We Don’t Need No Stinking French Fry Grease

A Chemist In Langley;

The sad part is that in almost every case biofuels start out sounding like a good idea. The argument goes that biofuels made from waste biomass can give power without incurring an environmental cost and would be carbon neutral. The problem is that there is only so much waste biomass out there and power plants need a steady source of fuel. So in almost every case power producers need to rely not only on waste biomass but on virgin materials. As described in the linked Economist article, in Poland and Finland, wood meets more than 80% of renewable-energy demand and in Germany, wood makes up 38% of non-fossil fuel power consumption.So where is this wood coming from? As described in the web posting at FSC-Watch in the southern US, NGOs have shown that the biggest US pellet producer, Enviva, is sourcing a high proportion of wood from the clear cutting of bottomland hardwood forests – some of the most biodiverse temperate forests and freshwater ecosystems worldwide. As for Canada we export about 1.3 million tons of wood pellets (http://www.bioenergyconnection.org/article/woods-turning-forests-energy), most of it from boreal forests, to Europe every year.

10 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking French Fry Grease”

  1. Kate. Think about it. With all that bio-mass you must have from your kennels, you are one rich gal! Start selling. It works for the eco-terrorists.

  2. In a free market for energy where cost per Mega-Joule is the sole determinate and without mandates related to Carbon, very little biofuel would be used. This Chemist in Langley has consumed perhaps too much CAGW and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council – a corrupt certification creation of Greenpeace and other hysteria pimping organizations) Koolaid. I start to twitch when I hear warnings of “ecological collapse”.

  3. When the RETURN ON ENERGY INVESTED is….(to make said fuel), is….
    For oil is 8:1
    BioFuels 1.1:1
    You can clearly see the problem
    …then one has to figure in transportation of said fuel, the loss of food to produce said fuel, the increased cost of maintenance to using said fuel (ethanol is very very dry), and the FACT that ones mileage goes down due to using ethanol (and thereby increasing emissions because now it take more fuel to go the same distance as straight unleaded)…it becomes completely uneconomical and really….a STUPID Fuel to make.
    Have you ever wondered why Costco Fuel is typically 6-8 cents a litre Cheaper..?????
    Its ’cause it contains Ethanol.
    BioFuels is nothing but a feel good ECO ZOMBIE bunch of BS…total Scam and will never replace Fossil Fuels.
