16 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. A dry season like we’ve had this year really separates modern farming practices out against those who are using so-called organic methods. Organic producers require the land to be tilled prior to seeding and that drys out the seed bed.
    Seeds placed directly into properly fertilized soil where the weeds have been sprayed out have had a better chance to germinate and still potentially produce a crop even with the scant rainfall we’ve had.

  2. The nazis were heavly into Organics they wanted to feed their storm troopers and such of organic foods and Hitler wasa vegan himself

  3. Once again for those who find Grade 7-8 chemistry/biology hard…ANYTHING containing carbon is ORGANIC. Calling it organic doesn’t make it any better than calling it chemical free. Perhaps if we could remove all the chemicals( vitamins and nutrients from “organic” food), then we would rid the world of a lot of busybody ecotards.

  4. Exactly. I am surprised as to how the crops are hanging on here north of Saskatoon. You can see that they are under stress by the colouring of the leaves, but are still holding. I could see the improvements resulting in almost double crop production during the decades I farmed.
    However, the anti-GMO crowd would not like this great little video as they are allied with the same group that would like to snuff out 6 billion people and return us to a semi-nomadic tribal society.

  5. The back to nature freaks and the granola munchers say that CO2 is a greenhouse gas its a Plant Food plants need it to live and grow what comes through the tail pipe of your car is good for the trees something these eco-wackos are too stupid or igorant to know about

  6. ok, so they think less CO2 is a good thing. maybe they should ask the plants.

  7. Organic means higher prices for food and the usial wacko ideas that organic food is better its not

  8. You see, all this “cheap” food is deleterious to society. When food was “expensive”, and I just don’t mean in money terms but in effort (think how hard and dangerous it was to kill a buffalo with a spear) only the strong and smart survived. If someone wanted to eat only plants and lived in Canada–they died out by January. If somebody was too lazy to reap the edible plants before the snows came or to go hunting before the worst of winter came–they died of malnutrition or starvation. By having easily obtainable food, stupid humans were able to procreate and pass on their genes.(Check out all those refugee camps all over Africa). Every time I see those commercials asking for only 50¢/day, I tell my sons that in 1974 when I came to Canada (at the age of 8)they were asking for money then…and in all that time not a single one of the people who was “helped” learned how to sink a well, irrigate a field, how to rotate crops or even the basics of animal husbandry…I tell my sons that those people are too stupid to live.

  9. I watched the “GMOs and Biotechnology” discussion listed beside it. It was an excellent give and take but particularly pointed out that the anti-GMO crowd are really just pushing a marketing ploy based on vague insinuations and a complete lack of scientific underpinning. As one of the panelists pointed out, agriculture itself is not “natural”. Virtually all foods we consume nowadays are genetically modified. And there has never been a case of demonstrated harm from GMO foods.

  10. Why ar’nt these Greenpeace freakos protesting against wind farms that harm the birds and bats? Thats becuase they wont be getting the media covrage like they got after the Gulf Oil Spill incident. I have seen pictures of people in canada and scotland protesting windfarms

  11. Maybe we should ask Premier Brad Wall about this carbon capture thing. A waste of money in my opinion … just another spudco.
