23 Replies to “Free Roosh V!”

  1. Damn but that’s funny. If only Canada was that Islamophobic there would be hope for the future, but unfortunately all he’s done is piss off a collection of ball busting feminists that have no clue as to what they are even railing against. He’s male so he must be evil and they weren’t invited so he must be stopped. Canada may be all inclusive but feminists belong to a closed elite club, and as a male he has no business trying to disturb the narrative. He should take his complaint to the Federal Dept for the status of men. Oh, wait …………….. He would have to go back to Iran for that. He shoulda just played the race card or the gay card. Where does the poor fool think he is ? A free country or something ?

  2. Sum up his dialog in one sentence.
    The left has never grasped the concept of disagreeing without being disagreeable.

  3. A perfect example of the deranged left demanding (violently) a monopoly on the public narrative. I think they hate him because he’s as extreme as these are, can’t stand the competition.
    As for this fembo one-sided Political correctness (manners for the but not for me), frig those rainbow hair bull dike goths, stay in your cave you’re of no use to anyone .

  4. Just like pre-programed robots like zombies without a mind of their own walking around with that vacant look,Hitler,Stalin,Mao,Pol Pot, Ho Chi Mihn as well as Charles Manson had their willing thrals

  5. I am dissapointed Roosh has turned this into a supposed Islamophobia thing.
    The problem are leftism and its ugly cousin feminism.
    Leftists and feminists are savagely persecuting any and everyone who disagrees with them no matter if you are Muslim, Christian or an Atheist.
    Leftists and feminists are mentally deranged people.

  6. I am dissapointed Roosh has turned this into a supposed Islamophobia thing.
    He’s not. He’s just using their own identity politics against them. Either they continue to suppress him, in which case they’re Islamophobes (remember the order of hands in victimhood poker, Muslim trumps everything else), or else they quiet down and he gets to deliver his speech. Brilliant Xanatos Gambit.

  7. Roosh has always been a clown, even self admitted. If you are hanging your hat on this chap as a champion of free speech it is very much mis-allocated. He bans people constantly from his own blogs. He bans people from twitter. He has banned another stalwart in the Men;s Sphere movement, Rollo Tomassi, because Rollo refuses to bow to the “father of the men’s movement”.
    He is the same as the SJW’s that you supposedly hate. It is all about Roosh all the time.
    Rollo – ” August 11th, 2015 at 12:43 am
    As I’ve stated before, I’ve learned that when an idiot is explaining himself it’s best not to interrupt him.
    I can post an epic about Roosh’s false-flag free speech horse sht and his long standing policy of banning and blocking anyone who dissents or calls him to the carpet, but then I thought, give him time. Guys like this will always hang themselves eventually.”
    From here – http://therationalmale.com/2015/08/07/men-in-demand/

  8. Wrong friend.
    It’s the very fact he’s turned it into an “islamophobia” issue that gives him cover to expose the feminazi’s facisim.
    So, you are right that the issue is bigger than Islamophobia; but, Islamophobia is the best vehicle to push forward the assault on the femnazis.
    AND, Muslims have every right to their traditions, beliefs and gatherings so long as they are lawful. Furthermore, since we can all agree that our society is well on its way to depravity; I cannot blame Muslims(or other cultures) for their desire not to be infected with our cultural rot. I am not condoning Islamic terror, or religious dictators… but they are right about not emulating our worst traits.

  9. The social justice snake is swallowing it’s tail. It’s shut up and grab some popcorn time!

  10. “If you are hanging your hat on this chap as a champion of free speech it is very much mis-allocated.”
    Au contraire,
    mon frere.
    Pace Voltaire:
    “I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.”
    Personally I think the guy’s a manipulative jerk, and his ‘technique’ might get you a girl, but it will never get you a woman. But, as noted
    often above, it’s a free world – or it used to be – and he should be free to speak. If the femiNazis REALLY cared about other women, they’d be
    busy educating girls about his BS.
    However, in the real world, most girls (and most women, for that matter) have more important things than do than listen to femiNazi rants. Like
    work, family, friends, and relationships, most of which the feminNazis are lacking.

  11. Kevin, not saying he has no right to speak. Let him speak unfettered. Just wanted to point out that he is a hypocrite, as he bans free speech himself and cannot take criticism. IMO, not a guy to bet the free speech debate on.

  12. When is CBC going to apologize to him and indeed to all Canadian for their vicious Islamaphobie hate crime against this poor Muslim fellow?
    Seems CBC has engaged in cyberbullying again.
    Charges should be laid against the CBC for attacking him and for allowing this kind and gentle Islamic gentleman to be bullied by their posters.
    Ask Justin and the rest of the leftwing dullards if they think a Muslim man should be allowed to speak in Canada.
    Throw the whole mess back in their faces.
    Good times!

  13. is this the same CBC that is promoting bare boobs biking but outraged by a 17 boys peck on the cheek ?

  14. This is rich. The charge of Islamophobia leveled against those who are usually allies must have a few heads spinning. Does it mean that the old axiom ‘your enemies are my enemies therefore we’re friends’ is losing its currency?

  15. Indeed.
    Had Roosh been an imam, how many feminists would be saying anything against him?
    I do think it is funny that for all their feeble attempts, the leftists are inadvertently his biggest promoters.

  16. They have made Canada the most Islam-o-phobic country on the plant!
    How embarrassing.
    Someone should collect names and deport all Canadian feminists to the Taliban and ISIS for some Sharia justice!
    Can’t deport? Yes we can, it’s a global open border world now, Canadian citizenship is as obsolete as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms they so distain and fought to overthrow.
