Baby Boomers

Via Facebook: “Obama will track them down and give this family housing”.

هكذا يعلمون أطفالهم "الذبح"

Posted by Beirutpress on Wednesday, 26 August 2015

18 Replies to “Baby Boomers”

  1. Coming to a neighbourhood near you or maybe yours. What are the chances the media will use this rather than the dead boy on the beach? Didn’t think so.

  2. Yes. Your new next door neighbor that your kids will avoid like the plague and be accused of racism for doing so. That is unless you live in a wealthy neighborhood.

  3. Meanwhile our elementary school students are learning how put on condoms and kiss those of the same sex.

  4. “That is just so sick!!! What kind of person would teach a small child that sort of stuff?”
    Apparently a Muslim!

  5. A brood of psychopaths like this wouldn’t last a month in my neighborhood – we have a pig roast in summer, Oktoberfest bratwurst parties, Stampede bacon and egg breakfasts and Smoke ham luncheons at the community center, most people have a back yard smoker and make their own sausage.
    One utterance of Aloha Snackbar and their driveway would be drenched in pork fat essentially keeping them indoors for the duration.

  6. Yeah your nextdoor neightbors being mulims and demanding you stop cooking pork and bacon becuase the smell offends them tell them to GO POUND SAND

  7. Robert, you are on the right track.
    I have noticed CBC’s coverage contains many close-ups of women holding crying babies but in all the wide angle shots of these “refugees” about 90 – 95% are young men. I believe what we are actually witnessing is another mass cultural and religious invasion of the free world, with a few genuine refugees from Syria mixed in for effect.

  8. Your comment reminded me of a “funny” event that I happened to be part of a few years ago. Fifteen of my military colleagues and I were down in the cafeteria getting our breakfast sandwiches one morning. The usual guy wasn’t there and there was a new hire working the sandwich station(he looked middle-Eastern and his name tag said “Achmed”). Anyhow, my favourite breakfast is a bagel, slathered with mayo, cheese, egg, bacon and topped off with a few cucumbers. Every guy in line wanted the same kind of sandwich…making “poor” Achmed handle about two pounds of bacon two strips at a time. The next morning, when we went down to get our breakfast sandwich Achmed was gone…never saw him again.

  9. Next time you’re at the supermarket, load your cart full of bacon. Then decide you don’t want any it. Instead of putting it back in the pork department, return it to the halal meat section, you know, for poops and giggles. Who doesn’t love bacon wrapped goat meat? Better yet, add a few kosher items too. Guaranteed to make the evening news for the “hate crime du jour”.

  10. Cultural pathologies which are merely opposites sides of the same demented coin.
    This kid is hacking off the teddy bear’s head; while Planned Barrenhood does it fur real.
    Teddy bear parts or dead baby parts; in the end they are still dead meat to be celebrated or
    sold on the open market…according to relative dictates of Sharia extremists or Planned Barrenhood
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  11. Handing a small child a big knife. What could go wrong? I hope this is a just a bad, dangerous hoax.

  12. Thats OK. I taught my son how to shoot, and I gave him a Saint Christopher and Saint Michael meadallion to wear on his dog tags.

  13. “So many people can’t live their childhood properly because of him [Mohammed]. So many people are sufferers of his disasters. So many people know what’s right as wrong and what’s wrong as right because they think the darkness that he chose exists. Human emotions and human creations haven’t progressed in many ways, because of him.”
    – Turan Dursun, Turkish Islamic scholar and former Mufti who later abandoned his religion and was assassinated as a result.
    Islam = degeneracy.
