6 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Starve The World””

  1. Ralph Nader and his anti-irradiation twats all need to get sick from eating tainted Stupidity

  2. The Eco-Freaks have been so convinced of this Population Bomb poppycock of Paul Ehrlich their convinced that too many people will cuase ecological disaster so they would rather allow millians to starve since many are deep ecologists like Al Gore is

  3. I have always loved the term “Grown in pig shit,” but this new
    one is technically more accurate. Even without delving into the
    idiotic opposition to GMO’s, one can easily discern the ultimate
    agenda of the environmental left.
    From Dixie Lee Ray’s Trashing The Planet: “It’s as good a way
    to get rid of them as any,” which was a direct reference to little
    brown people in third world countries. Charles Wursta, chief
    environmental scientist with the Environmental Defense Fund.
    In the same book, she wrote that Sri Lanka (Now Ceylon) experienced
    a 50% increase in crop yields and their Malaria rates fell from
    about 225,000 down to 17 a year when they started to use DDT.
    When they stupidly followed suit with the west, crop yields
    plummeted and new Malaria cases went back up to more than
    200,000 a year. They went back to using DDT in heartbeat!
    I believe it was in her second book (Environmental Overkill,)
    where Ray quoted Hanoi Ted Turner, who said that the worlds
    population needed to be coercively reduced by 9/10 so that
    those left could live in harmony with nature.
    One must not forget that the new left is a neo-Luddite,
    neo-Malthusian, neo-Stalinist totalitarian movement. Even
    Stalin, Hitler and Mao never dreamed of eradicating 9
    out of every 10 human beings on the planet. The Jihad
    against GMO’s, chemical fertializers and pesticides are
    all a part of their ultimate agenda.
    The liberal judge who turned off the flow of water to the
    Central Valley in California is advancing the same agenda.
    The question we need to ask is why do communists always
    attack agriculture?

  4. When anti-GMO people start shrieking about mutant foods, show them something like this:
    That tiny little spike at the top of the picture is what the wild version of the corn grown on our farms looks like. I’ll bet you’d see a major difference between wild and domestic versions of other food crops.
    We have been eating mutants for centuries, and the only way they could kill us was either by becoming contaminated or being in short supply.
    In other words, the enviroloons need a sense of perspective.
