8 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Exactly, OWG.
    Prof Card appears to be one of those “non-political” political economists.
    Funny how most of his research comes up with “aha” moments regarding seemingly illogical conclusions like “raising the minimum wage doesn’t affect jobs” or “immigration does’t affect wages”.
    If you drop an apple on someone’s head enough times, it’ll miss once – and undoubtedly Professor Card will run off claiming gravity doesn’t really exist.
    Where is Captain Capitalism when you need him?

  2. In typical grifter fashion, if a Pathocrat Prog tells you that fire will not burn you, and if it’s an advantage in forwarding his concealed agendas that you believe in things which are contrary to the laws of physics and nature, he will turn to his Baal priests of the science cult to sanctify the prevarication with cleansing, righteous “statistics”. These holy stats come from the sacred studies of predetermined patronage science and will always say things like = night is day, black is white, wrong is right etc. if it is expedient to the patron funding the “study”.
    In this case we have some bootlick of the Obamanation® defiling the immutable actuarial math of economics of labor by telling us a flood of needy workers into a local labor force with established wage structures based on support for an elevated working class life style will not negatively impact the wage scale
    – perhaps this “statistic” has less to do with “study” than inside knowledge that all progressive pathocracy jurisdictions with open borders immigration are currently engaged in mandating large increases in minimum wage. It is no coincidence prog-left nations with illegal alien issues are ALL increasing the mandatory minimum wage. – in doing so they negate the fact that the labor market is a demand economy. With government wage diktat in the labor markets they become demand markets with predictable results.
    Unfortunately the favored predictable result of no negative impact on wages by the increased illegal worker will be eclipsed by lack of work as employers react to demand wage increases with layoffs or business closures – driving the labor market underground where illegal and unskilled workers are paid below mandated minimum with no net gain for the working class. More socialist meddling with unintended consequences – the laws of economics are very predictable as human nature is predictable.
    Then again socialism is divorced from economic realities so it manufactures its own realities. Just as a poetic discussion of the weather is not meteorology, so an issuance of moral pronouncements or political creeds about the economy is not economics. Economics is a study of cause-and-effect relationships in an economy. The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.
    “The best minimum wage is zero unemployment”
    — Thomas Sowell

  3. That’s one of my criticisms of the Conservatives. They let in 250,000 foreigners annually to keep labour costs under control. I don’t see what is wrong with having a shortage of unskilled labour so they can earn a living wage.

  4. When the usual suspects wail their mantra “Oh, the humanity!” and demand we throw open our doors to the world’s poor and downtrodden, they directly attack the poor we already have here, the very ones they claim already desperately need help. Absolutely typical of their blindness to their own hypocrisies.
    Exact same thing when they demand we squeeze the 1% to death with no concept of how that will strangle investment and further squeeze the job market.
    Exact same thing with demanding ridiculous minimum wages, there will simply be fewer jobs available for the unskilled masses. Inflation, due to the spike in wages that this will create across the board, will quickly eat up most of the gain.
    The exact same thing as defending Islam, which openly wants to destroy virtually every other minority they pretend to give a sh*t about.
    Actually, we have seen poor little white kids persecuted with mindless “zero tolerance” policies for chewing food into the shape of a gun or because mom put a paring knife in his lunchbox to slice an apple. But, if you are darker skinned in many regions, you can carry ceremonial daggers and fake bombs to school and you will be made a national hero. It’s f*cking insanity.

  5. Let us see now.
    The academics set themselves apart from those that are not. They, by passive aggressive means, no doubt learned in the diversity classes, enforce the idea that they know and the rest don’t.
    It turns out that as much as they would like to, it’s not working out. Academics are as greedy, use as much sleight of hand, as much deceiving statistics as would anyone that ended up in the lock up industry. They operate on the assumption that those other ones have no right to question since they are not.
    They went to school for a long time, perhaps initially, to learn stuff.
    It is becoming more obvious that there are those that don’t have the capacity to acquire solid knowledge. They have learned instead how to use rhetoric and a lot of words that don’t mean anything, though they sound impressive, to spread sophistry without solid base.
    Here are some thoughts on the subject.

  6. While there needs to be a balance between controlled labour costs and job loss due to offshore job outsourcing caused by the quest to keep labour costs down, Conservatives could at least draw foreign labour from the European pool that shares much of our legacy culture instead of from Asian, African, and South American sources that have cultures which clash with our legacy Canadian culture.
    Sometimes I wonder what the people who run the CPC think the word conservative even means.

  7. Wages may be held down a bit but since the immigrant labour is producing goods and services, prices should be held down a bit too.
    In a free market, what you put in equals what you take out because all transactions are voluntary between individuals. This applies to immigrants as well, who are in the same economic situation as new graduates or others entering the workforce for the first time.
