41 Replies to “Why Is There Always A Big Screen TV?”

  1. Mass stupidity at work first aung a bunch of stupid protesters and then Mr George Gasoline ona fire jat what was he thinking?

  2. Well we usta call gas “white mans birchbark” now we have a Metis ancestor so I guess we can’t be racist, callin’ whitey, whitey.
    Is that a trigger? just askin’
    Busy today makin’ chow chow got way too many green tomatos to let em go to waste, sure smells good :

  3. I knew a former officer who was with the Tactical Unit at Ipperwash when the Dudley George incident took place. At night, the deceased Dudley took a tree branch, held it like a rifle at his shoulder and pointed it at a member of the tactical team whilst silhouetted by a fire barrel. Uncertain about the nature of what they were seeing, an officer took out the target. Dudley was tacitly stupid by anyone’s reckoning.
    It seems the brother suffers from the same intelligent quota, not realizing that warm gas has vapors that extend beyond the range of the liquid in the can, and can be ignited. Anyone smelling gasoline could surmise this fact and the range of the problem.
    The brothers are too stupid for their own good and are looking for ways to cull the herd – Darwin Award Winners, though the brother only gets honorable mention. Only the regular media won’t call it like it is.

  4. So the dumbass first immigrant used a white man invention to get his little fire going and when the danger of the white man’s invention became apparent on his burning skin, the white man whisked him away in another white man invention to be treated by white man medicine….do I have that right?
    Stuck on stupid™ indeed.

  5. If they were truly living off the land, independent of the “white people” would they be using gasoline to light fires, or power cars, or other handy dandy things, like snowmobiles and four wheelers,or have supplies flown into the God forsaken remote areas they cho0se to live?
    We have to realize the Indians know they can do whatever they please, no government authority will charge them and that should include protecting them from themselves when the play with fire.

  6. All I wanna know is; has enough time passed that I no longer have to feel “white guilt” over Dudley George, or should I continue to start every day flagellating myself for ten minutes with a traditional birch branch?
    And, as I too have Indian ancestors, am I allowed to ask if the George brothers are/were FAS babies? This is my Native side asking, not the other side.

  7. Must have got into the fire water. Clouded his use of common sense. This might be a case of “Starved of oxygen as a fetus”.

  8. This is terrible. What we need to do is have Occupational Health and Safety developed rules for the Indian protest. Rule 1, Do not point anything at police that might be mistaken for a gun. Rule 2, do not throw gasoline on open fires. Rule 3, Do not attempt to stand in front of moving vehicles. If one follows these simple rule all should go off without incident. And remember, Be careful out there AH.

  9. I suppose taxpayers will be on the hook for Smokey George’s ambulance, medical treatment, and the inevitable claim for compensation he will make to government.

  10. Haven’t read it, but if I understand the reviewers of the “Leap Manifesto,” the plan is that we are to turn the continent back to these “noble savages”?

  11. I made this comment at the Globe&Mail article only to have it held for moderation.
    “George should be nominated for the Darwin Award for matchless stupidity.”
    I don’t know if that comment will fly.
    I thought it a clever pun, ‘matchless’, get it? Huh, huh?

  12. I was amused reading the Nat. Post story, saying that another protester may have kicked the gas can back towards George. Except they illustrated it with a photo of him on fire, with the gas can still in his hand.
    Newspapers. You can count on them for accuracy!

  13. Bystander named Raving Eagle Fart – “Pierre, I always told you not huff and smoke!”
    Pierre – “S’okay Fart, it’s just my Richard Pryor schtick”

  14. “Howse youse to start the healing process, unlessin youse first being hurt? Answer me dat.”
    Pierre George

  15. My white grandfather had a gas station about 90 years ago, so when a protester gets hot under the collar, I guess it’s my fault.
