Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has A Plunderer

Climate Depot;

George Mason University Professor Jagadish Shukla (jshukla@gmu.edu) a Lead Author with the UN IPCC, reportedly lavishly profits off the global warming industry while accusing climate skeptics of deceiving the public. Shukla is leader of 20 scientists who are demanding RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) charges be used against skeptics for disagreeing with their view on climate change.
Shukla reportedly moved his government grants through a ‘non-profit’. The group “pays Shukla and wife Anne $500,000 per year for part-time work,” Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. revealed.

20 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has A Plunderer”

  1. Just channelling his inner Al Gore.
    What good is running a scam if you can’t monetize it for personal benefit?

  2. Global Warming/Climate Change is one of the biggist fruads in world history with a few conman like Al Gore and the varipus eco-freak groups(Enviromental Defense Fund,Greenpeace,SClub,Etc)making a few millions of $$$$$$$$$$$ from the usial suckers like the same ones who fell for the Save the Rainforests poppycock and now thees these 20 carck-pot scientists who want Obama the Fink to persicute all Global Warming Skeptics Gee it looks like were stepping on their bank accounts

  3. At least the military industrial complex bought some hardware. This monstrosity (CAGW scam) will have nothing but economic destruction to show for it.

  4. Oh for Gawd’s sake, the global warming scare is over. Oh look dear the climate changed – because of cosmic rays, tilts in the earth’s angle of rotation, solar activity, leading to changes in currents and oceans. OK got it. Noticed. That train has left the station and somebody sounds desperate.
    This fellow, his wife and other rent seeking CAGW shillers may want to look over their shoulders the next time one of them mentions using RICO to silence skepticism. About five more years of static or lower temperatures ought to do it.

  5. …is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation of corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change…”
    Well seems to me, Al Gore, David Suzuki, Michael Mann and Jagadish Shukla among others should in fact be the first to be prosecuted & convicted…No..???
    Each and every one of them nothing better than a Batshit salesmen with a mouth full of samples.
    There are your deceivers…the profiteers.!

  6. “The group “‘pays Shukla and wife Anne $500,000 per year for part-time work,’ Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. revealed.”
    Aw, geez, everyone – have a heart!
    Why, after they take out all the federal, state and municipal taxes from that, I’ll bet the Shuklas are barely seeing $300,000 or more a year.
    Oh, the humanity!

  7. Whats up with all the press releases about climate change lately?
    In 2015, France will be hosting and presiding the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11), otherwise known as “Paris 2015” from November 30th to December 11th. COP21 will be a crucial conference, as it needs to achieve a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.
    It’ll be here soon…….
    Who is this Jagadish Shukla?
    Sep 2015 George Mason Press Release:
    George Mason University climate professor Jagadish Shukla was appointed last month to the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change for his native India.
    The prestigious appointment means he’ll be advising a country on the science behind climate change and will be attending the United Nation’s Conference on Climate Change in Paris this fall.
    I think it will be one of the biggest climate-related events ever held,” Shukla said of the conference scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11 in Paris.
    A contingent of George Mason University experts will attend the UN conference, which promises to be pivotal turning point on this crucial issue.
    Shukla joins a George Mason delegation that includes Andrew Light, Thomas Lovejoy, Paul Schopf, Michael Shank, and Neil Ransom, an environmental science and policy graduate student.
    I’m beginning to see a pattern here……..
    Jagadish’s biggest discovery was made in 1999.
    Nov 1999 George Mason Univ Press Release:
    FAIRFAX, Va.—Jagadish Shukla, professor of earth sciences and global change at George Mason University, recently received a grant from the National Science Foundation for $1,250,000 for a five-year project to study climate variation.
    He discovered there was a lot of money available in Climate Science studies.
    He was born in India and I could write about India’s “class” culture which would explain certain other details but why bother.

  8. Anti-gun people accuse the NRA of “being a special interest”, because they don’t understand grassroots support – because their organizations are top-down astroturf.
    I see a similar dynamic here: these guys assume skeptics must be corrupt because that’s how they are.
    “Of course they’re running a racket – isn’t everyone?”

  9. These 20 so called scientists need to be arrested and charged with Fruad and other certian crimes they are bilking the money from american tax payers over a total lie

  10. Yet when PMSH recognizes bullsh*t and wisely decides to take a pass on the foolishness, he is demonized for contributing to global warming and embarrassing Canada in the process. If only a few more leaders exhibited some gonads, this whole thing would blow over in a big hurry and the Gores and Suzukis of the world would have to get real jobs.

  11. @ biffjr. Can’t agree more. However, we are on the side of those who – at least from what I have seen here – rely on doing their homework and due diligence when it comes to AGW, Climate Change, whatever the uninformed spew as ‘man-made’. It has simply not ever been substantiated by scientific fact from all that I have read (and I have read a lot).
    Mark Steyn’s compilation of articles in his book ‘Climate Change – The Facts’ is very enlightening and I’ve just about finished it. Some articles are dumbed-down science based facts so most of us non-scientists can consume the material. Some are almost op-ed type rebuttals to the usual op-ed crap we get from journalists – except these folks fill in a lot of blanks that the MSM either didn’t realize or simply chose to ignore.
    As long as we have LIVs and other dumb-ass, brain dead voters, PMSH will be ostracized and vilified. That’s what the MSM lives for.

  12. And the so called Union of Concerned Scientists their concerns are strictly political not scentific the same way with these 20 charlatants

  13. I wonder how Bill Nye the Mas Scintists guy thinks of this idea? many eco-freaks want trials for industrialists over thisClimate Change poppycock these granola munchers/tree huggers,gaia worshippers call them Climate Crinimals typical of a bunch of useful idiots raised on a steady diet of eco-crap from phonie text books and blabbering blabbermouths like Al Gore and Robert Kennedy Jr
