29 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. I agree with Brad Wall, but it’s like you’re talking with your family. Everyone here agrees. I agree. You readers agree. Who are you proving wrong? What is the accolade of winning an Internet poll in the Calgary Sun when we all agree? Their readers agree, you, me, the people who read this blog. It says nothing when all of the low hanging fruit in friendly territory says “yay”.

  2. Hey….that’s how Nenshi got to be “Mayor of the Universe”. And that’s how Calgary got stuck with a bunch of useless bike lanes.

  3. I know, but it was fun anyhow. The percentages in the Calgary poll does not surprise me as too many people in Calgary have become public teat suckers and become too disconnected with what a province needs to pay the bills and deliver a good standard of living.

  4. When it’s total war, every skirmish counts toward victory.
    Make no mistake, conservatives are in the minority position we find ourselves today because the Left has been waging total war against us for longer than we have been recognizing a war even exists.
    bread and circuses/hearts and minds/ never give in never surrender

  5. The divide is between urban and rural. Cities are dominated by the left and it always shows up in voter patterns. It’s a divide that can only be pulled back to sanity by a major recession because rural has the logic and common sense, but does not have the votes. Always reminds me of this cute little song:

  6. The question should have read, “Is Premier Notley representing Alberta, or just showboating for the enviro-weenie activist/media crowd?”
    SHE should be the one having to defend herself, not Brad Wall. BTW, is it possible for the same person to be premier of two provinces at the same time? Just askin’….

  7. Tim:
    I read you loud and clear, and I agree. I don’t think Brad wall was showboating, nor do I think that Rachel Notley was being overly aggressive in her comment. Lets get real, she is the head of the province that has most of Canada’s oil reserves. (173 billion barrels.)
    Thanks to the tar sands.
    This is what I found on Wikipedia: ”Over 95% of these reserves are in the oil sands deposits in the province of Alberta. Alberta contains nearly all of Canada’s oil sands and much of its conventional oil reserves. The balance is concentrated in several other provinces and territories. Saskatchewan and offshore areas of Newfoundland in particular have substantial oil production and reserves.Alberta has 39% of Canada’s remaining conventional oil reserves, offshore Newfoundland 28% and Saskatchewan 27%, but if oil sands are included, Alberta’s share is over 98%.” (End of quote)
    Not hard to understand why everyone wants to get in on the gravy train. Time to stop fighting and time to start selling gas and oil before someone invents another car that runs on a flux capacitor that puts out 1.21 gigawatts of power! Enjoy the video!!

  8. …That’s for the time machine. The car itself still ran on gas!
    Kate… The CTV poll is running about 60/40 in our favour. The gang might want to do something about that.

  9. As Ive said a number of times Alberta lost its soul voting for Ed Stelmack than the Red queen.Now we are stuck with socialist leeches descending on us, like a plague of locusts from all over the Canada’s. To pick the bones of this Province for the Eastern interests. To make Alberta a communist haven to strip while destroying the economy.This was inevitable as people here did not heed the warnings of so much corruption by professional politicians with Unions in collusion.nor the fact the Eastern “progressive’s” elites have infiltrated our political life to keep their own power.
    They as usual will now use Alberta to fund their wacky ways because they have burnt their own economies down to nothing for insipidities like wind farms & green religion.Besides their mania for multiculturalism. rest assured Alberta money will be funneled to try to ddefeat Harper as well.

  10. This carries over into so many areas, not the least of which is the ‘Religion of…..”

  11. But some kids down here in Oz have had it better than finding that Santa is real.
    They’re playing the snow that they wouldn’t see.
    And I’m taking a punt on the captcha for first go

  12. “I bet you go out of your way to tell little kids there’s no Santa.”
    I don’t know about Tim, but I sure as He77 do! Kids have been living with, and told fairy tales about Santa and socialism for way to long in Canuckistan. Time for them to face the hard realities of communism, especially in the cities. Unicorn farts and pixie dust doesn’t pay the bills. And I’m talking about so called “adults”.

  13. I think that the key item you’re missing, Jesus Saves, is the word “reserves”. That has a legal meaning that it has been explored for and found present and of high enough quality to be saleable to the satisfaction of professionals in the geology field, and can be accessed and recovered to the satisfaction of professionals in the mining field (in the case of surface or underground mines). Reserves also mean that there are no major legal impediments to the development of the resource. For example, if a 1m wide vein of pure gold ran 10m underground through the middle of a unicorn preserve then the gold could be listed as a resource because it is theoretically recoverable, but it could not be listed as a reserve because it is in a government sanctioned “no mining allowed” zone.
    In order for an area to be declared as a reserve or a resource, a lot of work at studying the area and the ground has to be done. That work has been done in Alberta, so there are a lot of reserves and resources. That work is starting to be done in Saskatchewan, so expect their reserves and resources to grow.

  14. What Wall is doing is strategic. He is recruiting help from the Federal Government knowing the only way he can get a deal with the provinces is through concessions. Notley will learn this soon enough.

  15. Tim
    Media uses polls to push and measure the effectiveness of their propaganda. What if the right won every single poll that the media pimped for the left.
    You would no longer see “Polls indicate that Canadians are (fill in pro leftist blank)
    Ever single one counts.

  16. As an Albertan, I’m still waiting to share in the wealth of Quebec’s hydro projects. That must be coming soon. It’s not like flooding millions of acres would have any effect on the environment?

  17. Amen to that. Walter Duranty was not the first media person that tried to poison the minds of North Americans with the lies of socialism. Now we have high profile politicians doing the same.
    Ward, exactly. We see skewed polls coming from the SJW PC crowd media meant to influence and form public opinion all the time.

  18. ward has it.
    Our elites in Canada use leftist talking points that require constant reinforcement. Push polls are used for that purpose so why shouldn’t our side use them from time to time to counter their bs. I like Kate’s polls. No ambiguity.

  19. Al Gore David Suzuki and Paul Ehrlich marooned on a lifeboat surrouded by sharks and a storms coming and the lifeboats leaking

  20. Pretty humorous to watch the junior/junior premier accuse an experienced premier of showboating, She is a train wreck who will be a millstone around Mulcair’s neck it what might be an earlier than expected dropping of the writ, and beginning of the formal campaign, and the shutting out of union and other progressive panderers. The Harper juggernaut can thus begin, with more $$$ than the Grits & Dippers combined. Then Mulcair gets to chase his tail on “ethics” and NDP refusal to pay back owed taxpayer dollars equaling three times the entire Senate misappropriations. Of course one is partisan, another is not. A await the song and dance from Angry Tom & the Rent Seekers. It’ll be a toe tapper though probably just a knee slapper.
    I think sooner rather than later the people of AB are going to let Notley know she is on the wrong track. Former AB premier Redford opines in reasonably good article on energy cooperation. Notley should give it a read, then she would have some idea of what adults think of the issue:
    “It is simply not realistic to claim that we can transition off oil and gas tomorrow, or that stopping desperately needed pipeline development will keep Alberta and Saskatchewan’s oil resources in the ground. Even with the continued push toward greater energy efficiency and renewable generation, the world will continue to consume increasing amounts of fossil fuels. According to the International Energy Agency’s most recent global outlook, demand for energy – in all of its forms – is expected to grow at a rate of 1.1 per cent through 2040. Despite the substantial growth expected in wind, solar and other emission-less energy sources over that same time frame, those sources will fulfill only 5 per cent of primary energy demand by then.”
    Yes Notley can tin ear the thing for 4-5 years; and she will try; but, will Albertans stand for it?

  21. “Nexen says the affected area is about 16 thousand square metres,”
    The pipeline oil spill,”largest in Alberta’s history”, covers 1.6 hectares.There are 2.47 acres per hectare for a total of 3.95 acres, for us old timers.
    I guess by today’s hysterical standards that’s a huge area.
    CTV,and the rest of the Canadian MSM,are shameless,fear mongering whores.
    I wonder if sanity will make a comeback in the next couple of decades,or are we going to hit rock bottom first?

  22. 4 acres
    The Atlantic 3 blowout was 640 acres
    CTV got it wrong again
    Btw. You can’t tell where it was

  23. I couldn’t be bothered reading an op-ed piece in the G&M by redford. I watched her in action first hand. She is now trying to reserect her reputation.
    Notleys on the other hand is showing her thin skin. First she suggests following a meeting with the premier of Quebec that she gave tacit approval to a pipeline veto.
    then once the story goes viral in AB she tries to pick a fight to save her reputation. It’s window dressing. She isn’t as clever as she thinks she is.

  24. Tim, winning rids us of douchebags like the long forgotten Piers Morgan and his influence just for one of the many benefits of handing leftards their asses whenever you can.
