55 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony.”

  1. Scrolling through that twitter string, I notice the Lib-apologist tried to deflect the obvious (Candidate Zoolander’s cluelessness to the graphic hypocrisy of feigning empathy with the working poor wearing luxury jewelry) by lying about the price of the watch – oh – it wasn’t +$10K , it was only 5-7K$ pfffttt Like where are your vales Dbag!
    Reflexive liars the lot of ’em

  2. And I’m much taller than you or angry tom you little hoi polloidirtbag
    But the same height as harrrrrrrpppppppper

  3. Harper’s not wearing the watch instead of Justin, so we fail to see what the issue is here.

  4. nv – further to your comment “so it’s your fault for not choosing a rich dad. Did you see the wheels my dad left for me?”

  5. Such is always the case with liberal elitists. Been away for a while.
    Still interested in seeing Caligula provide evidence of a mass
    livestock die off in Peru!

  6. Don’t worry little peon, when you sell your trailer maybe you can buy my watch, but not my actual watch because it was on my wrist so its worth like tons more.
    Anyway pour my coffee and give me my cranberry lemon muffin i have several other gutter creatures like you to meet and suck votes out of!!
    Having said all of that i do not detest a man for having money or riches or inheriting everything. Thats just silly.
    I do however have a serious problem with people who are filthy rich and try to pretend like they are somehow relate able to me or my peers it’s why i have a hard time voting period. They suck my money away they make far more than i do and then try to tell me that reducing taxes is a bad thing. well of course it is if you live off of my money you slimy sacks of shat!

  7. “Actually it’s about 5-7K. I’m sure if a conservative was wearing it it would be a totem of success.”
    ~John Moore
    You’re right.(except for the price which is over 10k.)
    And the reason it would be a totem of success is that the conservative would have earned the money to buy it by actually working for it.
    J. Trudeau was born with a silver spoon protruding from his orifice and never worked a day in his life.
    For him, success is winning the genetic lottery and being born with the name Trudeau.

  8. I can just see him at a gay parade, when an old hooker who’s had a few too many (drinks that is) approaches him and says: ”Hey there buddy, how much didja pay fur the watch??”
    No wonder he needs police protection!

  9. Say, Linda, don’t forget to mention Ontario school boards.
    They gave Justin big $$$$ for “speaking engagements” as well, even though they don’t seem to have enough money to buy all the classroom school supplies they need (despite the annual $12 billion Wynne deficit), such that Mr. Middle Class himself just had to deem it necessary to offer teachers a 100% tax credit for the classroom stuff they pay for themselves!
    Because, “You don’t get to suddenly discover compassion in the middle of an election campaign.”

  10. I’m sure he’ll hawk it at the next pawn shop to personally sponsor the next CHRISTIAN Syrian fleeing turmoil…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  11. Did he buy it in Canada, so I assume a big GST bill….. or did he buy out of country which means he should have paid duty on bringing it into country,,,,I wonder which of these two things he didn’t do>

  12. Did he buy it in Canada, so I assume a big GST bill….. or did he buy out of country which means he should have paid duty on bringing it into country,,,,I wonder which of these two things he didn’t do>

  13. Really, you’d think that Justin and his his youthful hipster handlers would have enough sense to buy, borrow or steal a $25 Timex from an Ottawa Walmart and have him wear it for a few months. Little things like that just tell you how shallow and incompetent they really are. Living in a bubble and pretending to be power brokers. Their fellow alumni from Upper Canada College would be impressed by the watch so it just follows that the envious and Neanderthal middle class would be inspired too, right?

  14. “”And I didn’t even earn the money to pay for it myself, my dad gave it to me in his will!”
    That. I could live with. It’s the truth that bothers me:
    “And I bought it myself… with the money I made by skipping my parliamentary duties and screwing charities and publicly-funded schools for speaking fees.”

  15. Who f*cking cares what JT’s watch costs! As much as I detest the little creep, the vast majority of politicians are hypocritical scumbags, saying one thing while doing another behind the scenes. We all know he’s had a spoiled, privileged life, the watch is meaningless.
    I also don’t give a flying f*ck what model his personal auto is or if he owns Seadoos, ATVs or a fleet of Harley Davidsons.
    It is what he would do to my country that scares the sh*t out of me, not his entitled upbringing.

  16. The gazillion dollar watch aside, isn’t there just something inherently creepy and slimy about the way he pretends to look longingly into the eyes of the underclass Timmie worker?
    He really gives me the willies.

  17. C’mon, this attack on Justin Clouseau is showing childishness and even some envy here …. this is the sort of thing the left does …. attack someone because of some trinket that they deem inappropriate. I don’t care what kind of watch that twit wears … we know he is fabulously wealthy and shows bad taste and says dumb things and is on the wrong side of what matters, but to dwell on his f**cking wrist watch is jejune and petty and stupid. Grow up … Conservatives are supposed to be the adults in the room. There are plenty of other things about him to criticize, such as, the idiotic policies he has been programmed to spew.

  18. SO i did a little looking around and found this:
    poke around a bit and you will find three watches that look like the one the pony owns – one in sivler and one in 18K gold.
    The silver is quoted at $9467 US; the rose gold model at $15,150, and the 18K gold is “price on request”, but i’m going to guess that it’s 2 to four times the cost of the white gold model – possibly $50,000 CDN
    Some journo needs to ask him which model he has.

  19. “It is what he would do to my country that scares the sh*t out of me, not his entitled upbringing.”
    Exactly! What is almost even worse is his media coalition partners complicity in his desire to emulate his most desired Chinese form of government, as well as in his hopes to gut the oil resource industry.

  20. Agree with Canadian Observer and Ken (Kulak)!
    Also, the MSM would never mention the watch anyway but had no problem making a huge issue over Preston Manning’s suits, new glasses and new hair cut.
    The problem is that this is the only crap that the low info voter is getting.

  21. Canadian Observer et al –
    “Who f*cking cares what JT’s watc h costs!”
    You miss the point – the point is that this picture tells a 1000 word essay on Justin’s mindset – First he’s clueless(that’s a given) – but he’s also creepy-arrogant and oblivious of it – because he thinks you are more stupid than he is to swallow his bad acting and open insincerity
    – flashing expensive bling in a staged photo op with “the little people” who could never afford such luxuries with the economic burden placed on them by pukes like the one pretending to empathise with them – tells us all we need to know about this guy – he has the type of contemptuous arrogance it takes to be a successful mob boss, despot or the patsy of one of these.
    The very thing that attracts these narcissists to power is the very reason they should never be allowed near it.

  22. Ayup. I can guess how that little discussion DIDN’T go:
    “…and because you were too stupid to get a good job and save for retirement, ma’am, I will steal money from people that DID save for their retirement…and give it to you!”

  23. HAHAHA!! A Timmies “everyman” photo-op gone horribly wrong! At least Jack Layton had the sense to pull the bike out of the limo’s trunk a couple of blocks away.

  24. If you could really hear the conversation you’d find out that what he’s really telling the min-wager is that if she elects him, he’ll buy out turncoat Timmies from that evil Brazilian hedge fund and return it to its rightful place as a Canadian corp with free coffee and donuts for every retired soldier and LEO who drops by, raise her pay to the point where she could afford to make monthly payments on a watch just like that, and promise her her very own Syrian state-sponsored refugee nanny so she could work forever as a Timmies min-wager and never have to pay to babysit the kids.
    Overheard after he left: “He promised we’d get married just after the election was over!”

  25. Has anyone seen Ontario Premier Wynne at her prodigy’s side of late? Has Butts caught on to the fact she’s not exactly the best person to be hanging out with while they’re talking about a recession. Ontario is in one for the long haul due to to ongoing bad management started by the McGuinty government she was a part of.

  26. Occam, I can’t speak for the others but I did not miss the point of the thread, I rejected it.
    If he normally wears a $20,000 watch, good for the little twit. I would be more disgusted if he were caught switching into a $25.00 Timex strictly for photo ops.
    It is simply sick that people are discussing the appropriateness of different wristwatches when the future of our country is at stake. This is the exact same superfluous bullsh*t we catch the MSM at daily. Jeez, who makes decisions about someone else’s “mindset” based on their choice of wristwatch? At worst, maybe he should fire his wardrobe advisors. They appear to be as dim-witted as those who advised him on policy.
    As J alluded to earlier, if Conservatives aren’t going to be “the adults in the room”, then who will? This country has multiple problems so big that some of them WILL end our standard of life as we have known it. And not one of these problems has a godd*mn thing to do with timepieces.
    You get our point now, Occam? And please refrain from adding errors to my quotes in the future.

  27. I don’t begrudge anyone for being a trust-fund kid in order to be able to afford a watch like that. Truth be told, I think that would be swell.
    Being subsequently unable to identify with the middle-class, never mind not even being able to indentify it? He is oblivious wearing that watch while schmoozing with the Great Unwashed because it is a symbol that he’ll never be able to empathize – ever. And that is fine; just don’t put on imperious airs that YOU know while your opponents don’t. That is just being baldly hypocritical, and this little fop is just like that.

  28. Well for everyone’s information that watch was paid for with tax payers money. Money Justin’s daddy got from the sale of Petrofina.

  29. Does anybody know for a fact that the one cent a liter TAX per litre of gas you bought to pay for the Petrofina purchase, was ever rescinded? By any government post Trudough I, because I’ll bet it never was based on the crapola that goes on in this country?

  30. Man this election race is frustrating. Even with the obvious roadblocks thrown up by the media, PMSH should be so far ahead in the polls that the other guys should have thrown in the towel. The Liberal leader is nothing more than a pampered, clueless dufus who seems to stumble from one gaffe to the next. The NDP leader is a creepy opportunist who loves to make expensive promises with no possible way of paying for them. Even the liv have to realize that both Trudeau and Mulcair will raise taxes. Even the liv must have come to the realization that neither one has any idea of the magnitude of danger posed to our citizens by terrorists at home and abroad. Everyone knows that the Prime Minister is not fond of tax increases and has, in fact, steadily decreased the tax burden over the years. Mr. Harper has also displayed that he has an understanding of the terrorist situation and knows what is required to protect Canadians.
    What the hell am I missing here? Are there really that many Canadians who don’t realize that “free stuff” has a price? Are there that many Canadians that can’t recognize Duffy and Wallin as non-issues?
    Or are the polls simply out to lunch as they have been so many times in the past?

  31. Canadian Observer – I look on the “I’m one of you” while wearing a $10,000 + watch and driving a million dollar automobile the same way I look at Al Capone being caught for tax evasion – it’s not that it’s too petty and small a way to get them, it’s that it IS a way to get them. If Justin is going to run on being a member (and/or protector of) the middle class then things like this that show his elitism should be thrown back in his face. Two or through gaffes by Justin can be ignored by most of the press, but if everything he tries turns into a gaffe, and someone calls him on them, then it will be easier to make “not ready for primetime” stick.

  32. that still stings, no one seems to bring that up. Millions to buy Pierre a legacy. Oh yeah and a great big inheritance. Talk about in touch with Canadian tax payers.

  33. J:
    The Constitution that his Daddy gave us allows us to form opinions on whatever!
    We do have a constitutional right to dislike Justin Trudeau, if not for his watch, for his attitude!

  34. Clueless?
    Yes indeed, as clueless as Obamas Wife showing up at a soup kitchen for a photo-op wearing 5,000 dollar sneakers.
    Justin is such a dork he thinks he is “middle class”.
    To those that think we are being “picky” this fool needs “watch-ing” JMO
