77 Replies to “About time.”

  1. Trump is wiping the floor because he is opposes illegal immigration. The rest of the GOP idiots would give everyone in the world amnesty for a buck.

  2. Say, Ken, I meant to mention to you the other day that Luella and me picked up “Child44” at the greatest private movie store in SW Ontario, in Stratford ON.
    It was my choice, as I am a huge mystery/spy thriller kind of guy, and naturally, as boys and girls don’t think the same, and all that, and because, you know, it stars Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, Gary Oldman, Charles Dance, and the great Joel Kinnaman.
    This will move you — it certainly moved us to tears, and I recommended it to very close friends in the UK, who say it’s banned in Russia.
    In case you have any concern about the dedication we all have about shaking up the establishment, and getting real about the obvious threats and evil we face all across the globe, please let me reassure you on that point.

  3. If it upsets you that Trump said what he said?
    Remember this. He is a winner, (and i do not agree with him on many things)and a successful white male, if you challenge him he will accept the challenge.He is NOT a humble man.He is not a humble loser.He will fight just like a bull you attract his attention and try to embarrass him on live public t.v. he will treat you like anyone who messes with a bull, and Megan Kelly is getting the horns.
    Don’t like it don’t wave a red towel in front of a bull thinking you can just walk away like a matador that takes skill and balls, both of which Kelly has none of.
    Does anyone in here grasp that? I mean anyone? try that crap with Kevin O’Leary or Marc Cuban,or any successful male! None will sit down and take it, they will make sure you regret it.No man worth his salt would sit and take that and yes the questions were nasty and definitely targeted to cripple his campaign make no mistake she (kelly is owned by muslims,who own massive shares in fox news) I can’t wait until the muslim questions come up watch the blood splatter.
    All of them at fox know who is buttering their bread.
    Anyway thats my take on it.
    I think Rand Paul and Ted Cruz both have a few barrels loaded that will take him out but they are waiting for the perfect time. Like eminent domain abuses (kelo ruling) IE using gov to force property owners to forfiet property to the gov then Trump buy’s it from the Gov….Nasty! long way away I’m still in the Trump/Cruz camp i think Cruz would sort him out on alot of shit. Any Case anything but another democratic gov and that includes jeb and rubio both are democrat shills.

  4. It is interesting, when you study history, that the White man came to America,
    Beat the shit out of my spouses ancestors, the Cherokee Indians,
    marched them a thousand miles and forced them with all the other Indians onto reservations.
    Now millions of South American Indian decedents are taking over North America and might soon beat the shit out of us,
    killing or forcing the White man and the black man onto reservations or ghettos.
    We don’t really like that idea, but neither did they..

  5. Decedents- An individual that has died.
    South American (Descendants)
    My spell check is screwing with me..

  6. and how, many Cherokees were there when “whity” arrived, and were any of the whities god kristians
    context context context
    Do not forgit context
    Gellen, that was my point to paul in my previous post, and the fool missed it. I know nothing about Megen, and neither does the dog beater

  7. Robert gets it. To add one more point to his four, or perhaps elaborate on his point #1, I would say:
    The conservative masses have HAD IT with the Republican establishment.
    In 2010, conservative voters gave Republicans the House. In 2014, they gave them the Senate too. What have the Republicans done with that power?
    NOTHING. They’ve spat in conservatives’ faces at every turn, whining & crying first that they didn’t control the Senate, and now that Obama will just veto them, and they don’t even TRY to fix anything. They hold their show votes every now & then – “See we’re voting against this or against that” – but have achieved absolutely nothing of consequence. Being stuck with the likes of Bohner & McConnell as leaders makes conservatives vomit.
    Hell the Republican squishes made sure they couldn’t even stop Obama’s awful deal with Iran, by inverting the approval process. Obama’s deal should have required a 2/3 Senate vote for approval, which meant all the Republicans would have had to do was vote against it as a block and it would die the ugly death it deserves. Instead, Republicans passed a motion pre-approving the deal unless 2/3 of the Senate voted AGAINST it, guaranteeing that Obama will get his deal! Now the Republicans can cast “show” votes against the deal without actually stopping it.
    It’s that kind of garbage that the establishment Republicans have been pushing for years. They’re hopelessly feckless & corrupt and the party needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from its ashes.
    The Republicans have created the conditions that led to Trump’s rise. I don’t know if Trump can win the nomination, but it needs to be anyone BUT an establishment-approved candidate.

  8. Robert gets it. To add one more point to his four, or perhaps elaborate on his point #1, I would say:
    The conservative masses have HAD IT with the Republican establishment.
    In 2010, conservative voters gave Republicans the House. In 2014, they gave them the Senate too. What have the Republicans done with that power?
    NOTHING. They’ve spat in conservatives’ faces at every turn, whining & crying first that they didn’t control the Senate, and now that Obama will just veto them, and they don’t even TRY to fix anything. They hold their show votes every now & then – “See we’re voting against this or against that” – but have achieved absolutely nothing of consequence. Being stuck with the likes of Bohner & McConnell as leaders makes conservatives vomit.
    Hell the Republican squishes made sure they couldn’t even stop Obama’s awful deal with Iran, by inverting the approval process. Obama’s deal should have required a 2/3 Senate vote for approval, which meant all the Republicans would have had to do was vote against it as a block and it would die the ugly death it deserves. Instead, Republicans passed a motion pre-approving the deal unless 2/3 of the Senate voted AGAINST it, guaranteeing that Obama will get his deal! Now the Republicans can cast “show” votes against the deal without actually stopping it.
    It’s that kind of garbage that the establishment Republicans have been pushing for years. They’re hopelessly feckless & corrupt and the party needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from its ashes.
    The Republicans have created the conditions that led to Trump’s rise. I don’t know if Trump can win the nomination, but it needs to be anyone BUT an establishment-approved candidate.

  9. Robert gets it. To add one more point to his four, or perhaps elaborate on his point #1, I would say:
    The conservative masses have HAD IT with the Republican establishment.
    In 2010, conservative voters gave Republicans the House. In 2014, they gave them the Senate too. What have the Republicans done with that power?
    NOTHING. They’ve spat in conservatives’ faces at every turn, whining & crying first that they didn’t control the Senate, and now that Obama will just veto them, and they don’t even TRY to fix anything. They hold their show votes every now & then – “See we’re voting against this or against that” – but have achieved absolutely nothing of consequence. Being stuck with the likes of Bohner & McConnell as leaders makes conservatives vomit.
    Hell the Republican squishes made sure they couldn’t even stop Obama’s awful deal with Iran, by inverting the approval process. Obama’s deal should have required a 2/3 Senate vote for approval, which meant all the Republicans would have had to do was vote against it as a block and it would die the ugly death it deserves. Instead, Republicans passed a motion pre-approving the deal unless 2/3 of the Senate voted AGAINST it, guaranteeing that Obama will get his deal! Now the Republicans can cast “show” votes against the deal without actually stopping it.
    It’s that kind of garbage that the establishment Republicans have been pushing for years. They’re hopelessly feckless & corrupt and the party needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from its ashes.
    The Republicans have created the conditions that led to Trump’s rise. I don’t know if Trump can win the nomination, but it needs to be anyone BUT an establishment-approved candidate.

  10. Robert gets it. To add one more point to his four, or perhaps elaborate on his point #1, I would say:
    The conservative masses have HAD IT with the Republican establishment.
    In 2010, conservative voters gave Republicans the House. In 2014, they gave them the Senate too. What have the Republicans done with that power?
    NOTHING. They’ve spat in conservatives’ faces at every turn, whining & crying first that they didn’t control the Senate, and now that Obama will just veto them, and they don’t even TRY to fix anything. They hold their show votes every now & then – “See we’re voting against this or against that” – but have achieved absolutely nothing of consequence. Being stuck with the likes of Bohner & McConnell as leaders makes conservatives vomit.
    Hell the Republican squishes made sure they couldn’t even stop Obama’s awful deal with Iran, by inverting the approval process. Obama’s deal should have required a 2/3 Senate vote for approval, which meant all the Republicans would have had to do was vote against it as a block and it would die the ugly death it deserves. Instead, Republicans passed a motion pre-approving the deal unless 2/3 of the Senate voted AGAINST it, guaranteeing that Obama will get his deal! Now the Republicans can cast “show” votes against the deal without actually stopping it.
    It’s that kind of garbage that the establishment Republicans have been pushing for years. They’re hopelessly feckless & corrupt and the party needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from its ashes.
    The Republicans have created the conditions that led to Trump’s rise. I don’t know if Trump can win the nomination, but it needs to be anyone BUT an establishment-approved candidate.

  11. Thanks David. I will try to find this movie on Amazon. Actually I have not heard about this movie.
    I.M., you are right about the Republicans doing absolutely nothing but cave to Obama at every turn.

  12. What’s “about time”?? Conservatives have been waiting far too long for a candidate that finally has tihe balls to punch the media in the face when their bias bleeds through the questions but now I guess it offends the sensibilities of some.
    We are our own worst enemy.

    2 wrongs don’t make it right? I’m not sure what to say to your statement.
    Are they (the indians) better off now or then?
    Christendom and or the British empire is/are not innocent nor are they with out controversy or brutality. But they did through blood shed bring civility to much of the world and i think many places are far better off than they would be if they were never colonized. I have not proof other than to look at the spanish and the french and islamic countries and i thank God i was blessed to be born and raised in the safety of a british colonized country.
    As for Trump and Kelly , my remarks are a little over the top the whole suckie suckie thing but i stand by what i said in that she is not on fox news primetime based soley on merit, and for her a beautiful woman to take pot shots at trump like that i found totally unfair and in very bad taste ,when you mess with the bull …..
    I just hope that out of this whole election cycle Truely the best man get’s the job. Be it Trump,cruz,Paul,Carson,Walker they to me really seem to be separating from the pack with solid track records (except trump). If it is not trump any of those others i listed will be good for america in their own way.
    Also they need to pick allen west as the sec of def and trey gowdy as AG.

  14. You have hit the nail on the head Robert.
    The issue is a whining gutless bunch of in it for themselves crowd in Washington that have allowed a useless Gutless POS to Run Rampant over the constitution while appeasing just about everyone and anyone in his foreign affair forays. IN 7 Years the US has gone down from Leader of the Free World to near a 3’d rate Banana Republic…akin to Chamberlain’s Britain Sep 1939.
    Go Trump and kick some Main Stream Media and Establishment ASS..!!

  15. Ted Cruz was annoyed with Megyn’s Democrat talking point questions last night, and he called her on it. She is a deep Democrat shill that plays to female Republicans. It is the FOX Audience that Megyn has to convince (a kiss from Trump would help her & Fox). Let her dance! She said she bought her husband a Trump Tie for his Birthday…Wow….

  16. Anyone that says Kelly is a bimbo is making it up wholesale. One can not create the second most popular show in cable news based on looks alone. If it were that easy, Fox’s competitors would not be bouncing along the bottom are they now are.
    Trump is pissed because someone asked him a challenging question. Well boo hoo. If he can’t take it then he sure the hell won’t be able to handle the presidency.

  17. Interesting comment chutzpahticular; The Big Dogs I have the most respect for is/are the Canines which stand at their post; stand their ground; retreat when the Rabid Pack (Smearedia) try to surround; and generally the Large, Intelligent Canine who I appreciate performs His duty as best can be done with the constant clutter and smells the despicable bring to the Junk Yard. Cheers;

  18. It’s a safe bet that every GOP candidate has a large ego, but Trump shows signs of having a truly massive one.
    I’ve worked with such people before. It’s not pleasant. They tend to leave a trail of destruction behind them that takes years for others to repair.

  19. Sorry about all the dupes!
    The CAPTCHA kept saying I had entered the text wrong, so I kept retrying. I gave up after four tries, obviously.

  20. Tough choices we all face on both sides of the border. Libers pursuing a liberal agenda and “conservatives” following the liberal agenda.

  21. Tough choices we all face on both sides of the border. Libers pursuing a liberal agenda and “conservatives” following the liberal agenda.

  22. Nicely written, MikeSr. Thank you. I’ve had six big canines, and my favourite was a Doberman who was gentle with and protective of us yet fierce and aggressive with strange characters. (Polar opposite of Obama!)
    I tend to side with Sheriff Joe of Arizona, who said he loves Donald Trump and wants to take him with him to Mexico.
    Dennis Miller: “Granted, Donald Trump has many rough edges hidden in that cranberry juice cocktail logo of a coiffure but isn’t it cathartic to see a man mis-speak yet stay wallenda-ed out there on a limb all by himself? Not seeking the absolution of a collective that, quite frankly, ridicules, disparages and reviles as a default setting when settled into its own sanctum sanctimonious.”

  23. “You have to ask yourself why would Trump re-ignite the controversy between him and Kelly?
    In truth, Trump does not give a fig about Kelly.”

    He was just ensuring a huge TV audience for his speech the next night. And it worked. WhoreHey showed up to make a great show and boost The Don’s popularity. Coulter did her part. And The Don delivered an awesome speech.

  24. “You have to ask yourself why would Trump re-ignite the controversy between him and Kelly?
    In truth, Trump does not give a fig about Kelly.”

    He was just ensuring a huge TV audience for his speech the next night. And it worked. WhoreHey showed up to make a great show and boost The Don’s popularity. Coulter did her part. And The Don delivered an awesome speech.
