Dear Leftists, You’re No Spaceman Spiff

Of course, children may not understand the underlying political reasons why they’re sent to a prison-like institution and the country’s least competent or caring individuals are chartered with educating them. But they do have genetically programmed within them self-respect and intuitively know when they’re getting screwed. Alas a natural animosity forms between students and their prison guard teachers. A healthy distrust between teacher and student. And soon in a very Calvin and Hobbes like way, students and teachers fall into their natural roles of sworn enemies.

6 Replies to “Dear Leftists, You’re No Spaceman Spiff”

  1. You preach to the choir.
    My brother in law and his ex-wife (and new girl friend) are unrepentant leftist meat holes. They scoffed at me when I refused to let my daughter flunk out at math. I took that bull by the horns, tutored her myself starting at grade 7. By grade 9 she had progressed through algebra, exponential functions, quadratics and geometry and finished up with a grade 12 honour students’ level of competence with basic integration and differentiation for entry level calculus. That was doing just 15 minutes a night. If she had fun, we did a little more. If not we did a little less. After math we did video games and then she went on her way and I went mine. Most parents would be utterly SHOCKED at how smart their kids actually are…and how quickly those loathesome union swine are to write them off. They’ll tell you you kid has ‘problems concentrating’ and ‘wont apply themselves’ and blah blah blah. They are essentially giving your kid the means to cop out and shift the responsibility for their failures back to you as a parent.
    As for my brother in law – he’s a school principal and his girls are teachers (the ex-wife is, shockingly – a militant feminist)…and both their kids have developed ‘learning problems’. I refuse to be in the same room with those drips nowadays, they’re stuck on stupid and their kids are paying for it. There is nothing wrong with them either.
    We need to put shame, the strap, and punishment back in the classroom and at home. I am watching an entire generation writing itself off and I seriously wonder who will be around to take care of us when we are in our final years. It is not your imagination, it is not the aimless grumping of old farts criticizing the young…our kids are not growing up.

  2. Classic Progs, if you can’t kill them in the womb, then drug them into submission.
    Children who have never heard” no”, will never be able to call”BS” to really stupid ideas, that rob them of their wealth and freedom.
    Nice short term gains for the parasitic Guild, but what do they anticipate will happen when the pablum runs out?.
    We have raised hordes of takers, with no ability to be makers.
    Current makers are shutting it down.
    That which was never produced cannot be stolen.
    Well except for what we did to our grandchildren with the national debt.
    But playtime is almost over.
    What is even funnier is listening to these precious wee snowflakes , demanding that all wealth be seized to benefit their aims.
    I guess their understanding of human nature is going to be a very unpleasant awakening.

  3. Cappy tweeked onto the con early in life – that public school is not there to educate and stimulate intellectual growth, it’s there to turn out docile, compliant lobotomized servants/consumers of the corporate-government gulag.
    Cappy some never get it- most of them don’t get it.

  4. Frankly we need to end the indoctrination of the kids by the leftists NEA and return to home schooling something the NEA and UN opposes becuase the students are not being brainwashed in these leftists run schools or make that Indoctrination Centers

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