Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

John Walters;

And just who is Obama releasing? Not “low-level, drug-possession offenders” or marijuana users. No, he is releasing crack dealers, cocaine dealers, and methamphetamine dealers. Most of the 46 were crack cocaine distributors, some convicted of dealing more than 10 pounds of crack.
Moreover, some of these felony drug dealers were also convicted of a gun crime, such as, “possession of a firearm during and in relation to a drug trafficking offense.”
So, President Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder attacked the entire American criminal justice system, charging that large numbers of individuals were routinely imprisoned for non-violent drug possession. And after months of searching they have found no such individuals–none. But they will release a tiny group of convicted drug dealers and armed felons.

21 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Thugs, killers, and the choom gang looking after ‘their own’…
    The Obama-Nation™ in more ways than one!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Right out of Hitler’s Nazi playbook, next they will employ them.
    I wonder when the American people will wake up and say “Hey wait a minute, this guys not really in it for us”. Holding breath 1,2,3,4…………..

  3. And when do we find out that El Chapo had help from the American Feds in his escape from prison?

  4. The Obama loves to betray. He especially enjoys his betrayal of the American people. A noose awaits him, though not anytime soon.

  5. Left unsaid by the ineffable Holder is why he handed guns over to VIOLENT drug traffickers and possessors.

  6. Obama wrote them letters too apparently, he takes the time to do that…
    Un-frickin’ believable…

  7. Obama’s supply line was getting strained, so he had to release new sources. Law of Supply and Demand in action.

  8. Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?
    Yeah, he can’t get his country to finish higher than 22nd in an international survey on integrity and reputation.

  9. Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?
    Yeah, he can’t get his country to finish higher than 22nd in an international survey on integrity and reputation.

  10. Hmmm, first time I’ve had any trouble with new captcha system. Still a fan.

  11. The idea that inner city crack dealers are “non violent” is preposterous! He
    is pulling the same game my homosexual governor (Jerry Brown) did when he
    released thousands of violent offenders on the streets of California. He
    only included their last conviction as the basis for the releases.
    Any Compton crack dealer will have multiple violent felony arrests on his
    record, not to mention one or two gang killings on his resume. To call these
    people “non-violent” would be like calling Hitler or Stalin simple mass murderers.


  13. This is what happens when you vote for a president that was (maybe still is) a dope smoking Marxist. At least Bill Clinton claimed to not to have inhaled (don’t believe that for a second but humour me).
    Bill did, however, probably inhale cigar smoke although a few of those likely had a bit of a fishy aftertaste…

  14. The true Manchurian candidate
    Successful thanks to every main stream urinalist running cover for him, and the rest of the islamo-marxist alliance.
    His true legacy will be unleashing the chain of events now in motion, resulting in Daesh owned nukes.
    And all those will be used, with true genocidal zealotry.
    His only real goal achieved!

  15. Lets see him pee his pants when a black man is carrying a Confederate Flag
