12 Replies to “What’s The Opposite of Diversity?”

  1. The atmosphere of Jack-boot fascism on campus includes the regulatory environment for organized groups to protect the status quo from competition. It’s a good introduction to the world outside the PC walls of campus.

  2. You probably need to apply for a “Permission to apply for a permit, permit” which takes 6 months to process. When you have your permit permit, then you apply for the permit you originally wanted to apply for. This takes another 4 months and by then the school year is over. Permits expire at the end of the school year and cannot be applied for till the start of the next school year. Problem solved, no one gets the permit they need. They all go to jail.

  3. My thought on the gun wasn’t why they need one but why anyone so stupid would be allowed to carry one. Why would anyone want to attend Fascist U?

  4. No free speech without a permit. That’s what our forefathers and mothers fought for.
    We are witnessing the newest human right, the right to not be contradicted.
    Shout down dissenters for the sake of freedom. If that fails, consider a RICO investigation.
    Never explain, just complain. Shout them down! Shout them down!

  5. One of the many reasons why I never went to university after graduating from high school. Instead I went straight to work while attending a vocational college part time. Sure I won’t make nearly as much money as some of these progressive whinos but at least I have morals in which they don’t seem to have anymore.

  6. Stomping and burning the flag is considered free speech, but handing out copies of the constitution is against the rules. The Komsomnol would approve.

  7. Freedom is seldom lost in one bite. It’s more like nibble nibble nibble until the senses go numb and acceptance paves over any objections. What we need is a map one could super impose over the freedom we had in say,…..1960. I think we would be shocked at how much we have lost. Today’s generation would not because they’ve never had it. Tried riding a bike without a helmet lately ? Played with real lawn darts ?

  8. ” Tried riding a bike without a helmet lately ? Played with real lawn darts ?”
    Perfect. And true. Next up…smurff horseshoes. And darts without pointy ends.

  9. “Tried riding a bike without a helmet lately ? Played with real lawn darts ?”
    When is the last time you saw kids at school recess playing ball with a real bat? How about enjoying a smoke in the local tavern or even outside in the local park? How about a toboggan hill at the local schoolyard? Or partaking of an alcoholic beverage at your campsite during the May long weekend? The list goes on and on and it’s only going to get worse. Much worse.

  10. DuPage has quite a history:
    –As the controversy surrounding the record-breaking $750,000 buyout of College of DuPage President Robert Breuder has emerged, readers must wonder about the spell Breuder has managed to cast over all but one of the members of his school board.
    Why are they defending him and fawning over his accomplishments, while the faculty, the national media, and the rest of the world question his actions and the cover-up of his financial shenanigans?
    Last September, the nearly 300 full-time faculty members of the overwhelmingly passed a vote of “no confidence” in President Breuder, the first in the college’s 57-year history.–
