6 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. I don’t now if it seems obvious enough for most people outside Cal. to grasp but the reason insane self deprecating law wins elections in Calif. is because the state is home to the largest population of top 2% incomes in the US.
    There is a reason all these laws reflect the guilt of affluence. They want to seem like they are paying a burden for being such resource and wealth hogs with these superficial sacrifices – but common, what real sacrifice is it for Leo D to give his chauffer 1 day off a week to show alignment with a fuel rationing scheme , or cut the heat to his swimming pol 12hrs a week – these are taxes and inconveniences which these elites can hurtle over, it’s really no restriction on their lifestyle at all – This is just theatric symbolism to them. A way to show empathy for current lefty trends without really expending any real sacrifice.
    That said – laws like tis are making Calif. a hostile place to the working class -who have been fleeing the state for 10 years and taking their productivity with them. Calif. is destined to be a society of mansion dwelling idle class and the servant class who support their lifestyles. Legislating reflects this.

  2. Moonbeam Brown is a total idiot and typical liberal this is the same state of fools that wants special tratment for chickens then watches the price for chicken go up but then California has Disneyland and Hollywood so its not surprising how rediculous the voters are

  3. I’m thinking that Senor De Leon is an anchor baby. Per his website, he grew up near San Diego and it would seem that there was no father in his life (as indicated by his description of his boyhood and his hard working mother who cleaned houses for the rich in La Jolla as he watched, ie,supervised). California will soon be governed like Mexico ….. that’s not a good thing.
