18 Replies to “Earthshattering Kaboom”

  1. So how much O-Zone depleating contaminates were released in this explosion? I thought China was suppost to be a example of what the Tree Huggers/Granola Munchers wanted Oh looks kiddies the Dragons breathing contaminates again

  2. There were two explosions. The largest was equivalent to 21 Tons of TNT. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were ~21,000 Tons of TNT (13,000-20,000 Tons).
    This is 1/,1000 of what Long Beach or Newark will look like if Iran’s terrorists smuggle a nuke in a shipping container into the US.

  3. “Yellow” lives never mattered in China.
    It wouldn’t surprise me if indifference to safety caused this explosion.
    This is the same country where Mao starved millions, where infant girls are killed, children are poisoned, where dissidents are arrested, chemicals dumped in the water, labourers are paid crap wages and North Koreans are returned to North Korea where they face a certain death.
    And Justin Trudeau admires the hell out of it.

  4. “Yellow” lives never mattered in China.
    Dead on, OK. That’s what I say to people who buy food from China: if they don’t give a crap about the lives of their own citizens, how much concern do you think they have about us? And when the day soon comes that our cars are manufactured in Shanghai, my comment will apply to those products as well.

  5. Signs are in Mandarin-and English
    I was over last October
    The pace is frightening, shainghai area is 50 million people with 5 million arriving yearly
    The infrastructure is all new , there are new roads , tracks, maglev trains and canals that can carry container ships in more than 100 Km
    The pace must cut safety
    Meanwhile I watched them try to add a lane on a bridge on the calgary ring road for two years. A lane across a tiny creek

  6. China is in trouble, just like the middl eastern region – too many young males with nothing to do.

  7. It seems as though water used on the original fire and explosion caused the second explosion, acetylene gas cause by water on calcium chloride.

  8. Chinese children were poisoned. Why would they give a crap about Canadian children being poisoned?
    Having said that, if a Canadian, having heard of these poisonings, still insists on eating food produced in China, that’s his funeral.
