24 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. We haven’t had a really good look at Uranus, the methane-shrouded giant, since Voyager 2 passed by in 1986, but thanks to NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft we’re finally getting a good long close-up goggle at the dwarf planet Pluto.
    [Can’t get a live link for some reason, even with the correct format. Here’s the URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnsE-seARkA ]

  2. Look around Saskatoon and you find filth. Meridians, such as, Clarence street overpass, 51 street overpass, Preston street overpass, and many parts of Circle Drive are full of sand and gravel. Mayor Atchison, Murry Totland, and city council, clean up this shit hole. BTW, the city streets continue to fall apart even though taxpayers gave a 13 percent increase over 2 years so street could improve.

  3. Love this idea from Don Braid’s sub-headline: ‘Brad Wall is already campaigning for another term as premier of Saskatchewan. And maybe Alberta too, just as a sideline.’
    Wall could take a page from Putin’s book of excuses: invade Alberta to save ethnic Rider Fans from the abuse of a Have Notley province. Reunify the pre-1905 NWT and call it Buffalo. An idea whose time has come.
    Buffalo Time

  4. Liberal Wynnetario.
    “Toronto doesn’t want Kanye West anywhere near the Pan Am Games – Mashable”
    “Hydro bills soar while green energy lags”
    “… the boondoggle that really takes the cake is the mess created by former energy minister George Smitherman with his Green Energy Act (GEA).”
    “Ont. auto insurance rates go up despite pledge to lower them”

  5. Solar Flight MAZ2
    “The team stressed in a statement that the damage was “not a technical failure or weakness in the technology.” Instead, flight managers had miscalculated the temperature increases the plane would experience, and the appropriate amount of insulation required, for the tropical climate encountered on ascent.”
    WTF “not a technical failure or weakness in technology” When you depend on all sorts of probability.. failure is pre-destined…
    Thermal failure is a primary design factor and they seem to operate on or near the critical path to explosion…Oh yes a band aid will fix that crap.
