18 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Media Party’s Futile Hunt for Son-of-a-Gun Harper.
    “Mike Duffy trial: Nigel Wright facing 2nd day of cross-examination” (cbc)
    “No smoking gun”
    “Wright’s testimony so far adds nothing new to the equation. It only confirms what some of us have said since the beginning.
    That is, Canadians already knew what happened regarding Wright, Duffy and the $90,000.”

  2. PET Cemetery Report.
    “according to now-required financial filings to the federal government.”
    “Trudeau pledges to invest in First Nations education and social programs” (G-M)
    “$267,309 tax-free: Chief of 90-member B.C. First Nation may be Canada’s highest paid politician”
    “VANCOUVER — The 90-member Semiahmoo First Nation in Surrey, B.C., paid its chief and one of its councillors nearly $460,000 combined in the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
    Chief councillor Willard Cook was paid $267,309 and councillor Joanne Charles had a salary of $187,138, according to now-required financial filings to the federal government.”

  3. 460 grand paid to two first nations councillors of a 90-member band? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
    No, not really…

  4. AGW RIP.
    “… for Premier Rachel Notley to take to meetings this December in Paris.”
    “Montreal to harmonize snow-clearing policy across 19 boroughs”
    “Alberta climate-change panel to consult before taking action” (cbc)
    “Alberta climate change panelist says leaving it in the ground one topic for public hearings”
    “They’ll even consider the question of leaving the oil sands in the ground according to one panel member.”

  5. The GOP elite’s attempt to purge Donald Trump from the Republican party primary:
    “For there is a plot afoot in the Washington Post Conservative Club to purge Trump from the Republican Party before the primaries begin.
    ‘A political party has a right to … secure its borders,’ asserts the Post’s George Will, ‘a duty to exclude interlopers.’ Will wants The Donald ‘excommunicated’ and locked out of all GOP debates until he kneels and takes a loyalty oath to the nominee.
    ‘Marginalizing Trump’ carries no risk of ‘alienating a substantial Republican cohort,’ Will assures us, for these “Trumpites” are neither Republicans nor conservatives. Better off without such trash.
    The Post’s Michael Gerson says ‘establishment Republicans’ must ‘make clear that [Trump] has moved beyond the boundaries of serious and civil discourse.’ He loathes the Trumpites as much as Will.
    Trump’s followers are ‘xenophobic,’ Gerson tells CNN. They have a ‘resentment of outsiders, of Mexico, of China, and immigrants. That’s more like a European right-wing party, a UKIP or a National Front in France. Republicans can’t incorporate that.’
    But if the GOP has no room for Trump’s followers, it has no future. For there simply aren’t that many chamber-of-commerce and country-club Republicans.”
    “Both are anti-New World Order. Both arose to recapture the lost independence and sovereignty of their nations from the nameless, faceless bureaucrats of Brussels, those EU hacks who now dictate the kinds of laws and societies the Brits and French are permitted to have.
    What motivates these folks is not all that different from what brought the farmers to Lexington Green and Concord Bridge and inspired colonists to stand by the original Tea Party boys in Boston.”

  6. All Albertans concerned about the policy direction the NDP is taking with regard to Climate Change need to take this survey and let them know where you stand. It takes some time and is painful in places when you are asked to prioritize items that you may want the option to say “none of the above” to – but there are a few places where you can leave your own thoughts.
    If you are interested – please go to: https://climateleadershipsurvey.alberta.ca/
    On the last question: “Do you have any other feedback for Alberta’s Climate Change Advisory Panel?” here is what I said (1000 character limit):
    Yes – disband yourself if you have a fixed agenda. Don’t pick winners and losers in the market. Don’t set a path that locks Alberta into programs that drives up the cost of living here for years to come and spends money we don’t have (deficits and debt) just to achieve some unproven ideological objective. Ask yourself – what criteria, if any, would you accept as being sufficient to FALSIFY the claim that carbon emissions are leading to climate change? If there are no arguments you would accept, then recognize that this isn’t science, but that it is an ideology akin to a religious belief. If there ARE arguments you would accept, then let’s have a public debate about what they are as part of your consultations – so that the EVIDENCE for and against them can be tabled and considered in the public sphere – without using terms like “deniers” and “kooks”. Don’t waste everyone’s time and money with “consultations” if you have already decided what the outcome is that you will recommend.

  7. Also bears noting that the above BS poll on climate change in Alberta can be taken as many times as you’d like without so much as clearing your browser cache. How very scientific of them.
