18 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Trump currently has an advantage almost no politician has had in the past generation or so, he is more or less impervious to the msm’s sleazy “sound-bite journalism” tactics. We have become so numbed to politicians babbling on while trying to actually say nothing of record, he is a definite breath of fresh air to many potential voters, even if he’s somewhat distasteful to them.
    I would suspect the average American is more interested in what Trump has to say than they would ever dare publicly admit.

  2. It looks to me not like Trump called off the bet but that O’Donnell began furiously back-pedaling and Trump said he wouldn’t pursue the matter further i.e. not call O’Donnell on the bet. It’s almost like that Hill headline is a lie but we all know that the MFM would never do something like that.

  3. Trump is exactly what’s needed in politics today,he’s being himself, free of manipulation, he’s his own person, take it or leave it.

  4. Personally I can’t stand Trump and can’t understand his popularity. He’s just going to end up helping Hillary become president (no I don’t want that). At least his ego will be stroked.

  5. Richard >
    “Personally I can’t stand Trump and can’t understand his popularity”
    I’m pretty sure at this stage of the game it doesn’t really matter who becomes the next US President. Save for kindergarten bragging rights that “my guy/ gal got in”.
    When was the last time that any western leader listened to the population and moved on it for their benefit? Important stuff, not the fluff that is.
    Today the US is culturally fractured in a million different directions so that any Totalitarian puppet or empty suit will do.

  6. As much as I like The Donald and agree with some of the things he’s talking about and how he’s putting Republican’s feet to the fire, the one thing I feel he’s missing is a display of service to country. He may love America, but when a person has put their live on the line for others – be it police, military, firefighter, coast guard – you know they’ve taken that mental step to put the lives of others ahead of their own. I don’t know that the number one concern for Trump isn’t just himself.

  7. Grok – How many politicians can you name who have served their country the way you expect? In this country, I can think of Laurie Hawn and Marc Garneau and certainly no dippers.
    Back to the topic at hand, the media is lying as it wasn’t Trunp who backed out of the bet. If their best attack is a blatant lie, they don’t have much of substance to challenge.

  8. “…but when a person has put their live on the line for others – be it police, military, firefighter, coast guard – you know they’ve taken that mental step to put the lives of others ahead of their own…”
    That means nothing. Andrew Leslie, Julian Fantino, Bill Blair and a host of others (practicing politicians and wannabes) have “served” their country in the sense you’re talking about but they don’t rate very highly in my books.
    On the other hand, I can think of politicians – like Gary Breitkreuz and Candice Bergen (Hoeppner)- who get the service to the public thing but had nothing to do with police, military, firefighter, coast guard.

  9. Back to the Liberal boiler room with you, comrade.
    Trump is SO much a breath of fresh air, as said previously, he is his own man, he is media savvy, and, best of all calls them on their lies and puts them in their place. And he is striking a nerve in the American zeitgeist.
    His run for the presidency has legs, this is going to be fun!

  10. I will vote for him,like 50 times just say your are voting for bernie sanders then vote trump ,wash rinse repeat.

  11. Trump/Cruz , Trump/Walker, Walker/Cruz, Cruz/Walker, Cruz/Trump.
    Love trumps business savvy ,and his charisma!!

  12. About damned time a candidate for the right (even though I don’t believe Trump is a ‘pure’ conservative) actually called the MFMSM out for their lies, dissembling and attack lines. This is going to be an interesting primary race.

  13. Trump is the Democrat’s candidate for the Republican nomination. Period.
    He’s Ross Perot, with the integrity of Morton Downey Jr.

  14. Trump as a politician is for America what Don Cherry, or Ezra Levant would be for Canada = a HUGE breath of very fresh air from the podium!
