If you care about refugees then fight the refugee makers – ISIS

The plight of people in Syria and Iraq is real but if you are moved by the photo of the boy on the beach then you should do two things – support the fight against ISIS and other terror groups creating the refugee crisis and sponsor refugees to come here privately.

32 Replies to “If you care about refugees then fight the refugee makers – ISIS”

  1. Yet while the looney left continues to swoon over the U.N. global warming/climate change fraud and forces the pouring of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars into useless “renewable energy” fraud, the U.N. stands by and tut-tuts about ISIS. I guess the lavish conferences and jetting around the world for “global warming/climate change” is much more fun and lucrative as opposed to doing the job the U.N. was initially envisioned to do.
    Now we will have some pompous a$$ “special envoy” from the U.N. lecturing Prime Minister Harper about something or other.
    I am sick to death of the U.N. The 9/11 terrorists flew the jets into the wrong building.

  2. The UN & the Obama administration (Clinton) created the Arab Spring without follow up support & end game. The Middle East is in a man- made crisis totally unstable…This refugee crisis was predictable & preventable.
    A failure of leadership at all levels…disgusting shame

  3. Why is it that Saudi Arabia isn’t taking in refugees? Why is it that the West is their preferred destination?

  4. Good comment..

    Idiot Obama Messiah, liberal-democrats start a war, and then they ask:
    “what do we do now?”
    I bet he still wonders why he hasn’t been nominated for another Peace Prize.

  5. The west should start a volunteer program:
    Any Liberals that supported the Arab Spring have the option of turning their property, bank accounts, jobs and any other asset to a Refugee family!
    In turn the Liberal will take the Refugees place at a UN camp until otherwise deported to the Arab Spring country of their choice.

  6. I’ll go on record as not wanting to send any Canadian soldiers to the Middle East. Let the Arabs and Persians and Turks and Sunni and Shia fight their own bloody wars and clean up their own messes.
    Also, people really need to stop with this provincial American politics crap that everything in the world is the fault of the US president or Congress. The Middle East has been in a more or less constant state of conflict for about 5,000 years. The idea that any group of countries of the West or any one country, let alone any person, has the ability to control or fix things over there is absurd. Not only is it absurd, it gives the interventionists the cover they need to explain that this time we really need to do something and this time it will be different and we are saving people who are yearning to be free and other such nonsense.

  7. Brace yourself for a new round of “what about the children” attacks from the media and the mentally/morally deficient left.
    I’ve just encountered a post on facebook that shows a photo of what appears to be a class of native children and it’s clearly either old or made to look old.
    The story with the photo is that all these children were shot due to overcrowding.
    Funny how this story pops up now.
    Expect there to be a series of horror story postings about children as the media saw how much traction it got quickly.
    They will save the most perverse and likely false story for the last few days of the campaign so that the truth won’t have time to filter out before the LIVs get to the poles and proclaim their new saviour. As they say, Anyone But Harper!
    If the NDP get in, that’s a chant that’s sure to go down in history as the most self destructive ditty since Heil Hitler.

  8. I guess I missed all the criticism by the media of the very rich, oil soaked Arab countries and their lack of any help in this world crisis. Rosemary Barton is certainly going to cover the story and cite statistics of how many refugees they accept and the dollar amount of humanitarian aid. Just saying.

  9. I’d send Christian soldiers to help defend Israel. I’d willingly go. Let’s not have a replay of Constantinople.

  10. Hillary has launched more ships than any woman since Helen of Troy. The problem is that they are all refugee ships and thousands of these people fleeing the hell unleashed by her policies are drowning.

  11. So easy
    Put the refugee camps in mulcairs Trudeaus and why not may’s riding
    Surely they have the compassion of their MPs and certainly wealth

  12. Maybe Mr Mulcair meant he wants the Canadian Forces to do “nothing.” No he didn’t but he did make that comment about military involvement:
    Cut, run, then play the blame game with a dead little boy as a political prop. Pretty disgusting. The ironic part is they have handed Harper an issue which he can show empathy and a solid record of dealing with ISIS and the refugee crisis they are causing.
    The mediocracy just might have jumped the shark on this one.

  13. Thanks Brian for telling the full story and Kate for helping to circulate it.
    Canada accounts for about 1/2 of a percent of the population of the world. We are punching way above our weight and have a PM who understands the real cause.

  14. Israel is different cause it’s our ally and the West created the mess by throwing the Jews to wolves over there in the first place. Sending over our boys and girls to serve as the Persians’ air force against ISIS or Assad’s shock troops is an entirely different story.

  15. it shows concern and consternation . he was up all night worried , twirling his hair . wailing
    sweating blood , weeping for the masses and the middle class
    remember he is an actor , and was getting into his role.

  16. Imagine, if you will, a demented individual starts throwing puppies and kittens on the freeway. Would the left’s response be to run out on the freeway and save the puppies and kittens? (Actually, they would have someone else do it as that would be beneath them.) Or would someone actually say, maybe we should stop that guy from throwing puppies and kittens onto the freeway?
    I don’t want to see young men from Manitoba, or Oklahoma or Yorkshire having to go off to solve problems, but, quite frankly, ISIS is evil incarnate.
    What I would like to see is someone bring back Sir Arthur Harris and Curtis LeMay.

  17. Color me jaded – I don’t care about ISIS, I don’t care about ISIS refugees – all I care about is that neither are invited in to my country,
    I don’t want their wars or problems – I didn’t cause them , and the solution lies with these people themselves – Fight or die – those are the only two options when confronted with aggressive evil – if you flee the evil follows and finds you eventually. Stand your ground, fight for freedom and life – we did it, they can too

  18. Rummy and Cheney made good on plans like bomber command.
    who is Trump going to have in the chair?

  19. Outstanding piece. (Not so) amazing that the MSM flies with the ”popular” (leftist) narrative that Canada is doing nothing/not enough to help alleviate the Syrian refugee problem. And not at all unexpectedly, Naheed Nenshi, mayor of Calgary joins the rant, also ignorant (willingly or otherwise) of the facts.
    And the tag team duo of Mulcair and Trudeau are beneath contempt.

  20. Because if an individuals take it upon themselves in a one-to-one relationship sponsorship of a regugee or other immigrant (subject to security vetting of the selected immigrant) is much more likely to produce a new Canadian who appreciates how lucky they are and who wants to make a contribution.
    John Gormley had some wannabe do-gooder on his show today who says Canada isn’t doing much and should take in twenty times more refugees than it says it will. Unfortunately that part wasn’t phone-in so no one could call in to ask him (and Gormley is too soft to ask) why he doesn’t personally take in one more refugee than he has so far before telling us what “we” should do.

  21. In February ISIS released a video saying that they would invade Europe via boats so why the surprise – ISIS is the root cause. The muslim nations’ major contribution are to move the migrants to Europe’s borders while the Useless Nations jump in and demand the west do more!
    Here at home, Mr Mulclair says no military intervention but say three Kumbayas and a hail Tommy Douglas (or Marx or Levesque depending on the NDP faction) while Mr Trudeau gives us Care Bear foreign policy to go with his Care Bear economics.
    Save the victims of ethnic cleansing and leave the animals to kill each other.
    I have some disagreements with PM Harper but in this he is right.

  22. ‘All about the children’
    Just watched a vid thru FB showing Hungarians distributing food to ‘refugees’, and it is promptly tossed by the males. Children can be seen trying to get food and water, but the males interfere.
    If the link works:
    If that doesn’t work perhaps someone else can find it and post it here.

  23. Here at home, Mr Mulclair says no military intervention but say three Kumbayas and a hail Tommy Douglas (or Marx or Levesque depending on the NDP faction)”. Well said, and ain’t that the truth! But the adoring, head-bobbing stupids suck it up!
    We’re so screwed…

  24. As I have noted elsewhere: The Arab countries/Gulf States are in the business of exporting Islam, not importing it. Why then would they take ‘refugees’?
