22 Replies to “What Notley should have told Couillard”

  1. These eastern socialists are fully delusional – here’s the hard facts – without the equalization from Petro and natural resource provinces Ont and Que would be Greece.
    Pillory any politician who stifles economic recovery.

  2. As an Albertan I get a kick out of it when the gay hipsters, greentards and elderly Marxists out east lecture us about the environMINT.
    A two mile jog in Tranna or Mon Trail is like smoking two packs of cigarettes.
    Back when we had a responsible adult for a premiere the response to these eastern turd brains was ‘How would you like to sit and freeze in the dark for awhile…?’
    I think our clucky premiere is going to find that her fellow Commies out east are not her friends.

  3. The assumption seems to be made that Premier Notley did not hear exactly what she wanted to hear, that is Alberta must meet some fairy tale scary carbon levels in order to achieve “social license” to put oil through eastern Canada.
    I think she came back with the message she wanted to have.
    Brad Wall for Prime Minister!

  4. Well said Brian.
    All of the above. Couillard should be told that his welfare cheques will be cut off. Maybe if Quebec was not borderline a Greek economy with all of its socialism and rather focused on improving its economy to pay for its programs it would not need welfare. The same goes for that Liberal fool’s paradise in Ontario.

  5. It may have been well said to us, but he is preaching to the choir, isn’t he?
    We have been throwing facts and reality at the far left for seemingly forever and they still refuse to acknowledge the connection between a strong oil and gas sector and funding for their pet social programs. I completely understand the huge barrier the msm has created in stifling any positive messages from the right but there has to be some more creative ways to cut through it. Any hope of Harper making a difference died years ago when he decided to take the easiest route to power and built a liberal-lite government.
    The CPC should be challenging the msm’s bullshit on a daily basis! Repeated and deliberate misrepresentations of political stories designed to commit fraud against Canadian voters should also be punishable under an act similar to our treason laws.
    Ha, while I’m at it, as much as I respect Brian, Ezra et al, I believe they have made a serious marketing error in their choice of media names. Again, sounds great to us conservatives but Rebel Media is hardly a trust-inducing name for any voter who follows the msm religiously and is oblivious to what the right’s message actually is. To my mind, it plays directly into the left’s message that we conservatives are all scary, outsider radicals. Especially unfortunate with the current PC smearing of the Rebel flag.
    Sigh….. given the direction the free world is moving, I wonder if any studies have shown the right with a far higher depression rate than the left these days.

  6. Ending Equalization is what really needs to happen. It would make for more responsible provincial management across the board. Quebec is rich in natural resources, cheapest hydro etc, there’s no way they should be in perpetual have-not status.
    Ontario is just a Liberal sink hole at this point, the people elected the same crew who put them into it with their eyes wide shut to all the corruption, lies and scandal.
    IMO the provinces where it’s a culture of dependency, where they work 6 months and pogie the other 6, are offended to be reminded they need to do better. They also need to defend the Oil Sands, fracking and the pipeline for the good of ALL of Canada.

  7. Notly Not ready to lead
    Alberta voter Not ready to think
    Alberta economy Not ready to recover
    Quebec Not ready to suffer

  8. The fools are trading in a distant past. The Iran Oil race is a game changer. OPEC is DOA… All the ME will SELL,SELL & SELL.. The USA & EU system will be full of Iran OIL
    No need for Pipelines without a market at the END
    No need for OPEC funded FN or Environmentalists rage
    NO need for Bribes when the game is an arms race fueled by oil.
    Quebec & Alberta would be better served by trading Radishes.
    Saskatchewan needs a secure delivery system for Uranium… The obvious direction is NOT east…

  9. DJ >
    “Notley, grow a spine you POS”
    It’s not about a “spine” it’s about a radical agenda of a Left Wing fanatic who follows Rules for Radicals religiously.
    Assumptions of “Spineless, cowardly, or Stupid” is not knowing or understanding your enemy very well.

  10. The economics of Canada have not changed since the Hudson Bay Company. Easterners consider it their right to take resources from the West as they see fit. Turdeau Sr. did not invent the process. Equalization works so well because the vast majority of western Canadians have no idea of the extent of this rip off.
    Many in early Reform thought the movement was started to correct this an other inequalities. That was all forgotten when Manning went east. The Harper government simply reinstituted top down party control to mute western protest.
    I still want a united Canada but only if Western rights are respected. Progressives such as the Dippers and Liebels and now a goodly portion of the CPC fear this. When your livelihood is based on the ability to rip off productive segments of society there is much to fear.
    If leadership in BC, AB and SASK had any gonads they would threaten the end of equalization to achieve fair treatment. Anything less is simply perpetuating the existing status.

  11. To all of the above…the confederation is fubared…and will continue so. Notley and her crew have only one objective…to turn Canada into North Korea. They have zero knowledge of economics, zero care, and will just steal every cent they can from the rich (whoever they are, although we know). She wants a pipeline about as much as she wants her lover to grow a dick. We are dealing with a dirty, thieving socialist scum here. Never forget that. She is the rump on the Marxist First lady. Her only claim to fame is Daddy died in a plane crash. Well whoppie. So did Richie Valens, and that clan Kennedy guy. Alberta, and the ROCis soooo fuc@@ked. But of course, everybody is out for themselves….screw the rest.

  12. Notley’s latest comments will become deeply unpopular in AB and have probably finished her as a politican; she has already jumped the shark before summer’s end even before her first session. She’s proving it’s the “progressives” who are the one trick ponies of economic thinking, that it is “reasonable” to demand “consultation,” again and again, which is wholly designed to kill the process with emotional claptrap around saving the narwhals or whatever and demands for political bribes. Oil flows through the pipeline and the (equalization etc) money follows, not the other way around.
    Notley has already committed two serious errors against Alberta’s interests, by siding with outside interests. It’s three if you add her ridiculous carbon tax increase (not in platform btw) and decarbonization attitude, actions & rhetoric.
    First, her jetting in of out of province anti-oil activists & watermelon cranks to participate in key political & economic decisions – who have devoted their entire careers to shutting down “big oil” and particularly the oil sands – signal a regressive attitude towards resource development and business in general.
    Second, instead of defending Alberta’s interests in our Confederation, she has instead deferred to another province, degrading AB’s integrity in Confederation. She is in effect telling Quebec it’s OK to put the fiscal squeeze on Alberta. That is her political epitaph IMHO.
    SHE JUMPED THE SHARK,BIG TIME. BTW DEAR PIPELINES ARE FEDERAL JURISTICTION (REGULATED BY NEB). Oh right we have to consult and be reasonable, which you define as giving into you 100%. It will be interesting to watch these two progressive premiers give into each other 100%. If not so tragic, so laughably idiotic.
    And, much to PMSH’s delight voters get a glimpse of what a federal NDP government has in store for us. Their leader is from Quebec BTW. Will he also surrender to its will? Yes he will; he has no choice. Politicians shouldn’t be allowed to get away with political weasel words like hope, change, sustainable, or “fair” or “reasonable.” The election is on so now is the time for specify how your program achieves properly stated goals.
    Turning Canada into ZimBobRae will not do that, and promising that won’t win the election either. No, Greeknomics and other statist failures will not lead to better government, it’ll just make us all more “invested” in it. A light stain on that by Harper will gain him Ont seats and his majority.

  13. Sorry to post here….
    all I have to say is:
    Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
    Move along nothing to see here

  14. re: Mexican firefighters
    The people whining are the oilfield safety guys who bill out morons with a few days training at $600 a day to sit on their ass and watch people work. Since Rachel Notley destroyed the Alberta economy, these guys are still sitting on their asses but are paid nothing.
    I am not sure what the Mexicans are paid but I’m guessing it isn’t over $20 an hour and Mexicans usually know how to work. Also Alberta has deals with a lot of other jurisdictions to share firefighters.

  15. The only problem is that she agrees with Wynne and Coulliard. She wants to join Ontario and queebek in the carbon cash capture scheme.
    She is no friend of Albertans unless of course you are a union bureaucratic parasite.
    Hello she even wears a Che wrist watch.

  16. “Ending equalization” is not possible political. Fortunately it is not necessary to do it that way. Crippling the AB and SK economies will simply dry it up. The West needs not do a thing, the actions of the East will do it to themselves.

  17. As an Ontario resident I want the transfer payments and the oil/CNG shut off to both my province and Quebec. The reason? It’s time the gay hipsters, greetards, lefttards, hard communists and associated non contributors in both provinces get a harsh reality check and are forced to live they way they want the rest of us to live.
    Hard to push your agenda when you are starving and cold begging for change in a snowbank.

  18. scar >
    Yup why not open the borders and let all the Mexicans though to work, for sure they’re cheaper.
    As far as those “morons” sitting on their ass’s and watching other people work, maybe we can lobby for legislation forcing the oilfield to not use them. We’ll let the rig and service crews scramble to save their own lives in the event of a blowout, H2S, or pressure release.
    Saves money and employs plenty of Foreign Workers. Go NDP.
