Election Countdown – T -100 Days to voting

Few people are wonkier about elections, knowing the ins and outs of local races, national races and what the parties are up to than David Akin. I sat down for a drink and a chat with my old Sun News colleague to talk about what to expect in the months ahead. Also this week, to round out the political wonkishness is Abacus Data’s David Coletto talking about his latest polling numbers, where the parties stand and where they might see growth.

17 Replies to “Election Countdown – T -100 Days to voting”

  1. Canada’s Socialists will always turn up in droves to vote to put your money in their pockets.

  2. They’ll almost as enthusiastically vote to put your money in someone else’s pockets for no direct material benefit to themselves. Just because.

  3. Let us pray that the Canucks are far to smart to elect the demon seed
    of Pierre and Margaret (My muff is showing) Trudeau. The Canadian
    people deserve better than a half wit that makes Barack Obongo
    look like a competent leader. Good luck. God bless Gordon Sinclair!

  4. “God bless Gordon Sinclair” Few is any would make the connection to America. He was a true Canadian
    Gordon had a distinctive (Radio type) voice. At the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta my wife & I had dinner with a CBC employee & his wife. It was halfway through that dinner that I recognized the Sinclair voice. My dinner guest turned out to be his SON…

  5. I hope and pray that Mr. Harper gets re elected cause if he doesn’t Canada is doomed. Yes we are in a small economic situation but Mr. Harper has the knowledge and skill as a economists himself to pull us through it like he did with the last one. But after what I witnessed in my province of Alberta in the last election I really don’t know what to say other than we should all be scared if anyone else besides Mr. Harper is elected.

  6. Bill >
    “I hope and pray that Mr. Harper gets re elected cause if he doesn’t Canada is doomed.”
    I agree, economically and socially Harper is the BEST candidate available for Canada.
    The unfortunate part with Harper is that he has demonstrated that he will legislate laws that infringe on ALL Canadians for the sake of “national security” instead of specifically targeting the source of any national security threats. This is a bad f*cking thing for law abiding Canadians in general.
    His saving grace is that none of the political freaks left of him would do anything different except f*ck up the economy as a bonus.
    They all bow to the EU & the UN, Harper appears to be the only one who isn’t a die hard Socialist Progressive One World Kool-Aid drinker.

  7. While too early to predict, I would say it looks like we will probably get a minority government, but a majority for any of the three parties is plausible if something dramatic happens.

  8. Knight99 – Perhaps it is because of enhanced security that this dork in Fort St. John was found out. And if they’re up in that God-forsaken mud-hole, you can bet they’re living down the road from you. I’m not too worrried that they are listening to the bullsh*t here or elsewhere on the net. In fact, it just might give them some good policy ideas!

  9. Just a reminder > Abacus Data’s David Coletto was the pollster who predicted a HUGE majority Wildrose victory in Alberta 2 provincial elections ago there. He missed that call by a country mile, so I’m not inclined to listen to much of his future polling.

  10. Larry Bennett >
    “Perhaps it is because of enhanced security that this dork in Fort St. John was found out”
    Yes, I get that. My point is why the hell was that dork in the country to begin with?
    You see, the Control the Population game is to let in as many foreign criminals and culturally incompatible freaks through Open Borders as they can. When problems ensue as they obviously will, Totalitarians get to crack down on everyone’s Freedoms & Liberties because “Look at the mess, someone needs to control it”. A mess they created in the first place.
    Governments for the PEOPLE have a primary responsibility to CONTROL THE BORDERS, so that they don’t need to CONTROL the citizens.
    You picking up what I’m laying down?
    All the Canadian political parties have picked up the UN, EU and US Open Border Policies that allow flooding our countries with illegal immigrants and very dangerous people. In turn they are militarizing the domestic Police forces and spying on everyone.
    This is not the way to a healthy future for our nations.

  11. “Governments for the PEOPLE have a primary responsibility to CONTROL THE BORDERS”
    Our Government IS controlling the borders. It’s just not allowing people like you and me (although I’m only surmising about you) to immigrate. Check out the Immigration Canada website to determine whether you would be able to immigrate to Canada from a European country (for instance).
    Let’s say a 45-year-old Dutch nurse who speaks fluent English (but not French) wants to emigrate to Canada to live and work. Guess what.
    Now try a 25-year-old unskilled refugee from some French colonial black-hole who speaks French and marginal English and states he needs to emigrate to Canada simply to live. Guess what, Bienvenue.
    Our Government is controlling the borders, only they’re using a perverse paradigm for their policy.

  12. glasnost >
    “……only they’re using a perverse paradigm for their policy.”
    Nothing I can disagree with.
    I would have to venture that at the heart of the “perverse paradigm” is power and control over an otherwise healthy society.
    This is simply a page from an old playbook of histories Elites.
    Hegelian Dialectic:
    “In 1847 the London Communist League (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels) used Hegel’s theory of the dialectic to back up their economic theory of communism. Now, in the 21st century, Hegelian-Marxist thinking affects our entire social and political structure. The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution”
    In other words – Problem = reaction = solution
    First “They” create the “Problem”, we have the “Reaction”, and they then provide the “Solution” to our problem. i.e. militarized police forces, and civilian surveillance.
