Showing Up To Riot

Mark Steyn punches back.

That attitude is why I wrote this book. It begins with a quote from Ed Begley Jr, the actor-activist, in a memorable Climategate interview with Stuart Varney:
“If these scientists have done something wrong, it will be found out and their peers will determine it… Don’t get your information from me, folks, or any newscaster. Get it from people with PhD after their names.”
So I did.

7 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. Ed begely Jr with his various private jets, 11 mpg limos,private airport,vast estate and going all over the world to leature everyone on his to live more simply Your hypical liberal hollywood simpleton all mouth and no mind

  2. Bought it on Kindle, however it may be best to have HARD copy because I suspect Steyn has just handed the collective “Doubter-shere” a formidable weapon with which to beat climate frauds and climate cult zombies over the head with.
    Always go armed with the truth to slay a zombie horde.

  3. This should be a nice companion to his other book on climate change…(the Real Facts).
    Climate and the fact it is always changing has become (and is now), a defacto Religion among so many..incl. a capitalist friend of mine. The Absoluteness of his belief in him that man is destroying the planet via CO2, is astounding considering he is an atheist.!
    Does Planet Earth have some issues..?? yes of course. A couple that stand out in my mind is the plastic refuse piling up in our oceans and in our garbage dumps.
    Although I have seen the odd invention that supposedly turns any fossil fuel derived product back into “fossil fuels”…a retail unit has yet to arrive…when it does, I would certainly entertain buying one.

  4. Nothing is as powerful as satire to fight a pompous buffoon like Mann, and no one wields it better that Mark Steyn. Mann calculated badly, that he could be silenced from a court challenge, similarly he calculated claiming a Nobel Prize would enhance his reputation.
    The downside to all this is that Steyn is stuck with monstrous personal legal bills, which is the whole idea of Mann’s suit.

  5. “Ed begely [sic] Jr with his various private jets, 11 mpg limos,private airport,vast estate and going all over the world to leature [sic] everyone on his [sic] to live more simply Your hypical [sic] liberal hollywood simpleton all mouth and no mind”
    You don’t have the slightest clue who Ed Begley Jr is, do you? Perhaps you’re somehow conflating him with Leonardo DiCaprio?
    He has no private jets, no limos and no vast estate. As daffy as Ed’s environmentalist views might seem, he is one of those rare celebrities who actually walks the eco-talk. He probably lives in a smaller house than most of the commenters here (150 square metres) and he drives (when he drives) a 2003 electric RAV4.
    Al Gore and David Suzuki: take note.

  6. If Mann is looking for PhD Peers.. He can troll the Philadelphia Police Station early any morning, that is when they clear out the drunk Tank. Wait! he may have run into himself
