15 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Just electing one of their own. UN, home of despots ,dictators and dreams of world domination. Just kind of fits in with everything else that’s falling apart in the world.

  2. “Saudis to Behead UN Human Rights Council Panel” or Saudis to be head of UN Human Rights Council Panel, probably no significant difference in the potential outcomes.

  3. This is about money, pure and simple. Some high ups get 8 figures from the Saudis and the Saudis get influence. Perfect reason to start to reduce our involvement with the UN. If we’re serious about disassociating ourselves with the UN, that is how it starts, by judicious reduction of engagement whenever the UN does something particularly egregious – like this.

  4. Rights for thee but not for me
    If the UN were remotely functional and not made stupid and irrelevant by corruption, the Saudies would be under consistant UN bombardment for HR violations if not dragged into the world court for crimes against humanity – but they own the UN, bought it and use it to eliminate Israel and give the Muslin brotherhood a pass from prosecution like it’s counterpart , the klan

  5. Isn’t this going to make ISIL unhappy? I thought their slogan was
    “Leave the beheading to us!”

  6. When at the top of their form, Cleese et al couldn’t have come up with stuff this bizarre.

  7. This is the height of insanity. Our leaders have zero courage to not obey this muslim organization. We in the West pay the bulk for the this crap and we are so submissive to the islamic block of head choppers.

  8. @Tooner: Good unintentional pun as this one in the article’s text or is it?
    “a country that has beheaded more people this year than ISIS to be head of a key human rights panel ”

  9. This is the litmus test of reason and the world failed. Every nation-state member of the UN is responsible. Leave the UN or wear it.
