29 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. Sorry, I don’t know who Wayne Johnston is, nor do I know to what this may refer. On the other hand, I’ve heard of the CBC but have only a vague idea of what th
    ey do.

  2. If the phonies like Wayne Johnston are the best the CBC can do, then I’m glad I haven’t tuned to their channel for many years. My medals and wings were earned the hard way and there is at least one medal I should have got but did not; I have never fought the bureaucracy for it over technicalities, let alone put it on illegally!
    Criminal charges are warranted for improper use of military decorations and insignia.

  3. The poor man suffered “constant suicidal and homocidal thoughts”.
    I’m not sure what “homocidal thoughts” are, perhaps intent to kill homos?
    Whatever, seems he has a bit of a tendency to exaggerate his military background, and now he’s been exposed,claims victimhood.
    It often works.

  4. Darn few medals to be had by post-WWII Canadian Air Force Pilots. Maybe a few UNs, but unless things have changed since I retired, you’d be hard-pressed to find many with even a single full row.

  5. He was legitimately an officer in the Armed Forces having joined as a cadet instructor to initially get commissioned and thereafter, I assume, rejoined the reserves and applied to get overseas postings. It does not appear he was a combat soldier. Whatever motivates someone to lay on the BS? I’m sure he earned most of his medals so what’s up. Someone suggests PTSD but normally you don’t get that from a paper cut.

  6. I am a CI. With the army cadets
    I do not think of myself as an officer as I have no commission

  7. “the chain of command realized that the commission that he has is that of a cadet officer”
    Now that is funny! I made model planes, does that qualify me to design Canadian Planes…Won 5 stars once.. Who was that Canadian General that didn’t know he was in charge of UN peace keepers…

  8. “Someone suggests PTSD but normally you don’t get that from a paper cut.”
    It is indeed a case of PTSD: Posing Turd’s Sham Decorations

  9. “I am a CI. With the army cadets
    I do not think of myself as an officer as I have no commission”
    2nd Lieutenants, Lieutenants and Captains must be commissioned officers. They wear all the kit.

  10. Kudos to Cadet Instructors, they are a great credit to their community, thank you for your service.
    I ran into Capt or Mr Johnston a couple of times, he is quite the bloviator, and if he dislikes the PM as well then it’s no surprise he’s a darling of the CBC, this guy can bullsh!t.
    I hope I don’t run into him again.

  11. “I ran into Capt or Mr Johnston a couple of times, he is quite the bloviator, and if he dislikes the PM as well then it’s no surprise he’s a darling of the CBC, this guy can bullsh!t.”
    As a vet, I don’t like it when vets “partisanize” their gripes with the Federal Government.
    Not least because it’s short-sighted and plays into the hands of the politicians.
    “Anybody But Harper”? You really believe Trudeau or Mulcair will make it all rosy?
    The true and legitimate target of any veteran beef should always remain the Federal Government and Veterans Affairs – regardless of which party is in office.

  12. Thank you for the clarification, and I agree with your last post.
    Aviator, “Criminal charges are warranted for improper use of military decorations and insignia.”, exactly. This fellow has more salad than most of my long term serving friends.

  13. The CBC should announce on the National news that this supposed Military Officer was a fraudulent wearer of the medals he claimed to have earned. They should also apologize to the current Government and the Prime Minister for allowing this charlatan air time at the taxpayers expense.

  14. Yes us CIs civilian instructors are not CIC officers
    But we have expertise we bring to the army

  15. CBC, hanging itself, and to stupid to know it..they in the media, when they were all puffed up with ritcheous indignation, used to say to politicians and such, “dont pick a fight with people who buy ink by the tanker” well the laughs on you media whores, cause you morons are buying RED ink, and the more shrill you get, the redder the ink will get, losers. CBC CTV GLOBAL STAR etal.

  16. Slap shot. You wrote:
    “Now that is funny! I made model planes, does that qualify me to design Canadian Planes.”
    Indeed I do. “Flight of the Phoenix”, 1965. Treat yourself.

  17. Well, since I’ve served nine years in the CF and then worked as a physician in various “war-torn/disaster-torn” countries such as Chiapas/Tobasco in Mexico, and Haiti, I guess now I can get on the CBC and play the “wounded hero” schtick for loads of mawkish sympathy from the adoring crowd. Frankly, I never found the things which seem to get some people completely flummoxed to be particularly distressing. Long periods in an isolated setting just get a bit tedious more than anything, and constantly making do with bare-bones resources has me swearing under my breath and expressing my own brand of twisted humour — “I’ll have the chateaubriand with the coquilles St. Jaques on the side please, (usual plate of beans and rice presented to me). Thank you, I think I’ll pass on the mousse for desert and just have the custard today (same as every other day). I have to watch my figure.” Do the crosswords, or haul out a pack of cards if you’re bored.
    To the vets who’ve genuinely taken it on the chin, I have the utmost sympathy and they deserve our full support. I’ve no sympathy for the wannabes.

  18. The Brits have a charming term for any wannabe sporting unearned decorations and posing as, say, a former SAS member: a Walt.
    (From the 1947 film “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”.)

  19. Indeed I do. “Flight of the Phoenix”, 1965. Treat yourself.
    I remembered that Movie and it was what came to mind.. The shock of finding out that the guy only designed Models was priceless.. but it flew…

  20. “homocidal thoughts” because murder isn’t gay enough.,,,,
    “homicidal thoughts” ….good enough to get your world view from if you’re part of the Communist Broadcasting Cartel.

  21. I think I liked it better the way it was in the old days. In WWII the young guys volunteered, went overseas, and those who came back just buckled down and worked – didn’t look for any special recognition. As a matterof fact, they avoided it because they didn’t feel they had done anything special. They felt that the guys who deserved recognition were the ones who didn’t come home.

  22. Interesting numbers arose from the US 2010 census.
    The census featured a box to check if one was a Viet Nam Vet….about 35 million ticked the box.
    According to US military records about 3 millions servicemen rotated through Viet Nam in total and the smart money is 1.8 million survive.
    That makes about 34,800 “walts” creeping about.

  23. I have known and observed Capt Johnston’s nonesense for many years. When he was with the Royals he found himself in dire straights because he was bullying a young cpl in stores to commit an illegal act. He left the Royals and joined the Cadets because the Royals would not promote him. He was asked to leave the Cadets because of he was caught “doctoring” target scores so his team could win at a competition. he came back to the military as a commissioned officer and moved around from reserve unit to reserve unit never completing a career course in anything … so technically he is an army capt untrained. He worked in the head quarters at LFCA where he again found himself in hot water for his incompetence at managing a project he was given where he committed the military to a contract illegally. He spouts off about being a “national repatriation officer” There was never such a position. He was casualty administration officer for a little more than a year but the way he spouts off he was the the one and only. There was about a dozen before him and I think at least three after him…. he was removed from this job because he was not sticking to the polices. His latest dasterly deed was to start wearing medals for which he did not earn. it is not surprise,,, he has made it his career of being things that he isnt … why stop at that. Guys always found it funny how one person could receive all three jubilee medals the and the Canada 125 medals. they look great and are gracious awards from Her Majesty but Capt Johnston acquired them through political connections not through the military. It is curious how this blowhard became CBC expert on Veterans mental health issues when he knows nothing about this issue. I suppose BS trumps all?

  24. I have known and observed Capt Johnston’s nonesense for many years. When he was with the Royals he found himself in dire straights because he was bullying a young cpl in stores to commit an illegal act. He left the Royals and joined the Cadets because the Royals would not promote him. He was asked to leave the Cadets because of he was caught “doctoring” target scores so his team could win at a competition. he came back to the military as a commissioned officer and moved around from reserve unit to reserve unit never completing a career course in anything … so technically he is an army capt untrained. He worked in the head quarters at LFCA where he again found himself in hot water for his incompetence at managing a project he was given where he committed the military to a contract illegally. He spouts off about being a “national repatriation officer” There was never such a position. He was casualty administration officer for a little more than a year but the way he spouts off he was the the one and only. There was about a dozen before him and I think at least three after him…. he was removed from this job because he was not sticking to the polices. His latest dasterly deed was to start wearing medals for which he did not earn. it is not surprise,,, he has made it his career of being things that he isnt … why stop at that. Guys always found it funny how one person could receive all three jubilee medals the and the Canada 125 medals. they look great and are gracious awards from Her Majesty but Capt Johnston acquired them through political connections not through the military. It is curious how this blowhard became CBC expert on Veterans mental health issues when he knows nothing about this issue. I suppose BS trumps all?
