49 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. I suspect that this blog and those that link to it may be the only places where this picture makes an appearance. Now, if it were a Conservative MP, we’d need a second national public inquiry or a reprise of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

  2. This has to be some kind of Canadian inside football, (Or should I say hockey?)
    cal2 referenced what I think is Maggie (My muff is showing) Trudeau, but I may
    be wrong.
    I have no idea who the woman in the photo is, but I am reasonably sure that
    if she were a conservative, liberals would be shitting their pants over the
    “racist” reference to sobriety, education and hard work. And the word “Sobriety”
    is the mother of all racist terms when applied to North American Indians in that
    it feeds the stereotype of drunken Indians drinking firewater!
    If she is a liberal, forget everything I said because she will never be held
    accountable for her intolerant language.
    Will someone please clue me in?

  3. I like the ad.
    Good for Joyce to call them aboriginals instead of the phoney “First Nations” tag that they have given themselves.
    BTW, the CBC is covering it.
    Will the aboriginal leaders denounce Joyce ?

  4. Somebody should ask Ms Gingras, why in a class of 30 kindergarten graduates by the time they reach grade 12 there are usually only 5 or 6 who graduate…

  5. Because you know, it’s not like there’s a massive alcohol and drugs problem ravaging North American Indian society, anymore, that’s just a vicious stereotype with no foundation in modern reality, I mean look at the statistics…
    oh, Never Mind.

  6. Thats more like it.
    A Libtard appearing to encourage young people to stay sober, work hard and get an education… so totally off LPC message.
    I am happy to see her deny those words, after all young aboriginal citizens who do these things will never vote Liberal.
    Liberals created the Apartheid system and they want to keep it.
    No success by native peoples is a success in the Liberal Eugenics world.
    Funny how they never complete their sentences; Liberal Party of Canada helping our aboriginal populations since 19X1…helping them stay dysfunctional and enslaved that is.
    Funny how Pierre the Idiot introduced a bill of rights, that does not include Native Women.
    Funny how the Reserve system keeps delivering that 110% Liberal Vote.

  7. Liberal slogan:
    Drunkeness, ignorance and indolence lead to a Liberal government!

  8. She is speaking truth, oh yeah even liberals cannot speak truth anymore either.
    I think she is correct. Indians are drunks, and savages. It’s only through exposure to civil society have many of them seen a better way. And maybe we gave them the booze but they gave us the cigarettes. Call that even.
    Again i actually think she is correct. And even more so for directing it right at indians.
    I drink alot but i also work alot and graduated high school and college and completed my apprenticeship and make good money. so that is that. If indians did the same while consuming massive amounts of alchohol i would never say a word but they go savage when they get drunk then go into the slammer and its a circle of life for them.
    She is right! kudos to her!

  9. Thank you Kate, I am so used to clicking on actual links on Blogs, I never
    thought to do that.
    Just as I suspected, a liberal. Had it been a conservative I would have heard
    the outcry all the way down to Southern California!

  10. That reminds me that the Democrat party has a website that says “The Democrat
    part, advancing civil rights for 200 years.” Beer gushed from my nose and I
    nearly crapped my pants laughing!
    Warren Zoell, I have to remind you that according to my chemistry teacher,
    alcohol IS indeed a solution!
    And for all of you guys and gals, I was reminded of this old Aussie comedy
    music classic because it contained a line that reminded me of your our
    common Indian reservation problem. The bit about “The cure being worse
    than the disease,” describes liberal solutions to just about any problem:

  11. The Liberals have not done a good day thing for the Indians while in power for 50 of the last 65 years. Why the average Indian votes Liberal or NDP confuses me. Here in Sask. It was the NDP and Liberals that scooped children in the 60’s from Indians. But it is there leader, Perry big fat chief Bellguard that calls out to get rid of Harper.

  12. What is she apologizing for? If you’re Liberal, do you apologize for the truth? I guess the truth is the exception.

  13. Considering most high school graduates whether they’re aboriginal or Caucasian are under the legal drinking age, I don’t see the issue…

  14. Nearly all the drunks I know are white. How many MP’s drink?
    The Stupidity. It burns.

  15. Well, interesting enough, the person who penned the text was an FN; it wasn’t the MP. Out of the mouths of babes?

  16. MMG, do you call all these white drunks “John”???
    every time some drunk on a reserve does something real stupid, there is chatter about the alcohol abuse on the reserve. Must be them thar whities spreading faults rumours.

  17. Hey NME666
    Looks like modern Metis sqwa was probably the product of one of those drunk whites getting it on wit da local injun hotties back in da day anywayyyyss!!
    Her momma probly said this ” hey whitey get off my land and get on me naaaaaa anywayyys!”
    And her dad probly said Je ne say squaw…lol mon amie oui oui me peppy la pu muah muah muah.
    9 months later
    Lil modern Metis came flopping out on da tipi floor!!

  18. Yeah – here is another remark she made:
    Murray posted a longer version of her apology on Facebook:
    Today I was made aware of a print advertisement published under my name, which included a completely inappropriate statement about Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
    I would like to apologize unreservedly for the deeply offensive language in this advertisement.
    I was not aware of this advertisement and did not approve of its content. However, I assume full responsibility for what has happened and I offer my most sincere apologies to all those who were offended by this comment.

  19. It seems to me that the situation we face is of an ultra sensitive obeisance to political correctness. Even an indirect reference to perhaps a tendency to over imbibe by some members of a group is seized on. This brings down a trumped (good word here) up burst of phoney indignation.
    As an older person I make the remark that for a 61 year old woman she has an attractive appearance. Nothing to do with the subject though.
    I note she was born in South Africa and came here with her parents at age of six years. Lucky lady indeed.

  20. Finally Justin has weighed in on this controversy.
    A CBC reporter asked him if the Liberal party approved Joyce Murray’s advertisement.
    He replied; ” Joyce Murray hmmm … is that the one who slept with Papa?
    The CBC reported it as ‘no comment’.

  21. It’s sad when toxic political correctness makes otherwise intelligent people grovel and deny what should be considered sound advice for people plagued with such issues thanks to government-inspired and maintained corrupt racial ghettos.

  22. Why is it ok to congratulate them for graduating HS but not for encouraging them to stay sober. If we’re offended by low expectations, then i hardly see the difference.

  23. John Chittick:
    So true! Why was she (Murray) apologizing?? I’ve been sober for three decades, should I place an apology in the paper just in case I’m being stereotyped?? Like, we weren’t born with a whiskey bottle in our hands now were we? Do keep in mind that Justin had to cover up for Mommy Maggie for the better part of his life. Her drug and alcohol parties that fueled her need to run around with no panties in public places was dismissed as Bi-Polar disorder.
    First there was Pierre’s pole, then there was Micks pole, so that would make her Bi-Polar, I guess??

  24. And thus, the poll-raising success of Donald Trump.
    Sensible people WANT the God’s Honest Truth.

  25. Ok, this comment is considerably out of line, IMO. I think you owe MMG an apology. Generalizations are just that, generalizations. Civility should still be the tone.

  26. Well, the message is right on the money but the apology is ridiculous. Sadly we have come to the point of apologizing even when we had no involvement whatsoever. The trend continues, “whites” apologize for everything that someone/anyone interprets as bad and has occurred in the last 1000 years.
    Another sad thing is, those graduates have a high school diploma but a grade 8 education. Don’t believe me? Interview some for a job sometime.

  27. One should never apologizing for telling the truth.
    What was said in that paper was the truth.
    Many jobs today require the stuff that is offered by smart, energetic, motivated young people have to offer.
    How many high school grads have that stuff anymore?
    I worked in a business where I met many school students …. most of them, I wouldn’t hire for anything.

  28. Staying sober is a good idea for any secondary school student (considering they legally shouldn’t be drinking) looking to graduate. Being high all through secondary school isn’t a good thing.
    On another note the MP says she didn’t see the ad. Really? I would think while she may not have seen it personally someone on her staff likely did. If not her PR people should all be fired for incompetence.

  29. This explains a great deal, for example, why no one on Murray’s staff would have thought anything was amiss. After all, if the text was prepared by an aboriginal group, then it would be insensitive and patronizing to ask questions, wouldn’t it.

  30. but calling all white ppl drunks, and then calling us stupid despite facts presented is ok .

  31. The spiral of self-parody tightens! MP must now apologize for giving good and truthful advice to the kids who need it the most.
    Here’s the part I like the very best: If she’d said that to WHITE kids we would never have heard a word about it.
    This is why satire is dead in Modern Times. You can think up the most asinine, crazy, ridiculous thing ever, and the Lefties will top you the next day.

  32. When a politician speaks a truth that’s deemed hurtful to the fragile sensibilities of any minority an apology must follow, this is such a truth. They don’t want to admit they have a problem which is the first step to fixing it…..taking responsibility means they would no longer have anyone else to blame.

  33. We laugh at you who mock us with such tired stereotypes. The fact is that we are an intelligent, peaceful and honourable people with a proud tradition and a bright future. We teach your children, we guard your streets, we build your homes and we live and work among you. We breed with you. And we are growing in numbers and soon we will overwhelm you!

  34. Great and while you are busy overwhelming us could you work on overwhelming your corrupt leaders? You know the leaders who subjugate band members forcing them to live in squalor while they boot around in Hummers and have nice houses with a big screen TV.
    Or how about overwhelming your leaders that align themselves with some of the worst communist scum in the country. Say like the useful idiots at the Unist’ot’en Camp.
    In simple terms until the “we” who laugh at the mocking, need to stand up and change the system. The Indian Act is the root of your problems. The Indian Act and the Department of Indian Affairs must be abolished, the reserve system must be abolished and your dishonorable leaders must be held to account and punished for their misdeeds. Otherwise your own leaders will continue to flush your rights and your futures down the toilet to keep their jobs and power.

  35. Ya know, I was trying to stand up for you on the basis of basic civil decency, against a comment I thought was unnecessarily uncivil. but I was wrong. You’re not worthy.
