Renegade Regulator

Churnover: As a result, 31% of CSA’s board have exited in 2015, and we’re only halfway through the year. Officially, in this year alone, the cumulative turnover has now reached 61%. That’s 12.31 times the national average.

6 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. And that is the bureaucrats escape plan.
    Once enough of these parasites have cycled through, the people supposedly responsible will claim that it was all the fault of these , now moved on, individuals.
    And never address the failure of government to operate within the law or carry out their responsibilities.
    The silence from our politicians speaks volumes.

  2. The CEO had faked credentials? Electrical code involves life & death Standards.
    Who provides CSA liability/errors & omission Insurance, must be the government or it would have been cancelled.
    WTF is wrong with the Government. This is the equivalent of allowing unsafe airplanes to fly.

  3. We haven’t heard anything from an official black spokesperson yet. Until we do, NONE OF IT matters!

  4. Reading this stuff just drives you nuts especially if you read about anecdotal examples like Ms Gregoire or that Mohamad guy. They’re just two diamond plated bureaucrats of tens of thousands that float around networking themselves into unearned positions that are totally useless, wasteful and make people realize overall the entire tax and spend web that our government has become is not worth paying into because it’s fat corrupt, useless and deadly.
    How easy would it be to fix just this one example (CSA) and send a message to the tax payer that their money isn’t being spent actively trying to kill them and their children with house fires just to employ and overpay assholes who vote the right way?
    The entire system is evil and terrible and will doom modern Liberal democracy as we know it within 50 years unless some of these lying sacks of shit go to jail and we carve government down to half it’s size and entrench limits on government, while making those colluding in public theft and corruption perp walk into the penal system like regular criminals for everyone to see.
    Nothing will come of this however and the average Joe in Ontario can now contemplate the whole thing while stewing for an extra 45 minutes of traveling home and to work EVERY F###ing DAY now watching the connected cruise by them in appropriated and appropriately letter HOV’s that they’ve already paid for long ago and had stolen from them by some three lettered “ministry of” empire building corrupt criminal at another three lettered sanctioned crime network.

  5. From DemocracyRules:
    THIS is from the prnewswire[dot]com website
    It’s a key source of news stories in Canada. When an organization does something big, they pay to publish a press release about it on PRN news-wire. Then they may try to get the Canadian Press and/or major newspapers to pick up the story. Even if they don’t succeed, and the MSM doesn’t carry the story, it’s still good to get the info onto PRN news-wire. People who follow certain companies or industries find out what’s going on.
    So when PRN news-wire ran this story about the new CEO at the CSA, insiders took note. CSA has a new CEO, and he looks good!
    For more, copy and paste this title into google:
    “Ash Sahi appointed CSA Group President and CEO”
    The story continues…
    “Mr. Sahi has also held senior level positions in the Federal Government as a Special Advisor Privy Council and Director of Industry and Trade.”
    That sentence is totally untrue. Sahi never worked a day for the Canadian government. And remember, PRN news-wire just ran the press release. CSA wrote it. They can’t claim they were misquoted.
    It’s pretty pathetic, that the CSA didn’t even make a call to the Canadian government to find out if Sahi ever worked for them. Some background check that was. And once he was CEO, Sahi tried to sue PS Knight Co. for frivolous reasons. And then the CSA started taking a terrible beating in the public domain for multiple allegations of malfeasance. No wonder the board members are walking out.
    It’s hard to retract your own press release.
    The moral of this story is…
    Denial is not exculpatory. It’s a river in Egypt. And he who buries his head in the sand gets kicked in the butt.
