9 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Your rants against the CSA are even more insane than your insinuation that public transit shouldn’t exist, (cause Manhattan or London would be a dream if everyone was in a car on the road). Maybe the CSA is flawed. Quite honestly I can’t be bothered to read about a standards regulator in the middle of the summer. Let’s agree to something here, when you find yourself writing blog posts about the CSA on a hot day, turn off the computer and go outside. I’ll do the same when I’m commenting on them. On that note..

  2. Regulatory capture matters. While this may seem like inside baseball, CSA standards ostensibly exist to keep Canadians safe. Even if you don’t care about the corruption, what this investigation has revealed is that many of the electrical products in your home or business very likely are not safe because they were never tested, despite having a CSA logo on them.

  3. What, only two straw men to knock down? If you were a true boy of summer you would have knocked down three just for symmetry. Never leave an inning incomp…

  4. the CSA extorts money from legitimate business using the power of the Federal gov’t as a bludgeon. Just like the CRA extorts money from individual Canadians to fund STUPID public transit boondoggles. most of the recently purchased electric devices in your home were probably not correctly tested, if the CSA bothered to test them at all. you go out and stand in the sun, preferably without a hat or sunscreen and let the few adults left defend the people from corrupt tyranny

  5. To my great dismay, and at great personal expense I have discovered that almost without exception every national and international regulatory body I have had dealings with is crooked as a dogs hind leg. As odd as it seems the people who work in them are by and large pretty decent folks. It is the rules they operate under that make them look crooked. Max Weber made a career out of examining the “why” bureaucratic systems always become this way. I don’t have any easy solutions, but more of the same seems unlikely to lead anywhere good.

  6. Quite honestly I can’t be bothered to read about a standards regulator in the middle of the summer.
    Now there’s a cogent argument, just look the other way because it’s…a hot day in summer.
    Oh, and because London and Manhattan would have too many cars…something like that.
    Although, someone who comments on something they can’t be bothered reading isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  7. Summer is a good time to keep the heat turned up on CSA; they need an excuse to get to their lavish golf courses.

  8. I think on a hot summer day, you’d want to know if that extension cord with the CSA logo can actually handle the load required by the A/C unit hung out your living room window. Hmmm…..wonder if they tested the A/C unit too. But it’s summer in the first world, why bother, huh? Bet you are the type that when something does go wrong, you want heads to roll, right?
