34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. BUMMER!! Lotsa Vit C and rest. DON’T take any of those shiitie over the counter drugs that mask the symptoms and force your temperature down. Git well soon.

  2. I agree, it is a great piece of music.
    Kate, tch, tch, I thought you were going to rest, and a Requiem? On the other hand, if Lance made some of that Bull’s Milk for you I can understand why you have been posting threads all day when you should be resting in bed.

  3. Here is the funniest comment I have read so far regarding Trump’s presser this evening when he tussled with that left-wing commie from Univision:
    “Ramos, acted like an illegal. He jumped the line and started asking questions before he was called then started whining when he was caught and the liberal media feels sorry for him.
    At least Trump had him deported out of there.”
    It is also more than just funny. Trump is winning the hearts and minds of many and for good reason.

  4. I agree, it is a great piece of music.
    Kate, tch, tch, I thought you were going to rest, and a Requiem? On the other hand, if Lance made some of that Bull’s Milk for you I can understand why you have been posting threads all day when you should be resting in bed.

  5. Ironically, Mr. Trump allowed Ramos back in when he would act “legally”, which he sorta did.

  6. Media Party Hangs Its Jury.
    Duffy Trial Dead.
    Hiatus!? See the grauniad’s deployment of hiatus.
    “The Mike Duffy trial is going on hiatus when the current witness, Chris Woodcock is done testifying”
    “Research shows surprise global warming ‘hiatus’ could have been forecast”
    “Australian and US climate experts say with new ocean-based modelling tools, the early 2000s warming slowdown was foreseeable”

  7. The Duffy trial needs to go on hiatus so his lawyer can channel Inspector Clouseau to upgrade this farce from Seinfeld status.

  8. Having seen the video of the incident, it was interesting this morning to hear the report given on CBC radio. As it was presented, poor Mr Ramos was represented as merely trying to ask a question when Mr Trump had security remove him. No reference whatever to the little snot’s interruption of other reporters or his insistence on trying to disrupt any orderly proceeding. The report did say that Ramos was later readmitted and engaged in a “heated exchange” with Mr Trump over “immigration”.
    CBC reporters and their enablers and defenders regularly argue that their reporting is unbiased and that they are only attempting to provide “context” for the stories they cover. Anyone, however, who has been present at an event or who knows first-hand about something covered by CBC News can confirm that the only “context” that is given derives from a biased and pre-existing narrative that their reporters bring with them.
    Donald Trump is an easy target. Large numbers of conservatives dislike him, distrust him, and are embarrassed by his crude demagoguery, so one can imagine what those on the Left think of him. A professional journalist, however, like any person with professional integrity, should be expected to do justice to those on whom he or she is reporting.

  9. “…conservatives … are embarrassed by his crude demagoguery, so one can imagine what those on the Left think of him. …”
    The Left really hates him for that, crude demagogues are supposed to be on their side.

  10. Roseberry, you’re misunderstanding the term “professional”. Journalists aren’t a profession, they’re a career. They require no further standards to become a journalist (hence why they hate the term “citizen journalist”), and they SAY they follow a code of ethics, but really the only discipline they submit to is the courts. Their dues, unlike a real professional, are paid to a union or unions.
    That isn’t to say that there aren’t good journalists, let’s just make sure we aren’t lending credence due to a misunderstanding.

  11. Please see:
    Of course, they would (desperation move, because they know they are losing in Ontario, so they need to do something — anything — to motivate their “base”).
    So, for the rest of us taxpayers here in Ontario, when do we get a full refund on Mr. Trudeau, Jr.’s speaking fees, paid for by public agencies (mostly school boards)?
    If you love Canada, vote accordingly…

  12. “Donald Trump is an easy target. Large numbers of conservatives dislike him, distrust him, and are embarrassed by his crude demagoguery, so one can imagine what those on the Left think of him.”
    I would describe the Republican response to Trump as frantically trying to close the closet door containing past skeletons…
    IMHO Ronald Reagan gave California the gift of Illegal Aliens.
    CBC is more Ignorant than cunningly biased…YES you are right that Ramos was trying to disrupt Trump….What was not reported was the Statement (by RAMOS’s CEO) made after the event asking Trump for a sit down interview with the Univision Network…..
    Why do you think all Hispanics would want access to Trump ?

  13. re: Duffy trial — Only in Canada, with the NDP/Liebral inverted values, is it a scandal when taxpayers are paid back.

  14. Ooops! sorry about that last one going out early
    So sorry about the ‘keg party’ sensation.
    Gargle with a warm salt water solution. It will kill the infection. Make it salty enough that is tastes bad (~ a tbsp. salt/cup warm water). Be sure to do a little yodel while you are gargling. Repeat every hour or so…
    Hope this soothes as well: Vaughan Williams’s ‘Lark Ascending’,

  15. Mulcair ‘not entertaining any thought’ of running a deficit, NDP leader says:
    Other things for which “he not entertaining any thought” (though it is in the party platform)
    – costs of his national daycare program going through the roof ($5b a year, what a joke)
    – as PM, presiding over QC separation with 50% +1 vote threshold, thus enabling other provinces to do the same
    – increasing taxes across the board including corporate, personal and carbon taxes
    – binding Canada to Kyoto kleptocracy at the upcoming Paris last gasp climate change conference
    – forgiving his party for their $2.7million “accounting error.”
    – denying, delaying and ultimate stopping any growth in the oil sands (if not reduction) and associated encouraging activities such as pipelines, refineries or the jobs created
    Not very entertaining if you ask me.

  16. Looking for liquidity?
    “Boutique lenders said they were unusually busy in late August, when most of the art world is on holiday. Global equities and the art market have become intertwined as art prices have soared and more wealthy buyers view their collections as an investment they can borrow against.
    ‘Ten years ago no one in the art market paid close attention to these corrections in the stock market,’ said Elizabeth von Habsburg, managing director of Winston Art Group, an independent art appraisal and advisory firm. ‘Now clients respond immediately.’
    In 2014, the art market surpassed its pre-recession high with 51.2 billion euros ($54.1 billion) in global sales, compared with 48 billion euros in 2007, according to the latest figures by the European Fine Art Foundation. In May, a Pablo Picasso painting fetched $179.4 million, the highest price ever for a work at auction.”

  17. So now we know where all the Canadian Wheat Board thugs went. Right to the Quebec Federation of Maple Syrup Cartel.
    In all honesty they should get rid of all those “marketeering” boards. Eggs, cheese, milk, maple syrup shouldn’t be regulated other than to ensure the product is safe for consumers.

  18. too many people throw the word “professional” around not knowing what it means.
    The most common misuse of the word I hear on John Gormley’s show when “professional truck drivers” call-in the show.

  19. “Mulcair ‘not entertaining any thought’ of running a deficit, NDP leader says …”
    There is a big difference between “I don’t intend to do that” and “I intend to not do that.”
