28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Is the Koran next? Let’s find a publisher who’s willing to risk their neck doing it.

  2. First its the Confederate flag then old glory(Ofends future demacratic voters)then the Eagle(Ofends Pacfists and Bunny Huggers)then the Statue of Liberaty(Nees to wear Burka to the Camel Jockeys)Uncle Sam(ofends the Peacenicks)and Hot Dogs(Ofends PETA) then Mom(Ofends the Femenists)Then Apple Pie(Ofends Liberals)Baseball(Ofends the Pansies) Just you wait these twats are unrelenting

  3. She never minces words when she appears on FoxNews. She tells it like it is and no mealy mouthed platitudes.

  4. Note: It was a phone call from Federal Prisons that resulted in the Illegal Alien been transported to San Francisco to face a 20 year old Marijuana warrant … Corruption & Collusion with drug cartel
    The Lawyer for Illegal Alien set up the release scheme knowing the court would dismiss….
    The sanctuary city policy is setup to save Illegal Aliens from deportation, the general public does not benefit from this policy. It is for Illegal Aliens so they can stay in America as illegal Aliens.
    The Judicial & legal(police & prison) system costs are huge.. The defense lawyers make deportation avoidance a billable commodity for the drug cartels. The Illegal Alien had 7 felonies & 5 Deportations + unknown avoidances, all funded by drug money & the taxpayer.
    Eliminate the US 9th Circuit & cleanup the systematic Corruption.

  5. I sat through the whole thing. Classic speech. The establishment will be firing broadsides at him. Let’s see what happens.

  6. “Greek Foreign Minister Kotzias
    ‘The Principle of Hope Is Very Powerful'”
    “In a SPIEGEL interview, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias discusses the recent referendum and explains why he believes the power of hope might help revive Greece’s fortunes.”
    Hope and Fear.
    “Hope is charming, lively, blue-eyed wench, & I am always glad of her company, but could dispense with the visitor she brings with her, her younger sister, fear, a white liver’d-lilly-cheeked, bashful palpitating, awkward hussey that hangs like a green girl at her sister’s apron strings & will go with her whithersoever she goes.”
    (Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb)

  7. First its the Confederate flag ………….
    Then it’s the Flag, then the Anthem, then it’s the Bill of Rights, then it’s Morning prayer, then it’s any Prayer, then it’s Free Speech, then it’s Marriage, then it’s……
    Canada, Land of Myths and the Dummies Who Believe.
    You can ignore reality but not its consequences.
    If everyone is a have not province where does the Equalization come from?

  8. China has capitalism…not so much free enterprise. Free enterprise is what built the free world. Capital doesn’t do anything without the energy of free enterprise to use the capital to produce. Free enterprise produces capital, not the other way around.
    Capitalism is cart before the horse, just like safety first.

  9. Finally somebody that makes sense, ‘take that PC junk and throw it in the garbage’. State’s the facts with numbers.

  10. You sir, of course are right
    It would help enormously if more people understood the concept.
    Some time ago, have explained the concept to a relative.
    Basically that bankers are the capitalists, the producers are free enterprise.
    Got a polite, that is one way to look at it.
    Anyway, glad you brought it up.

  11. Yes, and there’s more to it. Capitalism is the marxists way of describing, and perverting, the meaning of free enterprise.
    Free enterprise doesn’t even need capital, in order to operate. All it needs to do is build value where there was none. That can be done without capital. Even building a good reputation has value.
    The marxists attempt to pervert, and devalue, that by calling it capitalism. Attempting to reduce what people are worth, and what they are capable of producing in the way of value, to a number.
    Employers have to attempt to judge what people can produce, and are wrong all the time. Why would we allow gov’t to do that?
    I don’t usually agree with what the popery says, but that’s partially what he was getting at.

  12. Peter:
    The concept of a homosexual Bible is beyond absurd! The Old Testament Bible is the foundation of Christianity and Judaism. It is accepted by both religions as the word of God. The words in the Bible have been very carefully preserved for over 3,000 years. No mortal has the authority to deliberately change anything in it.
    As Jesus said:
    Matthew 5:18 (KJV)
    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    If these people want to change the Bible, why not just go ahead and make Jesus gay? They’re inventing their own religion anyways. Maybe they can invent their own Heaven and hell. Good luck with that, guys!

  13. I didn’t realize they’d go this far, but it all fits in with the end times scenario as I’ve known it for possibly 40 yrs. There will be a new church, and the H and L group of the rainbow alphabet will be actively involved in the “worship”.
    I never expected it would really happen since Sod. was illegal back then.

  14. @anselm: It would have been even more symbolic if he had placed them in the trash can located about 20 feet to the right of the statue. In this way….. if he was really sending a message …. there would be no mistake about what it meant. Still, I’ll give him some credit (not much though). He got blind sided by Morales and found a way to get out of it.
