Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Agenda 2030;

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history,” Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters in February.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution,” Figueres said.

It could work.
h/t Robert of Ottawa

15 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. The IPCC as well as Obama and Greenpeace and Al Gore andRobert Kennedy Jr lying like Barron Munchhuasen about this global warming/climate change while still in their homes and getting around in their limos and private jets and might i also add various enviromental minded hollywood hypotcrites as well they wont be giving up their luxeries just parade around before the media reptiles and paparazi twats

  2. Trying to get the world population to abide …. that’s like herding cats … and does anyone think that we will stop killing each other for any length of time at all?
    This leftist pigs do NOT understand human nature, most of us have an innate drive to be free and to prosper and to discover and create …. the socialist element must kill that in order to succeed …. what are the odds? So far it’s a complete failure at every place it has been tried. Don’t say Sweden … that country has sold out to Islam as socialist countries are wont to do.

  3. The Useless Nations have never controlled anything:
    Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda, I could name dozens more, but you know they are Useless.
    I threw away my UN medal for Vietnam, How did that work out for us?
    Now they think if they can control our future climate changes it will bring in Billions of dollars.

    And as far as the UN or the Obama Messiah controlling the so called civil war in our streets,
    It will end in about a month when the weather turns cold.
    30-40 degrees, and the cop protesters will stay in their holes..

  4. The next step for Obama after 2016… Total nonsense that comes out of mouths of mental midgets…The Nukes will fly before one inch of Sovereignty or freedom is conceded…. The UN won’t reach 2030… they may not reach 2018… The POPE will find he is not Moses and nobody give a F*** for the Marxist buffoon.

  5. UN Agenda 2030 is simply UN Agenda 21 revamped,
    i.e. the complete social, economic, and environmental control of the planet by a few unelected puppet bureaucrats ruled over by the wealthiest psychopaths known to humanity.

  6. This is the scariest thing I’ve read in a long time. This isn’t about just Climate Change garbage, this about the first steps on the road to being governed by unelected liberal elitists. Don’t think it can happen? Then ask yourself this: who runs the EU? Who runs the UN?
    Not anybody elected, thats for sure.
    Yep, it can happen.

  7. J – you’re missing their thinking: it’s precisely because there are things we’ll fight and kill for that they need to control us. For our own good. Nanny knows best. Why do you fight Nanny, she knows more than you, and only wants what’s best for you. That you resist Nanny means that you must be dumb, and in need of Nanny’s care, and that’s why you need Nanny.

  8. What could go wrong? I’m sure it will all turn out swimmingly, just like all the other top-down centrally planned economies of the past. I guess the U.N. twits think the Soviet experiment would have worked fine if only it had been done on a larger scale.

  9. What could go wrong? I’m sure it will all turn out swimmingly, just like all the other top-down centrally planned economies of the past. I guess the U.N. twits think the Soviet experiment would have worked fine if only it had been done on a larger scale.

  10. What could go wrong? I’m sure it will all turn out swimmingly, just like all the other top-down centrally planned economies of the past. I guess the U.N. twits think the Soviet experiment would have worked fine if only it had been done on a larger scale.

  11. Frankly, I don’t think the UN bureaucrats give a damn whether it works or not. Like those same EU bureacrats, they’re more interested in what they can gain personally.
    The list of goals reads like something out of some fairy tale.

  12. The United nations is nothing more than 170 Third world wolves and a couple dozen first world sheep deciding on what’s for dinner

  13. Speaking as someone who was engaged by the UN as a SME consultant for over 10 years, I just have to smile. It’s how they roll. Nothing is more somnolent than this group work on a “global” problem. Fear not gentle folks it’s just their benign institutional histrionics. Because Utopia.
