This Hurts Them More Than It Pleases You


Canada is the “most admired” country with the “best reputation” in the world, according to an annual survey ranking the reputations of developed nations across the globe.
The 2015 report from the Reputation Institute ranked Canada as the most reputable country in the world, based on a variety of environmental, political, and economic factors.
The Reputation Institute’s Fernando Prado says Canada offers “something good” in many different categories evaluated in the survey.

Lovin’ the scare quotes.

46 Replies to “This Hurts Them More Than It Pleases You”

  1. In particular, he praised Canada for its “effective government,” “absence of corruption,”
    Ew burn!
    Suck it Justin!

  2. Interesting: Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland. Except for Australia, all cold and snowy places.
    “Canada has a perceived lack of strong brand names and companies”
    Think our resident socialists and their running dogs in the media have anything to do with that?
    “…not considered a particularly important contributor to the global culture.”
    So much for all the tax dollars we’ve been dumping down that rathole called the Ahhts for so many decades. You’d think the dweebs in the MSM and assorted art schools would at least manage to hold up their end. The rest of us have at least been doing our bit.

  3. This is going to have to get the deep six treatment by the media, it’s going to counter any Opposition attack ads during the election campaign. The Conservatives should make full use of it.

  4. ====================
    In particular, he praised Canada for its “effective government,” “absence of corruption,” “friendly and welcoming people” and welfare support system.
    This will drive HDS sufferers completely bonkers.

  5. I found the comments following the CTV piece interesting on two levels: One, the great majority of comments were favourable and upbeat. Out of character, I thought, with the leftist slant of CTV. And two, those few comments which took issue with the results did so in a manner that was both dismissive and derogatory. In other words, if something (anything?) is presented with which a leftist disagrees, there’s no counter argument, just insult. Not surprised.

  6. I agree. I read most of the comments and to the few leftist scum commenting anything that does not further their agenda is somehow bad.

  7. Thankfully, Canada is also blessed with the “most objective” “journalism” on the planet.

  8. The CBC will do anything within its power to keep PMSH from being re-elected. Even the idiots running the show at CBC have to realize that when the Conservatives once again form government, CPC supporters will no longer be content to suggest cutting the CBC off its obscene subsidy … they will insist on it.

  9. Canada has been chosen as the most reputable country four out of the last six years.
    What happened in those other two years? Bloody Harper.

  10. I checked, and sure enough, as of my post still no story from CBC.
    Absolutely understandable when you look at these two facts….
    Harper’s Canada # 1
    Obama’s US of A # 22

  11. Obama wouldn’t allow Canada to build a pipeline because of the dangers, yet feels letting the Mullahs build a nuclear program is going to be fine. We must see his transcripts! I think Justin and Obama get their weed from the same guy.

  12. old news
    If you are going to court – get yourself a good Jewish lawyer – everyone who wants to win does.
    Back in the days of the Shah at least one Jew I know used to work in Iran. Strange thing too – in the days before the Mullahs, Iranian women were cute. What the hell happened?

  13. As an American I have to say I agree. I was to Denmark once though and have to say I was also mightily impressed so don’t go resting on your laurels my Canadian friends 🙂

  14. Well since you are in the mood for fighting, did not Iran just negotiate $140,000,000,000 billion dollars from the USA in their just now win at the negotiating table. Maybe they will throw a couple of million dollars your way.

  15. This news (not old news) could not come at a better time less than 100 days to the election!!

  16. Canada such a horrible place is. Therefore you come here why? Forcing no one is to you staying here.

  17. I’m shocked that you did not prevail in court. you obviously told everyone the absolute truth in what you think of them and how you feel about Canada’s laws. Since they are so difficult for you I’m sure you could go back to your more civilized country and prosper there.

  18. “fight for Muslim right
    fight for Iranian right”
    You have a right to leave, you know? Please don’t let the door hit ya where allah split ya.
    “fight for right of mentally ill in Canada”
    Only carrying about yourself. How selfish of you.
    Could you perhaps also fight for proper grammar and punctuation? How about for proper sentence structure? Maybe for coherence?

  19. “Canada has no credit in world Muslim”
    And that is good or bad? And why? And pray tell what does that mean? And finally, please feel free to guess how many ****s I give about Canadian “credit in world Muslim”.

  20. hey old news I wish I could afford your problems wow a 2.5 million dollar home wonder what he does in real life

  21. I know …ignore the trolls….
    I can’t waste time reading all that ‘stuff’…but read just enough to know that we are expected to be outraged at her/his plight…??
    Hilarious, really, considering the ‘rights’ he/she gave up to be in Canada.
    Yay Canada! Best place in the world! P.M. Harper is leading well!!…but that is old news to most of us here.

  22. What I do not understand is why ‘old news’ and an IP ban are not synonymous…

  23. Old News >
    So go back to Iran and make your parents money back. Should be easy these days right?
    You don’t like Canada, and apparently Canada doesn’t like you. Sell your computer and buy a plane ticket to your beloved Iran, and leave the Canadian people alone.

  24. Tamarax >
    “What I do not understand is why ‘old news’ and an IP ban are not synonymous”
    Heh, no kidding. This is why they shouldn’t be let into the country with “student/ work” visas IN THE FIRST PLACE. They produce nothing but sh*t and you can’t get rid of them.
    It’s a wonder why any Canadian employer would risk the horrendous liabilities of employing Muslims.

  25. When its garbled, butchered english, without the grammar, I just blur right over it, its a few minutes you will never get back reading the jibberish from a disaffected carpet rider, who really should just go back to the wastelands of the ME.
    We ignore you o n, get the picture?

  26. Old news. Is a broad . She had a halal food business . Got into some kind of business kerfuffle with lobl laws Ontario some 8 to 10 years ago
    Lost everything
    Has trolled he ever since
    English has improved somewhat

  27. Noticed this positive news for Canada didn’t make it onto CBC The National tonight. One would think it’d be a nice, feel-good national story and very positive for the country. Instead, Wendy Mesley spent the whole first 10 minutes of the show trying to convince viewers that Canada was in a recession because the interest rate was lowered a whole quarter of a single percentage point. This was then followed by another 50 minutes of their standard doom and gloom, of course.

  28. “86 lines without saying lob laws once. or halal.”
    She was getting there; she ran out of breath.

  29. Scar said: “Back in the days of the Shah at least one Jew I know used to work in Iran. Strange thing too – in the days before the Mullahs, Iranian women were cute. What the hell happened?”
    The cute ones are all hiding from the religious police. Being a hot chick will get you killed in modern Iran.
    I say we give every hot chick in Iran a .38 Airweight snubbie and 24 rounds, then just lean back and leave them to it.

  30. What a bloody waste of space is ‘old news’. Maybe there should be a ‘trigger warning’ ahead of any subject which has an ‘old news’ comment following. That way, I could just avoid it altogether.

  31. Hate to hose down the parade, but the claims that this Reputation Institute is “international” or “world leading” are largely its own. As a matter of fact, a majority of the directors have ties to an investment firm called Catalyst…more incestuous than international, I’d say.

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