10 Replies to “Great Moments In Socialism”

  1. In Capitalism at least the cream has a chance of rising to the top. In Socialism only the pond scum rises to the top and the cream always disappears into foreign bank accounts. History shows most Socialist leaders as poor coming in, but never poor by the time their reign is over. Reverse for the sheeple.

  2. “Hugo Chavez’s ambassador daughter is Venezuela’s richest woman”
    same as Castro is cuba’s richest, and Putin is Russia’s nouveau riche – you see a pattern here? Statist socialism (AKA Communism/fascism) is all about replacing a peerage-based aristocracy with a political aristocracy – same concept – a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few people, one was wealth by birth right, the other wealth by political propriety – so what if they tell the zombie hordes otherwise, the objective reality of statist socialism is trading one set of rulers for another, and spilling your blood to do it.

  3. Here is socialist Ontario, Canada, the Premiere has introduced a new pension plan. You pay $4.50 per day for 40 years and you get $12,815 per year once you retire at age 65.
    $4.50 x 250 x 40 = $45,000 contributed during your working life.
    $12,815 x 20 = $256,300 taken out during your retirement.
    For every $1 you contribute you will get $5 back. My question is, does the Premiere know this? I was wondering why they quote contributions in days and payouts in years.

  4. What you have to ask is how much will that fund grow over the 40 years of contribution.
    It is not about $1 contributed and $5 taken out. Realistically no one can forecast how
    well the economy will do or how the funds will be invested.
    The scary aspect is that politicos accept generalizations of forecasted GDP growth.
    Growth rates of 4.5% and ROI of funds at + 9% are regularly accepted. Accepting anything less usually means that budgets don’t work, withdrawal rates don’t work and
    bottom line credibility comes into question.

  5. No but one can accurately forecast how this fund will be administered , used as a govt piggy bank to be plundered.
    How the government will hire their very own special accountants to proclaim the fund to be a massive success as the balance goes negative.
    Within a decade the cost of administration will exceed the incoming fund, rates will have to quadruple, but hey everyone knows, that bureaucrats can run your life better than you can.
    And how they and their favoured friends are far more deserving of the return from your labour.
    I love govt retirement pension schemes, who knew that by stealing 1/3 to 1/2 of your income govt would enable you to better plan for your future.
    Free.. just like healthcare.

  6. Yeah, it’s funny how that money just falls into the off-shore bank accounts of the People’s saviors, huh?

  7. I”m sure many will have noticed the same trends of money movement with the “greenies”. David Suziki, Al Gore, etc. are all living fat while the poor suckers pay the cost of their green wet-dream.
