Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Rinse, repeat;

The United Nations has fired its peacekeeping chief in the Central African Republic after a new scandal over alleged sexual abuse by UN troops, even as the sacked commander warned of a “systemic problem” of sexual abuse by peacekeepers.

h/t Maz2

18 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Why are we worrying about this? All over the television, on the alphabet networks, the really, really most important thing in this world burning down around us, is the federal courts worrying about whether a football player deflated a football. Mein Gott! Don’t you fools know what is really, really important?

  2. Sexual abuse allegations have been continuous since the UN decided to police African Nations with African soldiers,and it didn’t take long for tribalism to kick in,did it?
    And yes, I know that all rapists in the UN contingent aren’t African,( to placate the white guilt crowd) but most of these cases of multiple rapes by UN “peacekeepers” has been African on African.
    Some day the UN will send African troops from the wrong tribe to police another State and the sh** will truly hit the fan, such as Ibos policing Hausas, or Hutus/Tutsis.

  3. It seems like the entire purpose of UN Peacekeeping Force is for pedophiles to have proper access to children elsewhere.

  4. What football? Where did you hear news that had nothing do with Mike Duffy? And the incredible amount of /insert doctor Evil voice here/ Ninety Thousand Dollars?

  5. Of course it is not rape rape, rape raoe is only performed by white males in western countries, everywhere else it is part of the culture you bigot. In India children in kindergarten sing: “People on the bus go rape rape rape…”

  6. Today a Canadian living in California posted on Facebook the old: Under every Prime Minister since Pearson Canada was the No. 1 provider of U.N. peacekeepers and now under Harper we’re 62nd. Made my day to send her this.

  7. Well, what do you expect with all this global warming we’re causing? Not enough bees. ..too many bugs. …too wet. ..too dry…too horny…

  8. Seems we can be sure what these Nations are United in doing.
    Another fine Progressive concept.
    A committee made up of bureaucrats and do-gooders from every nation on earth will help….
    We are from the govt,we’re here to help you…
    We are from the UN, we are here to….
    Like the T shirt says
    “I don’t need sex.
    The government F**ks me everyday”
    So forgive these travelling pedophiles they are just fulfilling their mandate.

  9. Well it could always be worse ya know. Last time these bungling criminals helped out a 3rd world nation they spread a plague. But I’m sure it was all done with the best intentions. Just like all the sterilization shots they order before they feed 3rd world women – just another day for the boy scouts in jackboots.

  10. What a “culturally insensitive” news story.
    Why back in the U.S.A. the women folk would put up posters with a “trigger warning”.
    Behaviour modification through auto-suggestion….. .45 auto, .380 auto. 9mm parabellum auto.,.38 Super auto. … problem solved.
    As for the UN PeaceKeepers of the African Union, shouldn’t they be issuing them blue condoms(with serial numbers) to match their blue helmets?

  11. Just as the UN has given China and Russia an opportunity to carry on with their misdeeds, the UN has given these native rapists an opportunity to carry out their crimes.
    It’s time to withdraw from this godawful organisation today.
    Vote for the politician who promises to make this happen.

  12. What was the cost in lives and money when the Nepalese troops brought cholera to Haiti? They were sure a lot of help.

  13. Consider who most of those UN peacekeeping forces are …. they are of the only skin color that matters …. At least, according to African Americans and groveling liberal politicians. The race wars are coming.

  14. So 90 million to the UN, 1.8 billion to Foreign Aid, 1.1 billion to CBC, another 700 million to Indian Affairs on top of what they already get, add to that what the Liberals spent on the gun registry that the NDP want to re-institute in addition to the 15 dollar an hour minimum wage and the universal child care the the Liberals have been promising for the last generation, and the carbon tax that the three opposition parties are all clamoring for, not to mention untold hundreds of other plans and schemes and I understand why Canadians will never get ahead in this country anymore. It’s past time in Canada to put an end to universal franchise and institute a system where the real taxpayers that pay these bills are the only people allowed to vote and are able to tell the elected government where they want the tax money collected to be disbursed. Enough of electing these idiots that don’t work in the real world, they shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the corridors of power.

  15. What does the Liberal Left care, they can kill more blacks through Planned Parenthood than send in UN rapists to take care of business.

  16. The UN leeches have been suckling off america for far too long its time to spill a little salt on them
