77 Replies to “About time.”

  1. I can understand why people like Trump. They enjoy watching someone who doesn’t give two farts for political correctness.
    But now get on with the job of finding a suitable presidential candidate rather than this bullying brattish buffoon.

  2. You said it. I wish others would follow his part, but really talk about plans on how to fix America. Instead of his ego.

  3. love they forget she was a moderator not a participant. god I miss the days when news was about facts rather than spin and bias (if such a day ever truly existed).

  4. love they forget she was a moderator not a participant. god I miss the days when news was about facts rather than spin and bias (if such a day ever truly existed).

  5. Roger Ailes may be aiming to move from Fox to CNN… Murdock likes freak shows… CNN is still on the hanging Chad (old & toothless opinion) ready for a reset.. Murdock & Ailes have issues.
    Megyn Kelly owes ALL FOX fans an explanation of why she took the cheap shot… It was a cheap shot & she was angry when the Audience cheered Trump. That type of Journalism belongs at MSNBC
    Her theme RE Black Lives Matter is worthy of America, but FOX needs to prove they can handle criticism, or she is talking to NOBODY. Fox is deep in Talent…
    Megyn’s Immigration facts may be deliberately false…
    Trump is right IMHO, Congress can simply enforce prior SCOTUS rulings. Section 5, also known as the Enforcement Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, enables Congress to pass laws enforcing the amendment’s other provision
    The 14th amendment: SCOTUS has “NEVER” ruled that Illegal Aliens Anchor Babies (tether Babies) are USA Citizens. They have in fact ruled the Opposite in that babies born to Alien Nations (US Indians) are not US Citizens
    The “Indian tribes, being within the territorial limits of the United States, were not, strictly speaking, foreign states”; but “they were alien nations, distinct political communities”, with whom the United States dealt with through treaties and acts of Congress.[2] The members of those tribes owed immediate allegiance to their several tribes, and were not part of the people of the United States.[3]
    (The Fourteenth Amendment already defined as citizens any person born in the U.S., but only if “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”; this latter clause excluded anyone who already had citizenship in a foreign power such as a tribal nation)
    Most interesting history of American Indians that did not meet the 14th definition of Citizenship, but “before” & after the 1924 Indian Act they had lost their “Distinct Political Communities” and Sovereignty. They then passed the 14th amendment citizen requirement
    “Although some white citizen groups were supportive of Indian citizenship, Indians themselves were mixed in the debate. Those that supported it considered the Act a way to secure a long-standing political identity. Those that rejected it were worried about tribal sovereignty and citizenship. Many leaders in the Native American community at the time, like Charles Santee, a Santee Sioux, was interested in Native American integration into the larger society, but was adamant about preserving the Native American identity. Many were also reluctant to trust the government that had taken their land and discriminated so violently against them.[1]”
    The Chinese parents of Won Kim had US Legal immigration documents that allowed residence … Wong was subject to the jurisdiction thereof the USA and won Citizenship.

  6. Perhaps these MSM rockstars can explain why Trump’s numbers rise every time he bxxch-slaps one of them?
    – and why his numbers continues to go up after each anti-trump MSM tirade? Why is that? Maybe people are as sick of Media whores and their phoney pious pomposity?
    Go Donno Go – keep deflating these PC gas bags

  7. Fox=Trump’s Trumpet Create controversy, pump controversy, increase ratings, increase ad revenues. Get Trump’s message “out there” for free. Make all of the MSM cover fox for free or face even more disastrous ratings. Ailes and Trump are crazy as a well, you know.

  8. It shows Trump isn’t smart enough to win the general. The liberal mainstream media will take it easy on him in the hope he wins the nomination, then hit him when he runs against whoever wins the dem nom. If he was smart he would just prepare an answer to the gotcha questions for when Candy Crowley asks him

  9. To expand further, most serious candidates will rehearse for a debate by having a friendly party ask tough questions. If Trump did this there is no sign of it. If he did have someone to help prepare and that person didn’t look into Trumps past bluster about certain women, Trump should fire that person now.

  10. Except Trump fights back, Greg, unlike Bush 43 who had a literal policy of not fighting back even against the most-egregious lies e.g. Katrina. Trump won’t be anyone’s whipping boy.

  11. I think that Trump is doomed to jump his shark.
    He will lose conservatives who agree with his disdain for political correctness, and his frank thoughts on issues that no one else has the balls to touch, but feel that public figures who would wish to represent their country on the national and international stages should be first and foremost, ladies and gentlemen.

  12. Trump’s inclusion on the stage is a sounding board for the other GOP candidates. Trump says what he wants, (seemingly) impervious to backlash (so far). The other candidates gauge the public/MSM/Democrat feedback and hone their messages accordingly. Trump will continue to lead polls with bravado and egotism in the short to mid-term. And as the lower GOP candidates fall away, the remaining competitors will adopt a more PC ‘Trump-ish’ take on things… and gain party/public support. Eventually Trump will be passed by someone who has taken all of his popular opinions, removed the inflammatory content, massaged them to be more PC and made them their own. And then Trump fades off into the background, his purpose served – he was the bulletproof vest worn by the GOP while facing the MSM/Democrat firing squad. Only because he refused to wear the blindfold and stand still against the pole.

  13. Oh, Megyn maka lotsa da’ moola for Roger and Rupert. Fox boasted “24 million viewers!” over and over and over again.
    If she doesn’t, she’s back to chasing ambulances.

  14. You’ve got it! The MSM thinks it’s in the driver’s seat.
    After the debate, Megyn Kelley said “I’m a big girl. I can handle it” in reference to Trump’s criticism of her cheap shots.
    She treats strong men, such as Trump, Cheney and Giuliani differently than she treats women in high positions. (Jen Psaki, Marie Harf and Sheryl Sandberg get softball questions.) Trump expects professionals to be professional. Megyn Kelley’s debate questions to Trump were spoken in a *contemptuous* tone. She was out to knock him down a notch.
    It’s going to be interesting to see which Fox News hosts turn on Trump, who has already replied that he disagrees with Roger Ailles.

  15. Unlike many, I don’t know what’s in Trump’s heart or mind. Megyn decided her bona fides allowed her to treat Trump without any respect. Just because she’s on Fox, I don’t believe acting like the rest of the rabid media allows her any slack. She’s supposed to have been an impartial moderator. She was not. Want to play with the big boys? You better be able to take a punch as well as you give. Megyn has shown herself to be biased, partial and unprofessional. Don’t give a damn what TV show she hosts. Sick and tired of the media thinking everything’s about them.

  16. Unlike many here and at Fox, I don’t know what’s in Trump’s heart or mind. Megyn decided her bona fides allowed her to treat Trump without any respect. Just because she’s on Fox, I don’t believe acting like the rest of the rabid media allows her any slack. She’s supposed to have been an impartial moderator. She was not. Want to play with the big boys? You better be able to take a punch as well as you give. Megyn has shown herself to be biased, partial and unprofessional. Don’t give a damn what TV show she hosts. Sick and tired of the media thinking everything’s about them.

  17. Trump needs to stop being a baby. If actually got elected, God help us, people will say a lot worse than Kelly ever did or even worse than what he thought she did. What’s he going to do then? Sick the FBI on them? Grow up, put on some big boy pants, lose the comb over and develop some actual policies, Donny boy. Demagoguery will only take you so far.

  18. Trump shouldn’t have retweeted the bimbo tweet, but in the bigger picure Kelly’s debate question was deisgned only to infuriate the man. Just for once the media is finally getting it dished back to them.
    Remember the old quote from the movie Wall Street, “Don’t piss in the tall weed with the big dogs.”
    I like Trump. America very badly needs a big dog.

  19. Kelly asked a question of Trump that is going to come up if he ever got the nomination (God help us). Fox asked every candidate a similar type of question. If he is unprepared for tough questions, too thin skinned to take criticism, and too immature to move on, what the heck is going to do in office? Make Nixon’s enemy list look like child’s play? The man is simply using demagoguery and has no actual policies. I understand that it’s refreshing to listen to someone who has no filter but really? POTUS?

  20. Megyn Kelly is a pretty face in front of a camera. I care about what she thinks or how she feels as much as I do for the thoughts and feelings of a highway road sign.
    No aspiring politician should ever apologize for anything they say. People who are offended will hate on regardless of what the politician says, and supporters will lose respect. It is a lose/lose move.
    The only people who matter are voters in the booth.

  21. I wish Trump was running for Prime Minister of Canada. Shiny Pony and Angry Tom would be having conniptions! LOL!!

  22. Hey lance you think megan kelly got on fox for her litigious prowess?
    Spare me! She is Hottie and probably S@#ks a mean d&*k.
    she had no problems with gutter talk on howard sterns show , she said she is a big girl but would not say sorry to trump.
    Trump/Cruz 2016
    Allen West for secratery of Defence
    Trey Gowdy for Attorney General
    Under a Trump Administration

  23. Trump is in fact “showing up to the riot”; if he weren’t, Fox exec’s wouldn’t be asking for an apology. I also wouldn’t be criticizing Trump yet for not having the capacity to appoint those people who can properly carry out key government positions.

  24. You have to ask yourself why would Trump re-ignite the controversy between him and Kelly?
    In truth, Trump does not give a fig about Kelly.
    This is about starving the other GOP candidates (and Dems for that matter) of oxygen (air time – yuk, yuk).
    Get used to these tactics folks, because they work and Trump knows it.
    Kelly et al will, in time, come to realise that you can’t out asshole The Donald.

  25. You have to ask yourself why would Trump re-ignite the controversy between him and Kelly?
    In truth, Trump does not give a fig about Kelly.
    This is about starving the other GOP candidates (and Dems for that matter) of oxygen (air time – yuk, yuk).
    Get used to these tactics folks, because they work and Trump knows it.
    Kelly et al will, in time, come to realise that you can’t out asshole The Donald.

  26. “Spare me! She is Hottie and probably S@#ks a mean d&*k.”
    still beat your dog?
    trying to emulate Trump-et, yer short a few billion!!

  27. Effin’ Aye Paul.
    When the libs and the GOPe are both wetting their pants, You know he’s doing something right.

  28. Also how many GOP candidates have intrests in the illigal labor trade ie owning stock or investments in those companies that hire illegals or have freinds or family that own or run or are involved with those companies?
    Trump has his own money !! Wont make a lick of difference to trump !!

  29. Trump is not the sort of fellow I like, but I like that he is shaking up the U.S. Presidential Pageant. That would be best coming from someone who could actually be a good President, but it is needed so Trump will have to do.
    If he doesn’t think he should apologize, I hope he doesn’t apologize. I place no value on apologies when they come because everyone tells someone he must apologize. Let him show himself as he is, for good or ill.

  30. Before I have read any comments, here are my comments:
    1) Trump is not political establishment.
    1a) The masses have had it with the political establishment.
    2) Under the political establishment, things have gotten worse.
    2a) Trump is not political establishment.
    3) People are fed up with being told what to think and how by the elite.
    3a) Trump says what he wants. FU the elite, who do not do an honest day’s work ever.
    4) Trump is not a Conservative.
    4a) I agrfee, but what the US need now is not establishment, but anti-establishment, of whatever flavor. Tear the Elite down.
    Would he be good or bad as a President? Can’t be worse than Obomber.

  31. Waa waa, Trump’s a meanie! Pffftt. Don’t care. Hope he pisses off more of the stuffed-shirt crowd.

  32. I don’t have a dog enmeeeeeee He died mysteriously. lol
    Not sure what you mean anyway. But i am right on my points about megen kelly.Be honest you think she is on the show because she is a great lawyer?

  33. This is half of the column at The Hill, the rest is as interesting as this… It’s reads as though the Trump supporters, see him as an extension of what was the TEA Party rise from 2009-2011. They’re still pissed off, and the only couple of folks raising similar issues have waffled on a couple of things, (Marco Rubio) and Mr. Cruz isn’t generating enough controversy by citing the Constitution it seems…
    The TEA Party isn’t dead, I don’t think they’re certain of who to throw support behind, so it’s there for the taking if the candidate isn’t acting like the establishment class.
    “Republican pollster Frank Luntz reported wobbly legs after hearing from a group of Donald Trump supporters, according to Time.
    Luntz conducted a focus group of 29 people from Washington, D.C., and its suburbs that either like or adore the GOP front-runner, paying each participant for the two-hour-plus session on Monday night, the magazine reported.
    “I used to sleep on my front porch with the door wide open, and now everyone has deadbolts,” one man said during the session, according to Time. “I believe the best days of the country are behind us.”
    “I’m frustrated beyond belief. I feel like I’ve been lied to,” a woman said. “Nothing’s getting better.”
    “We know his goal is to make America great again,” another woman said. “It’s on his hat. And we see it every time it’s on TV. Everything that he’s doing, there’s no doubt why he’s doing it: it’s to make America great again.”
    After the group viewed recordings of Trump’s political flip-flops and remarks on women, the individuals reportedly said they liked Trump even more.”

  34. She is a bimbo. And she was a terrible debate “moderator”. And the only reason she’s where she is is because of her looks.

  35. “Can’t be worse than Obomber”
    My thoughts exactly, always have been, why not Trump? Considering the derelict and traitor currently occupying the WH, when not on the links or in Hawaii…………..

  36. I have no opinion that I wish to share on Mr. Trump’s candidacy, although a great many folks in my family, all of whom will be voting for our Big Dog, certainly do — both pro and con. And I happen to like Ms. Kelly quite a lot, actually, for more reasons than her natural advantages.
    I will be cheering for whomever wins the GOP nomination, if for no other reason(s) than nothing could possibly be worse than the alternative, and nothing could possibly be worse than a continuation of the status quo.
    On the other hand, I do feel that two mistakes have now been made:
    – I think Mr. Trump has made a mistake by re-igniting that fuse, and in such vulgar terms (I made a tangentially similar and hopeless mistake one time in a nomination race that we already had wrapped up, and which I have lived to regret). I do not believe that Mr. Trump’s mistake will hurt him much, assuming that he is chastened by it and does not repeat it (no apology necessary from him, it’s just the heat of the campaign); and
    – I think Mr. Ailes has made a mistake by attempting to call out Mr. Trump on the matter, as it makes it look like Fox News is weak and can’t take the heat of the campaign, which it most assuredly can.
    So, I’d say two unforced errors — and I’m hoping that the the impending baseball euphoria in this country does not come down to that.

  37. Trump made some interesting policy statements tonight that may have some people thinking. He said that when we educate talented foreigners at Harvard/Yale/Georgetown.. etc… We should not be sending them home to compete against America,,,,, The ears must have perked up with academia wonks & UN think-tanks.

  38. Doowleb, as much as I like Kelly’s show I have to agree. She went too far and showed a bias against Trump.
    BC, exactly. It does appear that many Americans are fed up with the establishment politics of both parties. Too bad Canadians are not becoming fed up with the disgusting likes of Wynne, Trudeau, and the rest of Laurentian Elite, as well as the progressive side of the Conservatives. For example Moore was a liberal disguised as a conservative.
    Robert of Ottawa, well put. See above about Laurentian Elite. I still recall being told by an older person when starting my first job at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce after high school, “Forget about becoming a bank manager. You don’t have the right last name”.
    David Southam, you are right on all counts, however, it is time that the establishment elite got shook up.
