“Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Starve The World”

CBC News;

Premier Brad Wall says he wants to know where the leaders of three parties stand on genetically modified organisms.
The term refers to a broad category of agricultural products, including the genetically modified canola that is a mainstay of the Saskatchewan crop.
Wall said Monday GMOs was one of the topics he raised in a letter he sent to Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
The letter also featured questions about equalization payments and pipeline policy.

11 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Starve The World””

  1. NDP
    “Commons calling for the mandatory labelling of food products containing ingredients that have been genetically modified.”
    The mentally retarded position of spinning nonsense. Since there is not a separate storage & handling system it is an absolute fact that “all” food labeling MUST be labeled to contain GMO.
    It is a fact that a GMO difference (to Non-GMO foods) can not be determined by scientific Testing.
    The real issue is who pays for Non-GMO labeling that includes the separate storage & handling that does not exist. Those that want it should be happy to PAY
    Maybe the NDP wants to (SELF) fund the CWB for non-GMO foods

  2. We need manditory labeling for liberals to tell if their intellegence is higher then a ants

  3. The mentally retarded position of spinning nonsense.
    It is a fact that a GMO difference (to Non-GMO foods) can not be determined by scientific Testing.
    Really? So, how does Monsanto prove if someone saves their GMO seed and doesn’t pay royalty.
    Mentally retarded nonsense, indeed…do people even think before they spout nonsense? It couldn’t even be patented if it wasn’t provably different than natural.

  4. Really? So, how does Monsanto prove if someone saves their GMO seed and doesn’t pay royalty.
    Right! they can test all Processed food products that contain corn-syrup, or Canola Oil and identify GMO Monsanto. That is what is nonsense.. Down stream product testing is near impossible.
    The only sane method of VALID labeling involves end to end diligence… PERIOD…
    I guess Monsanto could just spray a small sample with Roundup
    and if it is resistant… BING

  5. In Canada if a product contains oil or shortening the oil will be GMO so if mandatory GMO labelling is ever pushed through things like bread will require a GMO label. Even food stuffs where the crop has been pollenated by bees will require labelling; genetic material can be transferred with pollen. The list is endless. GMO labelling would be an exercise in redundancy and futility

  6. GMO or not gmo. it is all food and will in no way injure you. it is as healthy as any other food.

  7. All those who force this Globall Warming/climate Change on us are the same ones who live in big homes and ride around in big gas guzzling 11 MPG limos and Private Jets going all over the world lecturing everybody how to life as one with the earth the hypocracy is so think you can cut it with a knife

  8. One problem facing poor countries is that the scare mongering of the IPCC and the nonsense created by so called climate scientists have spilled over to real science that will have a major impact on how many people will starve in the future.
    The aversion to GMO food has the same unfounded panic that’s attached to climate change and fossil fuels but activists are seldom interested in researching the truth. Politicians react better to herd mentality than sanity. The herd is louder and generates more votes.
