33 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Wild Rose took the Calgary byelection today!! CBC evidently thinks a 10% spread (38% – 28%) over NDP is a “tight race”.

  2. CBC news told me this was the NDP’s first misstep.
    How about it being the first opportunity for voters to hold them accountable for their fecklessness?

  3. Just doing a bit of channel surfing. When is ANY so called news agency going to admit that Islam/ISIS is the major world problem now? Never mind. I know the answer. None for the stupid leftists out there.

  4. Re: Drowning Boy!
    It is indeed a sad day in world history. Sad as in how the media and politicians can warp reality and right in front of our noses. The bottom of the sloppail is Justin Trudeau. Using the death of an innocent child to boost his failing image and his failing IQ. The misinformed NDP leader soon followed suit, however kept a civil tongue.
    Trudeau is the man who–on August 16-2014–left his wife and children in his home with the door unlocked and went on to Winnipeg to attend a gay parade. No charges were ever laid against a 19 year old Ottawa man who entered the premises, left butcher knives in a row on the floor of the Rockcliff area home, along with a threatening note then left the area. Instead of Trudeau and Company insisting that charges be laid, they whined that the PMO hadn’t provided Trudeau with security. The Liberals swept it off as a an act of drunkenness.
    Now today he’s suddenly an expert on public safety. Bashing PM Harper, bashing the Minister of Immigration and making claims that the boy’s family should have been allowed to come to Canada, only to find out that no such application was ever made.
    It’s a sad day for political history in Canada, a sad day for mainstream journalism, and even sadder to see an idi-it like Trudeau at the helm of an opposition party. God help us all.

  5. Anyone else think that it is odd that the drowned child is being referred to as ‘Alan’ Kadri ?
    Dad is Abdullah.
    The brother is Ghalib.
    The wife is Rehan.
    The aunt is Tima.
    There are a few Mohammeds.
    The media has changed his name to make it more relative to Canadian readers and to further their agenda.
    His name is Aylan, not Alan.
    The reporting on this story is beneath contempt.


  7. AGW RIP.
    “cool air has finally taken control of the northern half of Europe”
    “Prolonged Cool Stretch Encompasses Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Warsaw”
    “After heat has dominated headlines this summer, cool air has finally taken control of the northern half of Europe with no signs of departing anytime soon.
    Cool air will not be quick to leave the northern half of Europe with the jet stream positioned to the south, a change from its position of bulging northward on numerous occasions this summer.”

  8. Liberals with those high pitched whiny voices claiming if we had the same gun bans like they have in the euroweenie union we would have no crime Yeah just proves liberals dont think they just shoot off their pieholes

  9. rzr >
    “Hey, it’s Alberta/Sask money…why not bring em all over?”
    More than that, the Liberal Left just wants to get their feet in the country anywhere they can.
    From there they farm them out west through migrant placement agencies. They bring in the problem then ship it off to someone else to deal with.
    Toronto has been doing it to western Canada for decades.

  10. How about re-introducing THE OLD ” Bck to the land” program for new immigrants, like my own parents had in the 1930’s in Manitoba,eh?
    Talk about self-sufficiency!

  11. Media Party Loves “Unexpectedly”.
    Kudos to Canada’s “labor market that has defied the oil price shock.”
    “Canada Economy Unexpectedly Adds Jobs in August on Services”
    “Canada’s economy unexpectedly added jobs in August, mostly full-time work in services such as education and health care, in another sign of sustained momentum in a labor market that has defied the oil price shock.
    Canadian employment grew by 12,000 during the month, bringing to 193,300 the number of new jobs over the past 12 months,…”

  12. From the UK Parliament:
    The Speaker has authorised a trial in which the alphabetical groupings for divisions will be changed so that the letter G is moved to the current A-F desk. The new groupings will be A-G, H-M and N-Z. This change is intended to address the issue raised by several Members of long queues forming at the G-M desk. The trial will run for two weeks between 7 and 17 September and will be reviewed to establish whether the new arrangement improves the situation.
    Apparently, the sweeping victory of the SNP in the last election has so increased the number of “Mc”s and “Mac”s, that some MPs must wait for long periods in order to have their votes counted.
    Here at the University, in the mystic East, we at one time had a surfeit of “Mc”s and “Mac”s, even the odd “M'”, but over the past few years, close to 20% of our students have names that begin with “Al-“, and you can probably guess the most common first name.

  13. The hatred Harris shows for PM Harper is beyond all reason. Harris should seek help, it’s not healthy.

  14. AGW RIP.
    “for 224 months since then there has been no global warming at all”.
    “The Pause lengthens yet again”
    “A new record Pause length: no warming for 18 years 8 months
    By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
    One-third of Man’s entire influence on climate since the Industrial Revolution has occurred since January 1997. Yet for 224 months since then there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). With this month’s RSS temperature record, the Pause sets a new record at 18 years 8 months.”

  15. “European Union cracking under pressure of migrant crisis” (g-m)
    “This refugee crisis is too big for Europe to handle – its institutions are broken” (grauniad)
    “Spanish newspaper: Europe got Muslims for Jews”
    “The truth must be told! All European life died in Auschwitz
    By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez
    I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz.
    We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.”

  16. Shawn wrote: “Who do you stand with Kate?” while offering a link to a white supremacist website.
    What are you trying to say, Shawn? Are you just here to slander our hostess, or are you trying to make some kind of point?
    Piss off troll.
