Rosie Barton who spoiled her copy book by acting like a silly goose during Obama’s one Canadian visit.
    I suspect there might be more to this dismissal story than we are being told. Solomon’s statement seems very equanimous, with no hint of fighting a wrongful dismissal suit.Perhaps like Ghomeshi he has to grieve this through his union. We probably haven’t heard the last of this story.

  29. Not liking this. Looks like an opportunity for CBC to fill a political spot with an even Harper hater.

  30. Rosie Barton? She has a kid with one of jrs election team advisors. Bet she’s objective.
    Were watching a train wreck at the Corpse – albeit in slow motion. We don’t have front row seats but even out here in the nose bleed bleacher section it’s goin’ to be fun. It’s only a matter of time until one of the rats rats. Then the real fun starts.
    Ha ha

  31. “flamboyant Toronto-area art collector”
    What is that supposed to mean? Yeah, I know that “flamboyant” usually means “conspicuously gay (and faaabulous)”, but why is the Red Star using that term? I thought the Star was supposed to be at the forefront of the movement to “normalize” homosexuality, but this usage of “flamboyant” is usually intended to convey subtle mockery. Is the art dealer by chance a gay Conservative?

  32. Adumb Vaughan was married to OSuhanna Marcharound and they have kids together.
    How many more incestuous relationships are there between Liberals and the CBC?

  33. I think Ken Rockburn from CPAC might be a good choice. He is not flashy, but very capable.
