34 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Planetary Fever Update”

  1. “Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology said the snowstorms are due to a low pressure system that moved a cold air mass in….”
    Sorry, mate, it was caused by manmade climate change and we resent any suggestion to the contrary!

  2. Let me guess, it is Antarctica and global warming has mutated the penguins?

  3. I’m 20 minutes from Montreal, two nights ago it went down to 10 Celcius, which is unusual for this region, I did not check if it is some kind of record but I am 55 years old and I do not remember having seen such low temperatures in July.
    Global warming is a scam.

  4. There were frost warnings in Northern New Brunswick last night. Frost in July! that’s not warming!

  5. Snowyroos are 7.5 times deadlier than drop bears. Can kill a ferocious funnellweb at 50 paces.

  6. I say that the Australian government should be able to forcibly seize the bank accounts of Justin Turdeau and Lizzy May to pay for Carbon Offsets down-under!

  7. Diz, places that get snow in winter have broad leaved trees that lose their leaves.

  8. At least St. Andrews looks all lovely and warm, as it always does in the summer.

  9. Dizzy beat me to it. It’s winter in Australia right now – though it’s still worth noting that it’s their coldest winter in almost half a century.
    More on point is northern Germany having a frost last week.

  10. Yes, Kate knows it’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere, obviously including Oz, but that it’s unusual for them to get (so much) snow as described by the report.

    But hell, the drought in BC and Warshington trumps ANY weather/climate counter to that, warmth and lack of precip trumps unusual cold and snow, dontcha know.
    Even David Suzuki endorses if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth.

  12. “Save the kangaroos!”
    Alas, no.
    Any Aussie will tell you: kangaroos are decidedly not an endangered species.

  13. Hovercraft
    As JJM says we’ve got an excess supply and would gladly save a bodacious number for you if you have a use for them.
    You also need to realise that the excess is of the bigger red and grey ones – this is not to the lasting good of some of the smaller ones

  14. Global warming measured in inches.
    Soon it will be so much milder in winter(Team IPCC ™) that Auzzies will need to know about block heater for their vehicles.
    Now you see why Paris meetings are urgent, any more of this Global Warming and taxpayers are going to be burning Doomsayers for their BTU value.
    Quite a reasonable use as they have no value to civil society that I can figure.

  15. This from an previous SDA thread in which global warming was refuted by snow in Australia —
    In Australia, snow can fall in the mountains of Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Tasmania. There is a regular snow season in several areas which have seasonal ski tourism industries. Sometimes snow has even been reported in the mountains of South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland though this is very rare.
    Snow at sea level has been recorded on mainland Australia but has happened more times in Tasmania, some of the snow at sea level has fallen in the off season like summer. Snow has fallen nearly everywhere in Tasmania, though it is rare to fall in the north coast at sea level.
    The occasional cold snap, caused by cold air drifting north from Antarctica, can cause significant snowfall in rural areas, as well as major cities such as Hobart, Melbourne’s outer mountain suburbs, Canberra and Sydney. Such occasions are rare, but have occurred in 1951, 1986 and 2005.[3]

  16. Full disclosure to the leftist retards that wanna troll this blog.
    We here at SDA understand that it is actually winter in austrailia right now, however the article notes that it is the coldest in 4 decades!! long before the global warming crap ever was thought about!!

  17. Dizzy
    What happened to 1965? Been there, done that, didn’t get a T-shirt.
    At the risk of ageing me – I was camping on field work that winter and we were wearing everything we had for that occasion.
    It was snowing at DC 3 height our part and sleet and snow as you went east.
    And Kate
    Is there a prize for successfully reading the captcha that comes at the most obscure angle?
    I’m using a magnifying glass now.

  18. // What happened to 1965? Been there, done that, didn’t get a T-shirt.
    I was camping on field work that winter and we were wearing everything we had //
    If you are referring to what I thing you are, you should go & edit the wikipedia page.
    Glad you made it.

  19. “Diz, places that get snow in winter have broad leaved trees that lose their leaves.”
    Well, it snowed in Montana on Friday and its midsummer for us. And we have evergreen forests. Not sure what your point is here, Mr richfisher…
