21 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Please people, do not go onto the CBC site and make comments about the election. You will face a complete on slot of stupidity. There is no shortage of stupidity.

  2. dj: Re: CBC comments!
    Finally–someone is alive and well and not under the ”Walking Dead” spell of CBC viewers!! Never in my life (I’m 66) have I seen so many idiots!! And you are right!! Every time we click on Cbc.Ca, whether we’re Conservative or Commie, we’re giving them credit and reason to continue their funding, because all online web sites can be monitored for number of ”visits”they receive.

  3. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/gunmen-abduct-canadians-from-philippine-resort-island
    “Gunman” , W.T.F. , who writes these headlines, the M.B. ?
    The Assoc. Press story is written to obscure what happened here. But clearly, the Canadians, one of the wives and the Norwegian have been kidnapped for ransom by Muslim terrorists/pirates.
    Watch the MSM in Canada ignore the implications of this because of the federal election. Wouldn’t want to inject any inconvenient facts, would they?
    No where is safe until Canada and the rest of the civilized world decides to search out and destroy these pirates. Just as has been necessary throughout the last 1400 years of the history Muslim terrorism.
    What is needed is “gunman” , good men with guns to go the the rescue and the eradication of these miscreants.
    The NDP leader, Tomas Mulcair has already announced retreat as his policy, should he be elected.
    Of course, advocating Canadians retreat to the Canadian mainland and cower is the corollary of his position.

  4. AGW RIP.
    Ich Bin Eine Rot-Groener VW Papst.
    “Green’ Cars Meltdown As VW Emissions Scandal Rocks Car Industry”
    “The federal government paid out as much as $51 million in green car subsidies for Volkswagen diesel vehicles based on falsified pollution test results, according to a Times analysis of the federal incentives. Such green car incentives have also gone to buyers of hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell cars.”
    “Pope Francis: Global warming is a threat to humanity”

  5. Its been almost or is a year since those Useful Idiots marched through the streets of New York City lead by other useful idiots like Al Gore and Robert Kenendy Jr in the Useful Idiots Climate March demanding Big Goverment and carrying dumb signs with dumb slogans on them Yeah Useful idiots they were and probibly still are

  6. We must we must keep Stephen Harper off message. If we don’t then real issues will count, so the voter will actually realize how full of shiite we are. Elections are no time for serious discussions; how does that promote our stupid arguments?
    Harper says funding for Fox foundation was a response to a request from them:
    “The Conservatives promised that if re-elected, they would match all donations raised during this year’s Terry Fox Run, fund a cancer prevention centre in Vancouver and renew existing funding for a national treatment and prevention centre. “In August of this year we received a request from the Terry Fox Institute and the Terry Fox Foundation for the kinds of contributions and matching funds we’re setting up,” Harper said. “We fulfilled that request; I think it’s a great policy.”
    Harper didn’t answer NDP Leader Tom Mulcair’s demand that he apologize to the Fox family. “We should not be allowed to politicize a Canadian hero like Terry Fox,” Mulcair said in Moncton, N.B.”
    No, but false stories about dead babies washed up on foreign beaches are OK, you friggin hypocrite.
    “For the Conservatives to have been playing crass politics without the permission of the family or the foundation, I think it speaks for itself of what they’re willing to do.”
    I know, helping the Fox Foundation raise lots of money. They don’t want to comment during an election campaign, so no the Fox family is not “upset.” Mulcair does what he accuses Harper of, drawing the Fox family into “crass politics.”
    Shame on you Mr Mulcair, will your malfeasance, malevolence mendacity ever end? Yes, on October 19th. Please apologize to them immediately. What’s that – never explain, only complain? Oh, that explains it:
    “In a statement, the Terry Fox Foundation said they don’t get involved in politics but welcome new investment commitments from any and all political parties.”
    This just goes to show you can’t shout them down all the time, the mediocracy needs to take over while the progressive doofuses take a breather.

  7. I have yet to figure out how they come up with these claims for “warmest year ever!”. There is never any explanation of what temperature records they are using. Some of it is very counter-intuitive. I think they are just making it up.

  8. They use ground measurement stations, even though every other climate dataset, including more accurate satellite measurements, contradict their “findings” of the “warmest year/summer/day/minute on record.
    These are the same ground measurements under scrutiny by various governments over tampering charges where “adjustments” have been made, effectively cooling past temperatures to make current ones seem comparatively warmer. They also don’t like to mention the September 2015 “record” was with only 30% “certainty.”
    IOW totally bogus; then again when did that stop the warmist rent seekers?

  9. The other thing that is not clear is what exactly they mean when they say “warmest”. A few years ago I tracked down what was meant and it seems that they were simply totting up number of record warm days vs. record cold days (or maybe they did not even look at record cold days — I can’t recall.)
    Regardless, it was a bizarre way to calculate to my mind. That approach certainly does not equate with “warmest year ever”. I suspect they seek out whatever works to make the claim they are determined to make. Their “conclusion” is certainly established well in advance — then they have to scramble to get matching figures.

  10. “Ontario contradicts Mulcair on child care”
    “The Ontario government is disputing NDP Leader Tom Mulcair’s assertion that the country’s largest province supports his plan to create one million $15-a-day child care spaces.”
    “Study links Quebec’s universal child-care system to crime rates”
    “In a paper released Monday, a group of university researchers say that children exposed to the province’s child-care system were more likely to have higher crime rates, worse health and lower levels of life satisfaction as they have aged than their counterparts in other provinces who didn’t have access to the same type of system.
    The research is likely to throw a political wrench into the federal election, where the New Democrats have made bringing Quebec-style child care to the rest of the country a key plank in their platform.”

  11. Watermelon Lizard May’s CRA Teeth.
    “May vs. Munk — and the media’s selective outrage over partisan charities”
    “The Green Party is so mad that leader Elizabeth May has been excluded from the Munk Debates that they’ve complained to Canada Revenue.”
    “Mack The Knife Louis Armstrong
    Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
    And he shows them, pearly white
    Just a jackknife has MacHeath, dear
    And he keeps it out of sight.”

  12. Justin grew a backbone, when asked about misogyny he responded;
    “I don’t know where exactly to point my finger, I think there’s probably an awful lot of factors that come together to shape societal behaviours, whether it’s certain types of music — there’s a lot of misogyny in certain types of music… And there’s also the shifting parental roles, there’s a lot of communities in which fathers are less present than they have been. There’s a need to have more, engaged, positive role models.”
    But the spine was only temporary. He apologized when a race baiter baited him.
    In the Global interview 24 hours earlier,JT was asked:
    What are the two or three things that you firmly believe in?
    # 1 for Justin, ” The idea that you say what you mean and mean what you say …. ”
    His top value didn’t last too long, did it?
