“Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit”

Large-scale organic farming operations, based on a review of almost a decade of data from 49 states, are not reducing greenhouse gas emissions, says a University of Oregon researcher.
The increasing numbers of commercialized organic operations — which still make up just 3 percent of total agricultural lands — appear to contribute to increased and more intense levels of greenhouse gases coming from each acre of farmland, reports Julius McGee, a doctoral student in the UO sociology department. His study appeared in the June issue of the journal Agriculture and Human Values.
As operations grow, McGee said, it takes more machinery to do the work. The trend, he noted, is for a focus on single rather than rotated crops, an increased use of organic pesticides and herbicides and the importing of manure-based fertilizers from other locations.

No shit, Sherlock.

7 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. Meanwhile Costco continues to add more organic crap in their grocery isles and we buy less and less.

  2. ‘appear to contribute to increased and more intense levels of greenhouse gases coming from each acre of farmland’
    That’s no surprise since an organic grower can’t use commercial herbicides and the only way he has to control his weeds is steel and diesel fuel(tillage).

  3. If the greens want to realy cut back on the Hot Air then i suggest they duct tape their pie-holes closed especialy Al Gore and those annoying Greenpeace wackos it would certianly cut back on the Hot Air

  4. Re: more organic crap at Costco…Yes, Ken. I emailed Costco regarding a number of products they had discontinued in favour of ”organic”. Told them with the dumbing down of their selection, I was taking more of my grocery dollars elsewhere. Their reply consisted of – and I paraphrase – that’s the way it is. They’re more interested in their agenda than pleasing teir customer, I guess.
    Great way to build loyalty…

  5. I didn’t think of email corporate. It might be a good idea.
    However, we used to buy about 3/4 of our food needs at Costco. Now it is about 1/3 and no organic crap ever gets into our cart.
