5 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Pathetic…the media carousel circles the wagons against the prompter of the lone hard question the Obama-Nation™ has had to respond to in the last seven years.
    Small wonder the LSM has a tough market for their drivel.
    One reporter ‘gets brave’ with 16 months to run on the Obama-Nation™ clock…
    Countdown until Obama is OUT OF OFFICE
    479 days or roughly 16 months
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. The role that Major played in supporting Obama’s 2008 race against Hillary..(the Clinton thug, now Gov. of Virginia, screamed into his ear piece) He left FOX and I thought he was a live long OBAMA guy…wow

  3. This is what the marxist media does when their incredibly thin skinned small brained anti American leader gets challenged, they attack and deflect. Oshithead did the same thing as his media enablers, he attacked, he scolded, he lectured, he deflected but he didn’t answer the question. Its as if questioning the moron@chief is an “insulting” exercise in itself. Shows that the media and Otrayvon are less than confident with the deal they handed to the enemy. Never question a prog, they don’t like it… this is the same media that believe its completely legitimate for Oshitstain to keep his college records secret from the public.

  4. As infuriating as it is, it is no surprise what a spitting little sh– Obama is. That Garrett didn’t continue with the attack is what gets me. Sure, he would face the wrath of those who still get on their knees for the Mouth-Breather-in-Chief but it would have been worth it to see Obama squirm and start crying.

  5. I cannot come up with sufficient adjectives to describe the vile ignorant person who is currently the president of the united states.
