9 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Ben Shapiro: The Truth About Planned Parenthood
    Sounds like he is freelancing his butchery skills working for Planned Barrenhood as outlined by Ben Shapiro.
    Obviously this man is taken by the assassin’s business model…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Why would they want conservative organs?
    The recipient may end up self-supporting and factually driven.

  3. Make no mistake, this was not a hyperbole. He means exactly what he said. Act accordingly when they are in trouble.

  4. How many of those idiots prortesting against the NRA donate to or belong to Planned Parenthood? the NRA has’nt killed anybodies kids but Planned Parenthood has but their just looking for the publicity from the leftists news media scumballs

  5. Its a bigger crime to sell the parts of endangred animals then it is to sell the organs from aborted babies

  6. we old folks do not have to worry about anyone wanting out aged organs. any doctor worth his salt will tell you that. that said there is an on going supply of very fresh organs and planned parenthood in the U.S. is trying their best to keep up with demand. They make the Nazis and Mengele look like choir boys. the level of depravity is beyond the pale.
