12 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. I only consume processed organic foods. The heavy refinement ensures maximum nutritional value. The safest of all organic produce are the ones that use safe pesticides only.

  2. its all picked by Mexicans without toilet facilities , not to worry
    the great leap forward in human evolution came when we learned to cook
    easier to digest and killed the parasites and pathogens .
    100 centuries later , we debate deworming the population , the mind boggles over how far these green lunatics want us to reverse the bus.

  3. Organic is too darn expensive i cant arrord it and its not any more nutrional then regulary grown foods its just we have a bunch of scumball journtalists lying through their big fat teeth about man made pesisides and chemicals

  4. Organic produce is fresh and “organic” – hint to citiots and sundry yuppie zombies – don’t buy it if it shows signs of deterioration ans WASH and COOK it when you get it home.
    Too bad the recall on Canada packers killer botulism outbreak was not factored into these “statistics?”

  5. I ONLY EAT ORGANIC…..I FIND GRAVEL HAD TO DIGEST….. @ sasquatch…BIG FU*KING BINGO…again for the stupid out there…ALL food is organic. But hey. If you wanna pay twice the price and puke your guts out for a stupid little green sticker, which tells you nothing….go for it. Darwin’s Law will get you. Faster, please.

  6. Sasquatch, you and Spurwing Plover get a big bingo!. As far as organic foods is concerned the old expression, “a sucker and his money are soon parted”. Just ask my brother-in-law about his organic grapes. Organic sounds nice on the cash register.

  7. Ken. You must mean about a sucker(Fool)and his money you must mean about all those who beleived this poppycock about the Rainforests disappearing or the rainforests were the lungs of the earth and also the fools who bought Al Gores phonie docomentry A INCONVENT TRUTH these people are the suckers/fools
