10 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. CBC = Creepy Broadcasting Company
    I can’t believe I am still being forced to pay for this steaming pile of ….. disinformation.

  2. I emailed Canadian PM STEPHEN HARPER yesterday, urging him to go to the FARTHEST NORTHERN REACHES OF CANADA,
    and plant CANADIAN FLAGS, especially on THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE, .. before the election.
    Doing so will win his CONSERVATIVE PARTY the admiration of the nation, and will result in a CONSERVATIVE PARTY RE-ELECTION in CANADA,
    I AM

  3. Is mothercorpse’s Freudian slip showing? – or maybe not perhaps this is calculated subliminal messaging

  4. Now why would you call it the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, when its real aim is to support the NDP?

  5. This is a GREAT idea, but would he actually take time off election campaigning to do this?

  6. Well Stevie has bowed to the leftist pressure and now the cons say they will set up to take in 10,000 ‘refugees’.

  7. They also refuse to call Australia’s moderate-conservatives the Liberal Party that is their actual name (contrasted with the lib-leftist Australian Labor Party) similarly using “conservative” instead. Although normally spelled in proper context as “conservative” instead of wrongly as “Conservative” as in the linked headline.

  8. You can’t have the New Democracy Party losing the Greek election so close to the Canadian election. Simply renaming it the Conservative Party solves their dilemma. It’s alright by CBC for the Conservative Party to lose.
    I swear if the Conservatives get re-elected and do not kill the CBC, next election I will give a big Lewinsky greeting to the Liberal leader because conservatism has been hopelessly lost.

  9. No problem C-guy. Justin immediately and bravely responded that the “Liberals would take 20,000 refugees! So there! – Nya na na na na – a raspberry to you PMSH!” Dear Lord, he’s such a child.
